
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantasy
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23 Chs


"Such magnificence I was thinking. Such splendor made up to be immortal and to witness the change of the world, a reflection of the eternity the mortal wanted to glimpse, unlike a certain lonely person that people chose to forget for being different. The voice of the guide and the noise of others decreased. But I didn't notice it but much later.

Then I looked all around me, and noted I was alone. I laughed at my foolishness and came out. I saw that the sunless day became a scene of rain. I contemplated the water pouring and pouring again from a dark sky, spacing out, refusing to think about the future waiting for me.

I was still in the middle path of scolding myself for my insane stupidity when I felt it, a vague glance on me. It was strangely intense so I raised my head to see where such a gaze came from, then looking strongly for it, I saw it. A giant bird, dark, darker than raven, and standing under the veil of rain, not fearing cold, water or dangers.

Nobody except me was given it attention because of the weather, and I kept contemplating it, this remained being flying, so much I didn't noticed that my feet was about to carry me down in the hard

staircase. I saw the world turning and spinning around me but when I was about to hit the staircase, the time stopped and the space froze over. It was such an odd sensation, odd like a fake cut in soul that I lost for it my breath and my natural reactions. The phenomenon didn't last a second, and again,

everything restarted. But me, I was carried back on my two feet and was safe as nothing as a bad fall would have ever happen to me. Then the huge bird deployed its wings and flied down to me.

He started at me with deep red yes, as red as the ruby in light.

- You humans are so weak, yet you refuse to spare others of your badness. Be careful next time as I will not always be there.

It said those words and flied away.

The reason, at that time I ignored it, but it didn't require me that long to get it. I followed it, I knew

that it was a little ridiculous but I followed it. This great, lonely bird, wet by the sparkling rain, darker than any night, and which saved me from pain, now flied to a place I ignored and I didn't care.

It flied slowly enough in the sky so I did not have difficulty for keeping the chase. The weather worsened and I was soaking to the bone but I didn't give in, I kept following him till the Lodi Gardens where he finally landed to join his friends.

They were out of numbers, and all alike, gathering like any swarm on the huge tree. Flocking faithfully for a single purpose, they gave out a beautiful sensation of radiance and unity. I felt that they were aware of

my presence but they didn't reject me.

I stepped back to reality when I realized the time, it was already the twilight, my wet body begun to annoy me, the cold penetrated me and I wanted to go back to the hotel. And again, I felt something strange ,an intense foreboding running over my body, but this time, it was not pleasant anymore. People were approaching, I heard these steps, I turned in all directions to make sure about my feeling, and they appeared before me, I felt my heart stopping at their view. They were by dozens, people of sluts but... no human. They were horrible and disgusting, shaking me deep down.

I knew it at first sight, they did not want good for me, so as I expected, they jumped on me, and I'd be grasped and destroyed if these strange flying birds didn't come to my rescue.

I was paralyzed, kneeling on the floor.

- Run.

I clearly heard it again, the mournful, fantastic voice, that warned be before.

- Go and run.

- Oh yes! And that's what I did, I ran again and again, seeing nothing, surrounded only by wings and Rain of feathers. However, the ground liquefied and became a runny thing similar to a muddy sea. I suck onto and then, after I wholly immersed, it lead me through indefinitely.

- Didn't I tell you to be careful?

- Sorry. I answered even half- Conscious, because I wanted to do so, because I wanted to talk with him.

- You knew that I was not human, still you chose to follow me. Your race is so curious and unquenchable.

- Yeah, I know but, say me, are we that wrong for being so?

- Your wrong if you require to others to save you from the consequences of your own mistake, like you have

just done today.

- Yeah, then again, I am requiring this help that you hate so much to offer us...because I am smothering. I want to breath.

- You are all so selfish. I hate your kind the most.

- Perhaps, it would had have been better if it was true.