
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAli3n · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Wh-what is this?

The bartender couldn't help himself but shiver at the sight in front of him. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. Corpses was everywhere and blood soaked the floor.

And the one responsible for all this was just one kid, and this one kid was not the littlest bit injured or even showed any signs of fatigue.

As he stood amidst the corpses and blood, he resembled a god of war. He was unperturbed , the air around him carried a certain pressure that could make the heart of the faint crumble.

A chilling fear gripped the bartenders heart. It was good that he had called his boss, he already expected that the other members were gonna get killed but he never expected it to be such a one-sided slaughter.

It was evident at this point that they weren't dealing with just a mere kid, far from it, they were dealing with an experienced and ruthless killer.

When Noah turned his head to see the two remaining members of the Boar Bandits, the bartender immediately shrieked and flinched.

Those ink-black eyes looked like he would get devoured just by looking at them.

"You...did you do this?" The Boar Bandits boss uttered, his voice seething with anger. He looked like he would burst if he held his anger in control any longer.

Noah's eyes narrowed as an amused glint flashed by.

"I take it you're the boss of the Boar Bandits? No wonder it's called that, it's because the boss doesn't look that much different from a wild Boar." Mockery and amusement was very much present in Noah's tone.

The boss of the Boar Bandit didn't take that comment too well.

His face darkened as his whole bulky body trembled, his brows furrowed as anger and fury burst forth from his body.

He had never faced such humiliation from someone, moreover it was from a kid.

Veins popped out his muscles as a reddish glow encased his body serving as something like a second skin.

A transformation was about to go underway.

The boss' body started to grow slightly larger as his eyes turned blood-red. It looked like his power was doubling. He looked like he had gone berser—.



The boss of the Boar Bandit's didn't even know what hit him.

He was dead, his corpse falling on the floor, blood seeping out his gapping forehead.

All he saw in his final moments was a red flash.

The bartender's jaw dropped to the floor?

What the hell?!!!

He was expecting an intense fight between the two wherein his boss would be the one to come out victorious.

Yet...yet how...how had his boss been suddenly killed.

The fight ended when it haven't even begun.

His boss was just about to power up when out of nowhere, the kid pulled out some kind of weapon and fired it at him, resulting in a vicious gapping hole in the big man's forehead.

His boss was now dead...

All that was left now was him.

As he thought all this, he saw a red flash.


[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]


Name: Noah White

Lvl: 7

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Class: None

MP: 14

Agility: 9

Strength: 7

AP: 12

Exclusive Skill: Armament Creation

Other skills: None


Noah leveled up 6 times in that short amount of time. However he was pleasantly shocked at the amount at which he jumped over levels just by killing the boss of the Boar Bandits.

He went over three levels just by killing the boss and reached lvl. 7.

However how was that so?

He could only deduce that the Boar Bandit's leader was also like him, someone who could use skills.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense that he could just jump over three levels just by killing him.

There had to have been something special about him.

Also, Noah clearly saw the red glow that coated his body and how it increased his power by almost double.

Thankfully, Noah pulled out his gun and fired it without hesitation. Eliminating any possible troubles.

By reaching level 7, Noah acquired an extra 12 AP. After much thought, he allocated 6 points towards MP and allocated 3 to Agility, and the remaining 3 to Strength.

As much as how Noah wanted to place all his AP to MP, he knew just how much important it was to place attention to his other attributes. By doing so, he wouldn't become too reliant on his skills and not neglect his combat capabilities.

Noah closed in on the corpse of the Boar Bandit's boss, trying to check if he had any items that would benefit Noah. 

However, he was stopped mid-way as he saw a small red cube floating and rotating just slightly atop the corpse.

What is that?

[Skill Cube: An item that contains a random skill with only 30% chance of dropping. Can be acquired through killing someone with skills.]

Noah was pleasantly surprised. So this was how you could acquire a skill - by killing those who also have skills, it was the same as leveling up. He crouched and tried to pick up the floating and rotating cube the size of an apple.


Skill: Bloodlust

Rank: B+

Description: Increases the user's physical capabilities by twofold temporarily. Time usage depends on the user's mana pool. 


Noah's eyes lit up. He had just gotten himself a very, very amazing skill. He could only sigh, how had such a skill fallen into the hands of some mere bandit where its use wouldn't even reach the potential it had. 

Noah looked at the rank and couldn't help but wonder what rank his exclusive skill had since it didn't show anything like that when he read its description. 

Noah thought the system would answer his thought but guess not. 

Looking at the cube, he wondered how he could absorb or take the skill for himself. However, the moment he thought of taking the skill, the cube burst into specks of red light.


Name: Noah White

Lvl: 7

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Class: None

MP: 20

Agility: 12

Strength: 10

AP: 0

Exclusive Skill: Armament Creation

Other skills: Bloodlust (B+)
