
1-The Reboot of Arthur Ironhearth's Life

In the Recorded of 2050, The Last Human Stronghold fell in the Hands of the Undead. With the Last Beacon of Humanity extinguished, Most humans were left in the darkness with nothing but the undead right beside their side. Chaos and Anarchy slowly spread within the Stronghold as the Evacuation of the Last Humans began. Within the City, A Man was running across the Streets while holding his Colt M4A1 Rifle.

"Tsk... Never did I thought that the Stronghold would fall." The Man said as he ran through the Quiet Streets. He was far from the Main Streets that was full of people. It was very dangerous to be in a large panicked group in an Apocalypse, which was why most Survivors create their Own Groups or be a Solo-Survivor. While running on the streets, The Man saw a Store without any people in it.

"A Store?" The Man knew that he had to get in and create a plan about getting out of the Stronghold. Without any questions, The Man got in the Store and barricaded the Door. He didn't want any humans or undead entering the Store. After barricading the Door, He looked around and check for anything hiding as ambushes might cost him his life.

He went all around the store and check for any exits. He barricaded all of the Entrances and prepared to check the Second Floor of the Store. The Man was lucky to have found a store without any humans. He would rather be alone than deal with anyone useless. The Store was clear, and the man was left alone in the Building. He covered the Windows and checked the Kitchen for supplies. There was nothing there other than a Bottle of Beer. He shook his head in disappointment and leaned on a wall.

"I wonder what would happen after this event? There is nowhere humans could stay, and exiting the stronghold would mean certain death, especially for people without any abilities." The Man had no abilities that he could use. He used his Smarts and Wits to survived through the Apocalypse. The Man slowly sat on the floor and looked at the ceiling. He could still remember the First Hours of the Apocalypse.

A Bright Light illuminated the World and forced everyone to sleep. When they woke up... The World was in Chaos, and the Fires of Suffering were scattered. The Black Ashes covered the Skies as the Cries of Children and Women kept echoing in his ears. Thunderous Sound of Explosion destroyed everything on their path, and the panicked crowd fed itself into a meat grinder. It was worse than the Current Event in the Stronghold as it was when Humanity lost its hegemony.

"Why do I keep remembering such things from the past..." The Man shook his head. He had many regrets that he wished that he could get an Ability. After the Apocalypse started, Awakened Humans popped up in the World. They were strong, and they could easily survive the Apocalypse, but the undead was also getting stronger. Humanity fought each other, thinking that they would be returned to their former glory, but the Undead grew stronger.

"The ability to control the Elements. The Ability to make your Body Stronger. The Ability to control anything using your Mind. Why didn't I have any of these abilities?" The Man couldn't help but mumble such words. The Regrets he had was waiting in his heart, and when he was finally backed into the corner. He had to face the regrets hiding deep within his heart.

"I should stop saying pathetic things. The first thing I have to do is to survive in this Fuck-up World." The Man said with a serious tone as he stood up from the Floor. He took out the Beer and drank it to lower his depression. He gulped the Beer without any sign of stopping, and after drinking the Beer. He threw it and had a satisfied expression.

"It's been a while since I drank a Beer." The Man released a smile. It was pretty dangerous to be carefree in this Apocalyptic World, but since Humanity fell. It was better to enjoy everything rather than dying in a Wasteland full of Undead. While the Man was having fun from being drunk, he noticed a Book on top of a Table. He looked at it as he furrowed his Eyebrows.

"A Book?" The Man said with a curious tone as he walked towards the Table. He already barricaded the Doors and the Windows, so he had no fear of the Undead sensing him. Although they were fast and strong, They still rely on their senses, The Sense of Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Taste. The Undead could only find him if there were no preys left in the Stronghold.

Arriving near the Table, The Man looked at the Book. He stared at it with his Blue Azure Eyes as he reads the Title of the Book. "The Magus Grimoire? What kind of book is it?" The Man holds the book and planned to open it. As his Fingers reached the edges of the book, He tried to open the book but found that it was sealed. He was a bit disappointed, but he still took the book as he was interested in it.

"Finding a Book in this Store, I wonder who owned this Book." The Man said while playing with the book. He had nothing to do other than hold his Gun. He never took out his gun, even if he slept. The world was too dangerous for him to leave one of his weapons out of his hands. He began to investigate the Store as he only checked if anyone was there. He didn't look at everything and was in a hurry.

As he began investigating the Store, He noticed a Picture. It seemed that it was the owner of the Store. He looked at them and found that they were a happy family. They survive through the Apocalypse as a Family as they were within the Stronghold. Some of them died through Old-Age and didn't even get eaten by the Undead. The Man smiled while looking at the Picture. "They are quite Fortunate."

While the Man smiling for no reason, He noticed a strange feeling deep within his heart. That Feeling was something that helped him survive in this Apocalypse World. He then looked around and finally noticed that the Explosions stopped. The Whole Stronghold was in silence. He felt a Chill in his Spine and Something jump through the Window.


The Man fired his Rifle towards the one that broke through the Window. He fired directly at its head, and the man noticed that it was the Undead. They managed to find him as he was the only human left in the Stronghold. The Man gritted his teeth by such realization as his Heart was beating wildly. He was nervous as many Undead would come charging. He needed to escape from the Store, or else he would get cornered.

He looked around the Floor and found a Small Bag. He put all important things in the Bag, including the Book he found. He then wore the Small Bag on his back and exited the Store through the Window broken by the Undead. After exiting the Store, He quickly noticed how desolated the Stronghold was.

"I really am Unlucky." The Man began running through the streets. He was far from the Walls, and he was sure that the Gates would be full of zombies. The only thing he could do was delay his death as much as possible. He then looked around and found a High-rise building. 'I need to go through the emergency stairway to reach the Roof.' The Man head towards the High-rise building as it was the only Tall Building near him.

