
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Annie was a happy girl and liked reading a lot. She had always friends near her, ready to help her anytime, and enjoyed each moment of her life. Everything was perfect. Her life, her heart, and smile, were treasures the sun never forgot to lighten up. The whole world admired her astounding grace.

Alas, her wonderful happiness disappeared in a single day, when her family and the whole kingdom accused her for saying a truth then couldn't believe in. Since then her light faded away, Annie ceased to be loved and lost herself in sadness.

Everything started when Annie found a precious book in the royal library hidden in a little room situated behind the shelves. Very curious, she took it in her room and read it under the starry night.

The book talked about a bird, a mystical, fabulous bird that was greater than any, and which feathers were sweeter than silk. There was also written that the bird was very colorful, and through light, his colors glittered to infinity and painted the place where he would be. That was the reason, historians and magus called the legendary bird Evralian - the bird of thousand colors.

Annie was excited, she never read something more beautiful, more enchanting than the hidden book of golden binding.

On a clear, summer day, she carried the book in the park where she often played, the park was a sanctuary of birds and where a blue immense lake reigned in the center since centuries. And on the sunny morning, as she sat under a great tree, she once again read the fabulous legend. Then, a shimmer appeared throughout the sanctuary, a fantastic sparkles that lightly blinded Annie's eyes, while at the essence of the clearness, the song of the birds echoed even more. The young princess rose her head to see where this infinite brightness came from. That's how she met him. She immediately thought that he was exactly like the tale described him, huge and beautiful, with glossy feathers more colorful than rainbow.

Annie got up and contemplated the sublime bird by her glossy, fascinated eyes. The mysterious creature her heart desired so much to meet was standing right before her, so she could do nothing but cry.

-Evralian, she whispered heartedly.

Evralian kept watching her silently. She desired to talk more but alas, a frightening cold suddenly spread out, and froze Annie. The park slightly darkened and the light lowered. Annie didn't took away her eyes from her magnificent beast so she saw him trying to apologize to her before disappearing in a burst of gold dust.

It took her long to pull herself together, but the moment she retrieved her mind, she rushed out rapidly of the park and tell to every person she crossed that she saw Evralian. A little princess, dreamer and spoiled, who told everyone that she already saw the magnificent bird.

Starting at this moment, each person of Maradan named her the liar princess. No matter where she went, no matter what she said, they called her so. Even her closest advises and friends who vowed their tenderness.

Returning from a long travel, her mother, the valiant queen was informed about the situation. Immediately, she asked to talk privately to her daughter.

The little Anna, hoping for her mother's understanding, rushed up to her suite, like she had wings on her back.

Crossing her advisers, she said happily

-you'll see, all of you, when mama will be aware of my magic meeting with Evralian, and the way you treated me, you'll suffer even more than I did.

But for her misfortune, her mother also didn't believe her and rejoined the rest of Maradan that insulted her and called her tirelessly the liar princess.

-mama, I am saying the truth. Swore princess annie in a despair gesture.Why don't you believe me? Why don't you believe in me?

-Annie, you are not a child anymore, you are already thirteen. You can't play like that anymore.

-then, you are saying that I am lying?

-I am saying that you have to stop this joke, and apologize to everyone. Madaran is your kingdom and you are the future queen, if you are behaving as a little selfish girl and our people starts to hate you, then they will refuse you as their sovereign and our dynasty would extinguish.

But the young princess tried one more time to convince her mother about her sincerity.

-mama, I saw Evralian. I swear. I saw it in the park, the sanctuary of birds among his fellows. And he even looked at me. He was as beautiful as the book described. Why would I invent such thing if it was not true? I am your daughter, so I beg you, you have to believe in my words and my candor.