1 Log No. 0

The Rupturing

That is what we called the first wave of unknown monsters that came out of rupture-like portals from the ground and sky.

These monsters we were of metallic nature, pieces of unknown minerals and elements were their whole biology, an indication that they did not follow our universe's laws.

We call them "Ionoids".

It is unknown why they came here, but their arrival brought upon the destruction of an Era.

However, their invasion came to an abrupt stop as their bodies weren't able to last long in this planet.

And this became the second wave of death as their bodies became volatile and polluted the air with poisonous gas that had fragments of unknown element.

It wiped nearly half of the world's remaining population.

But, by our Nature's law, even poison became the cure. The incalculable death became our reason to fight. The poison became our power.

Because of the unknown element, it gave a new generation unknown powers and abilities.

Humans mutated and their offspring became a new evolution of humans, the Teranoids.

These Teranoids became the bastion of evolution and progress.

With their power, they helped create Fortress Cities, advanced Science, Created a New Generation of Weapons, and Produced Tera-Soldiers that could wield them.

And after a hundred of years of silence, the Rupture came once more. This time, it is a war for survival.

-Log End-
