
Chapter 4 Part 2

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 4 Part 2

By: Pineappl3

Felicia POV

It had been weeks since I had found out my dad had died. I had seen him just days before. We were having a family dinner and my dad mentioned everything was going well.

I wasn't convinced since I still vividly remember getting attacked by Kingpin's men who were looking for my dad, but I decided to trust him anyways. I was a fool. If I had just asked Baldur, he could have helped, he could have prevented it.

Know though? I'll help myself. With Baldur's assistance I'll keep training till I'm strong enough to not have to ask for help. I'll get revenge for my dad and once I've finally done that I'll figure out what to do next.

I relaxed from my position above a building and shivered slightly at the nightly breeze. 'Jinx, can you make the suit a little thicker? I can already feel the autumn winds.'

I felt Jinx's response and in seconds the outfit I was wearing became thicker and better insulated towards the cold.

I was fitted in a black bodysuit made from my familiar. I usually had him take the form of regular clothes, but tonight I needed something different. The suit had a base color of midnight black with a few white trims to match my hair color.

To finish off the outfit I had a simple domino mask that was enchanted to change my eye color to blue and prevent any loose strands of hair from falling out.

Noticing my prey down below, I stood up and stretched my legs. 'Let's hope you're right Jinx or this is going to hurt.' Bending my legs every so slightly, I jumped off the building and doved towards my quarry.

I fell 5 stories and crashed onto the first man, one of six gangsters who belonged to the Kingpin. Alerted by the sickening crunch of their allies, the men quickly turn towards me and draw their guns.

I dash towards the closest man and the sound of clicks fill my ears. 'Can't shoot if your gun is jammed.' Assisted by my magic I willed it so their guns jam and with my Jinx improved strength I punch the man I charged.

I could hear his bones snap as I knocked the wind out of him with my strike. Was down for the count so I moved onto the next person.

"Fuck! Why aren't our guns working!?"

The gangers started to panic and decided to ditch their guns. They surrounded me but with clever use of my magic, one trips mid charge. His momentum carries him into his ally, knocking both down.

The remaining two men flank me and I dodge their strikes. Through some bad luck they strike each other and I use the opportunity to finish them with a single kick each. The last two pick themselves off the floor and try to put on a brave front.

"We work for Kingpin, once he finds out what you did, you're dead meat."

I scoffed and had Jinx form claws. "Well, you can tell him Black Cat sends her regards," and with that I sprang forward, flipping over both men. Before they can react I slash their backs leaving nastys gashes.

Feeling my mana reserves running low from my constant manipulation of Fate, I decide to finish the battle with one last kick. With a simple roundhouse, I managed to hit both men and knock them out.

It had felt good to beat them, but I was nowhere near satisfied. It was a long night, and I know there are plenty of people who deserve the beating I'm about to give.

"We make a good team Jinx, now let's find a place to recuperate. It's a good thing I learned how to make those mana potions, I just wish I could get them to taste good like Baldur's.'

With a powerful leap, I soared through the air using a gust spell to control my momentum. With a roll I get my footing atop a seven story building and have Jinx spit out my Bag of Holding.

Digging around my bag, I pull out three vials. Two contained concentrated mana and the last held chocolate, for Jinx. After consuming the vials resumed my game of Cat and Mouse with criminals.

As I jumped from building to building I noticed the apartment complex I had lived in with my mother. It had been a while since I'd seen her, as I moved out shortly after my dad's death.

I couldn't handle her constant drinking and bipolar attitude, I missed her though and before I knew it I was on the firescape looking in. With a sigh and a flick of my wrist, I moved the lock on the window and entered.

I snuck my way though my own home and eventually found my mother. She was passed out drunk with bottles surrounding her, and I could smell the slight stench of spoiled food. I sighed to myself and began to clean the place.

After 10 odd minutes and some magic, the place was clean and my mom was now sleeping in her bed rather than on the floor.

On the fire escape I took one more long look at my home and closed the window. Locking it, I returned to my hunt by diving off the platform. Using a spell to conjure a temporary whip made of vines, I used it to pull myself closer to the building.

From there my hands turned into claws and I climbed up the side until I reached the top. 'It's going to be a long night Jinx.'


Sofia POV

I woke up with a start. Covered in sweat and shivering I brushed the covers off my body and made my way to the kitchen. I fetched myself a glass from the cabinet and poured myself some water from a pitcher.

I heard some movement from behind, "Can't sleep? I know the feeling. You have visions of the past and I got ones from another life."

I turned to face Aldebaran and raised a brow at his statement. "What are you talking about?"

He flipped the light switch and the kitchen lit up. He then made his way over to the center island and took a seat on one of the stools. "Sorry, I forgot people don't like it when I know a conversation before it happens. And no, the runes dont stop my divination."

He let out a big sigh, "It's a blessing and a curse. I didn't really study for 20 years, that was the old me. The me from Azum."

Before I could respond he interrupted me, "Yes, the same world as Baldur. After I met him I began to see more. I started to notice that my dreams and of my future were actually visions of another life."

I stared at him and shook my head. "Can you stop taking the lead?"

"I'll stop taking the lead."

"So," I began, "How did you come here?"

"Well, from my visions I could at least gather the fact I was with a group of close friends. We were looking for a great Archmagus to aid us in saving the world. The Old and New Gods were fighting and it was tearing our world apart."

Aldebaran grimaced as he recalled all that had happened, "A whole bunch of us from Azum fell through the cracks of space and were taken to a place called The Waste. Many people died, but my party survived."

I interjected, "But Master Baldur never mentioned a place called 'The Waste.' Are you sure-"

"Yes, he was there. He just didn't know it. His Magus Tower was so well built he didn't even feel the translocation. He was also so caught up in his ritual preparation I doubt he would have even cared."

I was shocked at this revelation. "You mean to tell me that Master Baldur didn't even know he was taken to another place?"

He sighed, "It isn't that hard to believe, his tower was fabled for being so sturdy that the world could end and he would still survive by living in it. But we are getting side tracked."

Aldebaran took a few deep breaths and I took the chance to take a seat because I could tell this would be a long story.

"We had just escaped the clutches of a vile Vampiress and we were looking for refuge, it was then I divined the existence of Baldur and his tower. We had all heard of him and we knew his feats, so we wanted to test our luck and see if he could aid us."

I shifted in my seat and took a sip of my water. "What happened next?"

"We decided to split the party, it was the worst mistake ever. Me, Balrog, Hakon and Hakon's betrothed left behind my stalker, Balrog's wife Celia, and Galrum. They would search the area for supplies and make camp while we would try and enter the tower."

It was then Aldebaran stood up from his seat, "Before we could even enter the tower, a blinding white light enveloped us." He didn't continue and he made his way to his room, leaving me in silence.

'Um. Alright then.' I shook my head and turned off the light. Making my way back to my room I noticed a figure slipping into Felicia's room. It hadn't been long since I realized she had been sneaking out.

I was curious to the reason why, but I knew It was none of my business what she did with her free time. I was glad though, with everything going on around me it helped me forget my terrible past.

I just hoped I could get stronger soon so I could make sure I was never taken advantage of again. 'I'll never go back, and those Russian gangsters will pay.' I took a deep breath and centered myself just like Master Baldur taught me.

It would do me no good to lose myself. After a moment I was calm and decided it was best I get back to bed so I could focus on training the next day. 'Athena said I'm almost ready for my baptism, then I can really start training.'

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