
I missed you

Time skip at the airport

Once sage entered the airport doors she began her search for her bubbly another half that's when she saw her twin's blonde curly hair "Basil", she yelled while running towards her sister the mop of curly hair turning around to reveal the familiar smiling face that has only aged a tiny bit since the last time she saw her sage oh my goodness it has been forever since I last saw you!", Basil proclaimed. " I know, it has been way too long since we have been together.", sage blurted out they locked themselves into an embrace that seemed to last an eternity but was cut short by the beeping that came through the machine, that you grab your bag from oh I better grab my bag.", Basil exclaimed in surprise. The women's hair bouncing with her movement. As basil and sage walked out of the airport they chatted about the stuff they have missed about each other lives Basil was pleasantly surprised to discover that sage had gotten a tattoo of a peregrine falcon on her right shoulder as they walked out the door basil stared up in awe as she was greeted by the big city of New York. "Woah! There are so many people here.", the basil announced blue orbs widening at the bustling streets. Mouth gaping in astonishment you get used to it after a while.", mumbled sage. " Really I couldn't imagine getting used to all of this excitement it's amazing how many people can fit into one space", basil squeaked out. "did you come to see me or the city. ", sage teased. "Well I came to see both anyhow I missed you so much.", basil retorted They continued their walk to the subway when the same eyes caught her attention the same pair of eyes catching Basil's attention as well. "Hey sis you see her eyes?", Basil whispered loud enough for the only sage to hear Sage nodded to her sister "yeah I saw her, she was here when I came to pick you up." they both brushed it off and went on about their business heading to the subway station once they got to the subway the station they both got their tickets settled onto a train I've never been on a subway.", basil said "what's the difference between a subway and a regular train besides the subway being underground?", basil added. "Subways go a lot faster.", Sage said. "Oh I didn't know that I thought trains went quite fast in the first place.", basil squeaked "you do know that I'm not leaving your side again.", Sage added changing the subject from trains to her relationship with her sister "you better not.", basil said

Sage p.o.v

Once we got on the train basil fell sleep, and I was left in my own thoughts was I wrong to leave my sister there could she have been in more danger than I was this selfish with my sister be safer away from me everything going through my head at once I missed her so much but was I just being selfish could this put my sister in danger I knew she could look out for herself but I wanted to know I didn't want her to get hurt she sees the same things I see what about after her to sometimes I wonder if I could change the way things worked out what would've happened but whatever I become would I be as comfortable living here would I have ever seen the places I've been would I still be driven crazy by my family or would things be just fine so many what if's no answers maybe this is just how my life is supposed to be the train comes to a halt I wake my sleeping sister she cries she's groggy to leave her alone hey we're home we are basil ass basil lasts basil asks I'm starving do you have anything to eat I sigh of course I have food dummy you don't have to get all offensive I didn't get offensive yes you did know I didn't yes you did your insane no I'm not done oh my gosh you're in sufferable I know that weirdo Hey basal do you want to stop somewhere and get something to eat before we get to my house I know fantastic Chinese place around here I eat there a lot well when I'm not cooking sure why not basil send as I walked with my sister down the busy street we still got the stairs I don't know what people see so fascinating about us I noticed the flash of a yellow before my sister I turn to see yellow eyes of a war wolf I grabbed Hazel's arm pulling her into the nearest store the look of shock evident on her face what did you do that before you didn't notice him no I didn't what are you talking about the glowing yellow eyes oh I noticed the flash was that him I don't know I think it was but just to be safe we better wait in here for a little I've never been to the shop has some pretty interesting stuff in it better than finding out what happens when they catch us true basil green look at this dress I think it would fit you perfectly wear the same size it fit you do I wouldn't be so sure about time well I would I'm still hungry I know I regret even more allowing my twin sister to be me to be around me I could've hurt her I could've seriously hurt her what if she would've gotten hurt what if this would've been the end of. My Chase we waited while we waited I told her bout the guy that I bumped into " I'm sure New York has as many crazy weirdos as little old Lima Ohio has", she told me a matter of factly. "But just before that I seen a woman with the brightest and most purple eyes I've ever seen", I explain.

She gulps her face going kind of pale. That was one of the scariest moments of my life. Basil never and I mean never shows fear.

"You mean like those things that follow you around just with purple eyes", she whimpered.

"Well, yes kind of the only difference is that somehow her eyes were comforting to me", I explained.

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