
Magic School (1)

A beautiful building came into sight as my dad parked the car in the lot. "This place looks awesome!" Dad said. I nodded my head. " Well, Orabelle, it's time for you get get out of the car and into the school," he sighed, signaling towards the car car door.

" Bye dad!" I shouted jumping out of the car and straight into a puddle. "SHITE!" I shouted.

" Mind you language Orabelle!" Dad laughed back. I laughed and ran towards the entrance of the school. I was so eager that I didn't bother to check the giant board outside the school which I soon regretted...

The inside of the school was even more prettier than the outside. Every wall was decorated with paintings of dragons dancing around fire. In the middle of the grand hall was a big red fountain, with gold water pouring out. I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder. "Hello there!" A friendly voice said. I turned around and saw a beautiful girl with auburn hair plaited down to her waist, green eyes and red lips, aith her face lightly dotted with freckles. "You must be the new girl! My name is Isabella Bioiva. What's yours?"

"My name is Orabelle Matthews. Can you please show me to my classroom please? Room 10965,"

"Omg your in the same class as me! Let me lead the way," she said, grabbing onto my arm and pulling me towards the stairs. "Do we have to climb all these stairs?" I moaned.

Isabella looked at me quizzically. " Of course not. That would take forever. We use our broomsticks. But I'm guessing you don't have one. Luckily, I've got 2 so you can borrow one of mine,"

She smiled at me as I took in what she said.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Isabella sighed. "Just watch me," she replied. She snapped her fingers 2 times. Suddenly 2 broom came whizzing by and floated in mid air. "Wow!!!" I exclaimed. Isabella climbed onto one and signalled me to do the same. I got onto one, went whooshing into the stairs and fell flat onto my face. Isabella laughed.

"Lean forward to go forwards, left to left and right to go right. Got that now?"

"Yup. I have definitley learned my lesson about that," I laughed.

After about 5 minutes we finally reached the classroom. I stared at the name in absolute confusion.

"Spells? I thought it said it was Mathematics?" I looked at Isabella for an explanation.

Isabella rolled her eyes. She was obviously very exasperated.

" Don't you get it? You are a witch. So am I. And I have a feeling that you are the witch of the prophecy."

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