
draft sorry

Hello this just for project

"Aadarsh!" a man shouted at a boy who was dozing during a class. The boy woke up with a shock and was startled to hear his name aloud. He asked his maths sir "Which prize is given to me sir"after hearing this statement come out of his mouth None could hold their laughter and the whole class together burst out in laughter. "Silence" shouted the old maths professor and turned his attention to the boy and said "Aadarsh who in his right mind would give you even a certificate, let alone a prize" after hearing this the boy, Aadarsh felt ashamed and he sat down.

Aadarsh was a well built and fine looking boy who in his early childhood days was charming, intelligent and a brave boy but after getting into high school, his academics hit rock bottom. Today before going to the convenient store he wisited his late friend's place. His friend was none other than the old Watchman of the school's back gate from where nobody came, he wanted to take home all his friend's belongings to remember him, he took a box and saw that it had a ring which his friend told was antique but when he once took it to a jeweler he was kicked out of the shop for fooling around when Aadarsh wore this ring he felt very dizzy and sleepy so he slept at his old friend's house only. From outside that cottage anyone could notice that many colors were dancing around the cottage but the cottage was situated in a deep forest and was covered by hills. After waking up Aadarsh felt relaxed and refreshed so he went to his school early and after realizing that he was the first one to come and the first lesson of the day is Maths after reading these words he felt disappointed and said"why my luck is always so bad".After these words left his mouth he got ready for two whole lecture of dozing off. After only five to ten minutes all his class mates came through the doors and the classroom was as noisy as ever. After a certain period of time his maths professor entered and everyone stood up to greet him and after the greeting and atendence they began their official first day of their eighth standard. The old professor said ti everyone" Everyone everyone open your star dust guide book. Everyone started to open their own respective star dust and star path guide, but at the last benches Aadarsh was sleeping so he didn't hear his teacher's instructions but when he got up he also began searching for his maths book but he couldn't find it so he asked his best friend and bench partner Sameer. "Hey Sameer it isn't funny give my maths book back to me and you also know that old man always notices me the first". when he asked this question Sameer looked towards Aadarsh with frustration,disgust and worry so he at last asked Aadarsh "Aadarsh, did u have your lunch or in that also you ate your comic books".After hearing this statement Aadarsh was annoyed and so he asked him "When did I started reading comics I just took one from you last week ".Sameer continuing his sentence says that "Then why are you asking me to give you your maths book if something like that existed then I would be studying maths and not star path and magical powers "after finishing his sentence he pointed toward their hom eroom teacher and their maths teacher using magic after seeing this Aadarsh's eyes poped out from their socket.

He couldn't believe that he had just seen magic.

He said that" What in the world Is going on and in which




Two to three days had passed since Aadarsh had entered this world for three days he had been roaming to make sure that not much was changed and gathering informations that a normal child should have the knowledge about this world. After three days when he was going to his school he went to a food stall like daily, as Aadarsh lived alone he had to eat from that stall and the bond between the stall uncle and Aadarsh was more than that of a business man and his client but it was like, that stall uncle was his own uncle.When Aadarsh was reading a book named "book for beginners in the streem of star path and star dust" his uncle called out for him"Aadarsh" said an old voice of the uncle which startled Aadarsh. "Are you studying for your school test"asked his uncle "School exams! are they coming so soon"pondered Aadarsh . "Yes uncle" he answered affirmatively. "Good,Good study hard" said his uncle and at that precise time his practical professor came and said "Very good Aadarsh ,you are studying" as he said this he saw his watch and replied in a hurry "oh no I am late and I don't have the time to even eat let alone catch a bus or car, now I will have to use my primary wind skill, wind trail" after saying so he said his good byes and read his magic spell " wind trail".As he ended his spell, he was covered in bright green light and wind was swirling around him and he vanished in a trail of wind and dust after seeing this he was too amazed and got the motivation to become a great wizard and later that day wind was blowing with its full power and when Aadarsh saw above him he saw a human figure flying with his two wings; after seeing the man fly from one corner to another, he recognized the spell to be a high grade magic spell wind wings as he remembered it he could not contain his surprise and he sid aloud "wind wings".When he realized that he cannot focus on that man as he had to go to school so he got ready and went to class. After reaching his class he said to Sameer "Hey monkey I want to enroll in the SCHOOL OF MAGIC and have my magic ceremony by which I will know which element user I am" after hearing these words Sameer burst out laughing and said "Brother Aadarsh SCHOOL OF MAGIC is a top notch school and it is also for only top notch students and you are not even sure that you will pass this normal school test or not and even if you want to now pass the test and have started studying you cannot cope up with 9 years of study in just three months. After hearing this Aadarsh came to know the reality but he was still determined and wanted to become a great magician.