As the Man ran through the Streets, He could hear the Growls of the Undead behind him. They were fast and were probably faster than him. His Thumping Heart was felt throughout his body as he continued running through the streets. While the Man was running towards the High-rise Building, A Stage 2 Undead managed to see him.


The Undead screamed, and its Voice echoed all over the Area. The Man could hear the Undead's Voice and felt that he was going to die. The Man finally arrived at the High-rise Building. He didn't plan to go through it the normal way and wanted to take the Emergency Staircase. He climbed through the Emergency Staircase as the Andreneline stopped him from feeling his weakened legs.

"A Stage 2 Undead gave off my Location. It seems that I have no chance to continue my life in this Apocalypse World." The Man said to himself as he panted. His breathing was course, and his body was tired. He didn't have any ability, and he would probably get surrounded by the Undead. He was probably the Last Human in this Apocalypse World.

"Why am I even trying to survive in this Fuck-up World. There is no hope left. The Undead already overrun this Stupid World." The Man said as he barricaded the Door of the Rooftop. The Undead in the Stronghold was charging towards him. The Man looked at the Stronghold and noticed black shadows heading towards him at a fast speed.

The Man then sat on the floor and opened his Bag. He could see the Book and his Last Supplies. These were the only things he had left in this Apocalyptic World. It was important to him as these were things he would probably see before his death. The Man took out the Book and tried to open it again. As he used all his strength, He could finally open the Cover of the Book.

There were words written in the Book. The Man looked at it with curiosity and read it. "Are you giving up?" The Man was in silence and spoke with a silent tone. "This is strange..." The Man tried to open another page and found that it was locked. He couldn't open the Pages of the Book. The Man looked onto the Skies and noticed that it was Orange. The Sun was setting on the Horizon. It was time for the Darkness to engulfed the World.

The Growls of the Undead echoed. They were very loud as they have no fear. While the Man was sitting on the Floor, He noticed a Building slightly shaking. He knew that it was the Results of the Undead's siege upon him. He wanted to give up and be free from this World Full of Suffering, but he stood up and held his Rifle tightly.

He walked towards the Railing and looked at the Bottom of the High-rise Building. Hordes of Undead were going through the Building. Some of them were climbing while Some of them were using their bodies as stepping stones. They were too ugly as their unsightly blood and flesh were scattered all over the building.

"They really are planning to eat me." The Man smiled as he pointed his Rifle towards the Undead. They outnumbered him, and his Bullets weren't enough. He couldn't escape in the Building as he was Surrounded, and He couldn't escape the Stronghold as the High-level Undead would eat him alive. He had no choice but to do what he needed to do. Never Give Up was his Motto in the Apocalypse World.



The Thunderous Sound of Gunshots echoed in his ears as the Flashes of his Rifle could be seen through his eyes. He felt excited to be fighting against a Horde of Undead. While spraying his Rifle towards the Undead, The Man was smiling for no reason. He was releasing the Pent-up feelings that he accumulated during the Apocalypse. His Regrets, His Problems, His Suffering, and His Dreams. They were released to the world around him through Gunpowder.

The Sound of a Rifle spraying echoed all around the Stronghold. Many Undead heard such a sound and quickly ran towards it. They could see a Man spraying his Bullets towards the Undead that were climbing towards him. Some of the Undead were Stage 2 Undead. They looked at him from afar and threw trucks or cars towards him.

"More Stage 2 Undead managed to find me, but I guess there is nothing I could do about it. Sooner or later, They would find me. The only thing I did was making it faster." The Man sighed as he stopped spraying his Rifle towards the Undead. He took out the Cartridge and found that he only had Two Bullets left. Seeing the Two Bullets, He knew what he needed to do.

The Man loaded the Cartridge back and pointed the Rifle to himself. He could feel the shaking building. Some of the vehicles that were launched at him manage to hit the building. He couldn't help but clicked his Tongue as the shaking disrupted him from meeting his own end. He decided to try it again. But before he could do it, The Man heard a voice asking him his name.

*What is your name?*

"W-what? Who are you?" The Man looked around in a shocked expression. No one was near him, and the Undead were halfway of the High-rise building. Was he Hallucinating? Was he going crazy in his Last Moments? The Man never knew the answer, but the Voice asked him again.

*What is your name?*

"Arthur Ironhearth... That is my name." The Man answered as he wanted the Voice to stop asking his name. The Rifle was still pointed towards his head. He then slowly pulled the Trigger with his Finger, and a Bright Light Illuminated the Rooftop of the High-rise Building. The Man couldn't react to the Bright Light as he was taken by surprise.

In the Recorded Year of 2025, An Hour before the Apocalypse fell upon the World. A Third-Year Highschool Boy woke up with a shocked expression. He looked around and found himself in a classroom surrounded by people. He didn't know what was happening, but as he looked at his arms. He couldn't see the Scars that reminded him of his regrets.

"I-I'm back in the past..." Arthur mumbled as he couldn't help but shake in happiness. He wanted to cry in Joy. But Arthur was currently surrounded by people. Arthur had a habit of hiding his feelings when he was near people as they would probably use it as an Advantage. The Apocalypse taught him a lot of things about Humanity.

He looked at the window right next to him and saw a fully functional Human Civilization. While Arthur was having the time of his Life, He suddenly remembered the Book. It was the Magus's Grimoire, and the Book was very suspicious. The only thing he needed to do was grow in this World and survive in the Apocalypse World.

He would live without any regrets and save all of his important love ones. It was the Reboot of his Life, A Second Chance to walked upon the World.

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