Guy reincarnates into magical farmer family where he learns the ropes of magical farming.
This world is a magical world where people have magic power. This power is used for many things but there is a big taboo. That is reincarnation spells. One young boy is in one of these taboo practices by the dark guild a guild that uses many 'bad Magics' such as dark magic which fuels reincarnation spells. This young boy who was 13 was named Jack and is a orphan picked up on the streets. This man has nothing cool or interesting about him besides the fact that he can't talk well. (Author: Back story complete now it's time for reincarnation! Mwahahaahahaha *cough*)
A young boy was looking up in he sky as he was stuck on a pole and was one of the people being used for test of reincarnation before the dark guild sent there own kind. Jack cried as they activated the magic circle. Jack looked back into his past. He hasn't done enough in life all he has been doing is in life is struggling to live and he hopes this magic circle works so he has good next life. (They keep there memory's just so you know) As it is activated he feels a chilling pain sending him to the other side. His soul shooting through his body into the sky. Through universes and dimensions Jacks soul goes and his soul finds the right target in a dimension without anything special. (It is the same as the other Dimension) He reincarnated on a planet called earth, a magical planet but it has way more water than his last planet. His soul slips into a pregnant lady and replaces her baby. Jack who is inside there isn't awake till 8 months in and wonders where he is. He is very confused but he guessed that the reincarnation magic was successful. He then heard sounds from outside tried to move but he barely could. Jack was very scared of where is was because he doesn't to die being stuck from moving and being starved to death in his new life. Though he kept falling asleep and waking up and he can't tell time but he guessed he was in this deep cave for 29 days stuck and he still hasn't died from starvation or from not drinking water. The next day he woke up he felt something pushing on him and sending him out of the cave. He was very excited to finally be free. When he was out though he saw a person carrying him and wack him making poor little Jack cry. The women said it's a boy! The mother who is a small farmer a magical one at that was very happy but very tired and fell asleep after playing with the baby. The father came very soon later and was also very happy. He didn't have a good naming sense and had a lot of names that sounded bad such as gill and Cheeto. I mean like he really sucks at naming. His name is Zachary Moore and the mother's name is Claire Moore. (Me have bad naming sense) The baby (Jack) was thus named after his mother and surprisingly she named him Jack! What a coincidence that he was named the same name as last time! (Totally not because the author doesn't want to come up with a new name, surely not!) As jack is a baby it is very easy to hear. (the older you are the more your hearing worsens) He could hear his dad being excited and could feel his mom hugging him. He of course couldn't see well because like what ya expect.
Theeeeee end of da beginning