
Episode 1

{Jordan's p.o.v}


This is my not my first story but this is the first that i am making public so bare with me because i'm new at this so please no hate because at the end of the day its my story but if you have any idea or you are a pro at this let me know so yeah enjoy.


(scene morning 7:30 am)

Jordan get up breakfast is ready! {says Auntie Astrid}

uhhh 30 more minutes! {says jordan }

No because you have to shower and eat a good meal before school your brother and sister are down here now come on. {says Astrid}

Ok i'll shower first then i'll be down.

Sounds good. {says Astrid}

So are you guys happy to be back here? back in our home town. said Astrid

Eh we where 4 back then when we moved away. {says Montaya}

right we're 16 now I don't even remember us living here. {says Marquise}

I guess but it's just after your parents sudden death was the cause of us moving but now that you all are older i would think you guys would be happy to be back, to be closer to where they grew up. says Astrid

Yeah i kind of remember this house. {says Montaya}

Of course you do. {says Marquise}

What's that's supposed to mean? {says Montaya}

Nothing it's just i don't really remember them or this house.

You was 4 and the youngest i don't expect you to remember them. {says Astrid}

I guess. {says Marquise

[Jordan enters kitchen]

Good morning. {says Jordan}

hey, hi {says Montaya and Marquise}

Its about time hurry up and eat so I can drop y'all off at school on my way to work. {says Astrid}

uh don't remind me, I don't understand why we can't home school. {says Jordan}

Speak for yourself, who wants to homeschool? that would be so boring, I would like to have some kind of social life. {says Montaya}

That's the spirit Montaya see Jordan don't you wanna go and make friends and have fun, and go on adventures. {says aunt Astrid}

Make friends? no people are annoying, and have fun and go on adventures, i could do that by myself, right marquise?{says Jordan}

Ha? what? oh i'm down for either or.{says Marquise}

iM dOwN fOr eItHeR oR. {says Jordan as he mocks Marquise}

Well your going to school and its actually time to go so come on.

Ok {says marquise as he stands up accidentally spilling food on the floor}

Aw come on now you got it on my boots. {says jordan}

Hurry go clean them off i'll go start the car.{says Aunt Astrid}

Ok where is the shoe cleaner? {says Jordan}

In the basement here i'll show you come on.{says Marquise}

Hurry up i'm going to the car. {says Montaya}

[scene transitions to the basment]

Here it is now hurry please basements creep me out, i actually think this is my first time down here.{says Marquise}

Then how did you know where the shoe cleaner was? {asked Jordan}

Because I have eyes and I can read.{says Marquise as he scans the room}

Tooshay. {says Jordan}

what in the mideval?{says Marquise}

What?{asked Jordan

Look at this door its so old looking.{says Marquise}

Yeah that is a old looking door this house isn't even old fashioned, weird {says Jordan as he reach to open it}

Of course its locked. says Marquise

Oh well i'll try to pick the lock after school because now Im curious.

Hey what taking so long? {asked montaya as she walks down into the basement}

nothing we just found this weird looking door but its locked so lets go {says Marquise}

[as they walk away they hear the door creak open]

Oh hell naw {says all three of the siblings}

Are you sure it was locked?{asked Montaya}

Yes, positive.{says Jordan}

Should we check inside?{asked Marquise}

Yes, no{says Jordan then Montaya}

I'm going, ill be fast{says Jordan as he quickly run in}

what's in there?{asked Montaya as she yells from the doorway}

Its a library fill with books about witch craft, come see{says Jordan as he yells back from the room}

Woah. {says Montaya as she enters the room followed by Marquise}

This place is huge. {says marquise}

How have we never heard of this?{asked Montaya}

hey look there three glowing bottle over hear on a shelf. green purple and red{says Marquise as he reaches to fill them}

and over here is a big book with a note on it, that says to my three triplets.{says Jordan}

And the book name is the book of imperium.{says Montaya as she steps closer to read it}

[crash as a loud thud hit the floor causing Jordan and montaya to turn around]

Woah did you see that, the shelf broke the bottles fell and shattered on the floor and i think the glowing stuff went into us.{asked Marquise}

What do you mean into us.{asked Montaya}

Whatever lets just go before Aunt Astrid gets angry{says Jordan as they all run out and closes the door and leave to go to school}

Well its about damn time I have 10 minutes to get you all to school and 15 to get to work.i was just on my way back in to get you, what was you guys doing? {asked Aunt Astrid}

Sorry I tried to stall so we'd be late and wouldn't have too go but they forced me out.{lied Jordan}

Nice try now lets go{says Aunt Astrid}

nice save. {says Montaya as she whispers in Jordans ear from the back seat}

[scene transitions to school]

ok guys have fun behave and be nice, I'm looking at you Jordan.{says aunt Astrid as she pulls off}

Ok lets see what Ignis High have in store for us{says Montaya looking at Marquise and Jordan smiling}

Hopefully all good things.{says Marquise}

Lets just get this shit over with.{says Jordan as he dreads the moment}

to be continued...

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