
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAli3n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Hans felt every ounce of his senses screaming in fear. He gnashed his teeth and commanded what little strength he had left to stand up yet to no avail. His whole body hurt all over—especially his right ribs where he had already been stabbed yet to make things worse, was followed by a harsh kick on the same area.

Then there was his abdomen, though not as severe, still caused him great pain. However, through it all, the knee kick to his face was the most brutal one. Hans for sure knew his nose was broken, moreover, he felt a great degree of dizziness. He could barely hold onto his consciousness.


Hans spat out blood as his face contorted into an ugly one of pain. He was collapsed down on the ground and beside him was Noah standing straight, towering over him with his body unscathed. His black eyes which seemed to be so boundless looked at him with endless contempt.

The wide bloody grin on his lips contorted to one of a big frown of disappointment.

His right foot was exerting pressure on his abdomen, twisting it and pushing down, causing painful sounds to come out of his bloody mouth.

"Guess this was all you were capable huh? Not even good for a warm-up." Noah's voice reached Hans' ears, his heart convulsed as a chilling fear gripped his heart.

Death was right around the corner.

This kid...was the devil.

He messed with the wrong person. This was no kid, this was the devil in disguise.

"Fcking-ughhkh...devil in human clothing." Hans squeezed out what little strength he had left to utter such words.

Seething hate could be felt from his words as well as the feeling of defiance. He could hardly believe that a kid made him into this mess but it was the reality. He never had any chances to begin with. 

He clenched his fists tight. All he could do now, whether he liked it or not, was to hand over his life to the kid in front of him. He was at the mercy of another.

The pressure on Hans' abdomen disappeared as Noah raised his foot away. Hans could finally breathe properly but his whole body still ached like hell.

Hans looked at Noah with a quizzical look, wondering what the kid intended to do next. He already knew the kid was a devil, he was ready to die a painful death.

"Where is this place?" 

Hans' eyes quivered for a moment. He didn't expect Noah to ask such questions, moreover, they sounded like the most random questions someone could ask. 

Hans was having problems just breathing much less saying words, however, he could not refuse. A foreboding feeling told him that if he didn't answer, he would meet a fate much worse than death. 

Hans coughed out blood as he opened his lips, forcing himself to answer the question with much difficulty, "Th-the..outskirts...of the city..." 

Noah's brow tightened as he asked, his voice somewhat carrying a hint of irritation, "Which city?"


Halleon city? 

Noah's brows furrowed as he heard the name of the city. Halleon...he had never heard of it, not even once, at least from where he came from. This really took him by surprise.

Just then, something popped up before Noah's very eyes that made his face contort into a mix of shock and confusion.

[System Integration Complete]


Name: Noah White

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Class: None

MP: 12

Agility: 9

Strength: 7

AP: None

Exclusive Skill: Armament Creation

Other skills: None


[Congratulations Noah White, you are one of the few chosen among the many to participate in the Project System]

[Welcome to the word of Elenoise]

What the fuck?!!

Project System?


What the hell was happening? A sort panel you would commonly see in games manifested before Noah's line of sight, in the panel, he read the contents of which continued to get more and more absurd.

A different world? Project System?

None was making any senses.

Questions started surfacing in his mind however, the panel - or rather, the system, changed once again, and as if it knew what he was thinking, it explained further.

[The world of Elenoise is a world that consists and is powered by Mana — a special energy that is essentially the core of the universe. The denizens of this world harness this special energy through many ways and have continuously evolved reaching heights beyond mortalhood.]


Special Energy?

The Core of the Universe?

Everything was too broad to take in.

Still, Noah took everything at face-value, it was the best course of action he could do lest he wanted to waste his time thinking about it too much when it wouldn't do him any good at the moment.

"What about this 'Project System'?".

[System level too low to give an answer and must be first upgraded to a much higher version]

Noah clicked his tongue. Guess that was the most he could acquire.

Right now, Noah was in another world. And according to the system and from what he understood, this world consist of people that could harness special energy.

In earthly terms, magicians or mages. And if it wasn't any different, then this world was very dangerous.

As Noah thought very deeply about this matter which he now was in, he thought of the panel he saw earlier, something like a status of sorts.

When he thought about it, the panel manifested infront of him


Name: Noah White

Lvl: 1

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Class: None

MP: 12

Agility: 9

Strength: 7

AP: None

Exclusive Skill: Armament Creation

Other skills: None


If it wasn't any different from the game, then MP stands for mana points, and he currently had 12, he didn't know if that could be considered good or average. He was also on level 1, which was a given.

Then there was agility and strength, it was evident that Noah had much higher agility compared to his strength however the two attributes weren't much far off.

Then there was the AP, which should mean attribute points, meaning points he could allocate between MP, Agility, and Strength.

Currently he had none, but if the system worked the same way as the games on Earth did, then that would change if he leveled up.

Then there was his Exclusive Skill: Armament Creation.