
Chapter 2

The tension in the air began to raise between the Akira(s), as the sizzling sound of lightning along with the howling winds, filling the use to be silent alleyway. They both stared each other down... ready to beat the other to show who was the real deal or not. Shyam would come to the realization that a fight between these two would draw out unnecessary attention to them. So, he'd do the smart thing and stand in-between the two, hoping it would get them to stop. "Okay. We don't have time for any of this, since The Order can come back at any second with back-up." He spoke up finally in an exhausted tone, while glancing at both waiting for a response. Although he did prefer the first Akira over this new one, in the back of his mind. However, he kept that to himself... in order to avoid more trouble. "Now then, second Akira are you here to cause trouble or here to help? If not me and my brother plus our new friend I suppose need to go." He told them, getting straight to the point, while Lumen nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! Let's all be friends her and not fight. Since, we all hate the order, here right?" The brown haired child exclaimed before getting shushed by his brother.

"Normally, I would ignore all of you and continue to do what I want. But I'm here on a mission to bring all of you back to the base. Well, mostly for those two over there..." Akira paused momentarily, as he pointed at both Lumen and Shyam. Right before returning his gaze back over to Karna. "I suppose you can come as well, since someone has to watch over now. Considering the Order won't take what you just did lightly." The teen would let out a sigh, feeling like he had no other choice. With this one unforeseen child running around with his name and face; This will cause some problems in the future. It was better to keep an eye on him than let him run wild in this kind of world. That's what he thought to be the best course of action here. Nevertheless, it was time to get out of here now. The order could come back here at any second with heavy firepower, due to the new of an unknown Tarzo popping up.

On the other hand, Karna was beaming with joy right now. After, hearing he could follow the group back to this mysterious base. "It seems like you're not that bad of a person." Karna said with a slight smile. The siblings would nod in agreement, because they were not leaving the person, who saved their lives alone. However, this world was very strange and dangerous for someone like him. It was nice to see he met the right people here, instead of anyone else here. The boy quickly noticed normal people don't like the supernatural or Tarzo that much. Whatever that means, but it wasn't the time to ask questions. "How do we get out of here though? Won't people just see us run away from the scene." Karna asked Akira as he began to ponder their current options.

"I agree with Karna here. We can't just walk away from this and act like this never happened..." Shyam started to pace around in circles, somewhat panicking in the back of his mind at the same time.

"If they do come back, we can all their butts in one go... hehe." Lumen chimed in on the conversation with his own two cents. The boy was a fighter and will do anything to protect his older brother the Order.

"Okay ok let us get one thing straight here and listen carefully alright. We are not going to do any of that." Akira proceeds to look around for something, making his way over to a wall behind them. "I know it's around somewhere." He mumbled under his breath, right before pushed in the right brick to open a path. As he steps back to show that the pathway leads downwards to the unknown. "Hurry hurry now... This path is only opened for a few seconds."

"Oh, cool are we like part of the FBI or something." Lumen says happily without any other objections and ran down the stairs a second later. He wanted to see what was at the bottom of the path already. As the boy can hear someone say 'wait up' behind him, which was Karna. Who can be seen zipping past Lumen as a lightning bolt, with a blue aura around his companion before it disperse into thin air.

"Race ya, slowpoke!" Karna laughed, running on ahead of Lumen. After using his power to cut in front of him.

"Not fair! You cheated hmph." Lumen pouted, while doing his best to keep up with Karna.

On the other hand, Shyam would stare at the pathway then back over to Akira before speaking. "No way is this the..." Shyam was just in utter shock from what he was seeing right now, He didn't want to believe yet. Well, it was something hard to believe with someone like Akira around, before he can say anything else at all. He was thrown in the pathway by a sudden gust of wind and fell on his back. "Ow...was that necessary." He said, lifting himself off the ground,

"Yes, yes I'm part of the rebel force etc... good. Ding you are correct, want a cookie? Anyways get a move on now. I'll answer your stupid questions, once we get back to the base." He sounded very annoyed with the current situation and wanted this to end quickly. With that being stated, as he looked down the stairs. "Now you seem like a reasonable person, so help me with these children here." He shrugs lightly, shaking his head slightly to show his disappointment.

"I suppose so. But you are truly a strange person, since you didn't have to help strangers like us." Shyam scratched the back of his head, trying to wrap his head around this mess.

Akira would let out a deep sigh before answering Shyam. "Don't misunderstand my intentions here, I only came to save you for a job. Speaking of Job... looks like we're here. I'll explain the rest later. I hate this much human interaction and people in general. But I can tolerate you all, looks like we're almost there." Akira would point at the giant entrance down the stairs, while they have been on the move for thirty minutes and counting. After, the alleyway entrance closed behind them and lead them into an old sewer like structure.

"Ah I see." Shyam let out a small chuckle, looking down to see the giant entrance ahead of him. The start of his new end or the beginning of a new life for the Heaven of all Tarzo.