2 Just a manic event for a Mad lad

It was Tuesday, and I was in my room thinking about if I should do that no one understands Zoro analysis video everyone keeps asking me to do. I decided that I would work on it when something strange happens. When suddenly there was a knock on my house door. "Now who could that be?" I wondered. I wasn't expecting anything at the door, well expect the Pc I ordered but that wouldn't arrive for three more days! I went to open the door, but no one was there. Then I looked down at my doorstep and there was a strange letter. The letter was in a French vanilla envelope with a yellow star sticker in the center, and on the back of the envelope was the words "To Nux" written in liquid gold but there was no evidence of who sent this letter. It was too stereotypical to be from a king in distress yet too fancy to be one of those "you may have already won!" letters. So with my master meme lord wit I have deciphered it has to be an exotic fan letter! "Oh la la!! My fans are finally going all out to express their love for me!" I said with a smug face while picking up the letter! I dashed backed into the house and ripped open the letter faster than Escanor slaying Galand!! The note itself was way different from the envelope!! It was a piece of pitch black paper with a skull and crossbones similar to the mask I have on the side of my head. And on the paper was a strange poem with some letters written in blue and other letters in blood red!!! The following was written: "Hello there Mr.Nux!! For tomorrow you'll be all out of luck. For this very letter that I send. Was part of my plan and part of my revenge. For the rest of your life you'll be so sad. WHEN YOU WILL BARELY BE CONSIDERED A CHAD!!!!" I crumpled up the note and threw it in the trash bin. "Must be from another one of my haters." I said to myself as I started to laugh about what that note said. Me?? Barely considered a Chad anymore??? How pathetic these haters are!!! For I am The legendary Nux Taku: King of Flex!!! These were thoughts that were going through my head at the time! But I probably would regret having those thoughts if I knew what would happen later. So I started working on that no one understands Zoro video idea at the dining room table for over three hours. I fell asleep before I even wrote one word. As I slept all I could think about was how stupid was that letter I received. It was Wednesday 8:30 am where I fell out of my bed!!! I was a little confused on what occurred. "How did I end up in my... WHAAATTT!!???" I looked up and saw what I thought was impossible!!! My bed, my stool, my desk, everything around me looked bigger!!!! I was shaking and things got even weirder when I shouted "Why is everything bigger!!?? Who did this!!!?? And why am I damp!!!!???" I quickly covered my mouth in shock!!! "Was that my voice just now!!??" I then looked at my hands, "Why are my hands so small!!!???" I then realized that my house didn't get bigger but rather I got smaller!! I went over to the mirror in my room and saw the most tragic thing that could ever happen to a mad lad such as myself. I was dressed in a little dress that was designed similar to my hoodie!! My silver wavy hair was longer and put into a ponytail with a dark blue bow!!! My skull mask now had a bow on it as well and looked like something on a chibi anime spin-off!!! "I'm a two year old girl!!!??" I screeched. I started to panic!!! "This can't be happening!!! There was no way what that note said was true!!! I am a Chad, I am a Chad, I...I" It was at that moment that I realized that I was no longer a Chad!! Due to my realization I started crying like a little kid who dropped his ice cream!! This was the worse moment of my life!! Here I was transformed into a two year old of a different gender standing in a pool of my own tears crying "I want to be a Mad lad again!!" When I heard the most familar of voices saying "No need to fret Nux!! No more tears you will cry for I am here!!! I then saw a tall brave knight in pure silver armor with long flowing hair and a majestic mustache attached to a face of a familiar good friend of mine burst through my door. "You look different today!" He said. With what had just occurred all I have to say at that moment was one word "Briggo!!!!??"
