
The beginning

Long ago, there lived a powerful sage named Adiratha. With his majestic power he created a hidden magical land called Nadira. It was magical land filled with magical creatures. The creatures in Nadira could not die unless killed and the resources in nadira was inexhaustible. The sage Adiratha had three sons of different races namely Vijay, Ajay, and Jai. They created the three major races were Elves, Monkey men, and humans respectively. The remaining creatures were created by sage Adiratha himself.

The three major races governed the land under the supervision of their respective creators. All the other races followed one of the three races,hence forming three factions namely the elf faction, monkey faction, and human faction. The only race which didn't join any faction was dragon races. Although they are very few in number, there power rivalled that of the an entire faction. So the faction which they join will be considered the strongest faction. So sage Adiratha asked them to form there own faction in order avoid conflict between the faction. Hence they formed the fourth faction called the dragon faction.The dragons were known to be wise and peace loving creatures. The fed upon mana from the nature of Nadira. Hence increasing their magical prowess.

The brothers ruled Nadira peacefully until one day sage Adiratha decided to make one of his son king of the land. But there was a problem, All three of sons were equally worthy of inheritance and none of his sons were elder to one another. Sage Adiratha loved his wife Manavi very much, so during the time when his wife was pregnant, The sage used his power,to avoid his wife from suffering the pain of child birth. So his all three of his were born at the same time. So to avoid conflict between the brothers the sage divided Nadira into four parts. All four kingdoms were named after Adiratha and his sons. Vijay ruled Vijayapura, Ajay ruled Ajayapura, Jai ruled Jayapura and the dragons ruled Adiratheshwar. The chief of the dragons Bhishma was made the dragon King.

The brothers were not happy that part of Nadira, Adiratheshwar was given to the dragons. So they waited until Sage Adiratha left for his penace which usually lasted for thousands of years. During his penance he would alienate himself from world would be deep meditation. They used this opportunity to attack Adiratheshwar. The brothers allied among themselves and started to raise an army. Each faction army had atleast a million strong soldiers. Meanwhile upon knowing the upcoming attack of allied forces of the three brothers, the dragon started to raise their army. But due there low population they could only get 20,000 soldiers. But this was enough to rival that of the allied faction. It took 2 years to gather army. In this 2 years the dragons tried every diplomatic means to stop the war but failed. Hence after 2 years war broke out. A fierce war was fought between allied forces and the dragons for thousands years. Each brother killed at least 5000 dragons and Bhishma alone killed a million soldiers of the allied forces. Bhishma was feared through out the battle field. Soldiers fled upon the sight of Bhishma. A great discussion occurred on how to deal with Bhishma. The mighty dragon was invisible in the battlefield it looked as though he alone could end the war. The dragon soldier fought confidently upon witnesses the bravery of their king. The allied lost a great number of men. Victory looked impossible until Bhishma lived. So they fled the battle field accepted defeat in the hands of the dragon. A ceremony was organised by allied forces for signing a treaty. After signing the treaty Bhishma returned to his kingdom.

The people in kingdom gave Bhishma a hero welcome. The people shouted "All hail king"

"long live king".Bhishma heroics in war became legendary. And the land Nadira returned to its peaceful lives. The war between the allied forces and dragons came to be known as first great Nadira war.

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