
Magic Man

From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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189 Chs

Trick 53: Feeling something strange?

After the full tour, he sent Hermione to her bedroom before leaving to go see the Ancient One.

He entered the room and the Ancient One was looking over at Kamar-Taj with her hands behind her back. Ace said "Master." she didn't take any time, saying "I heard what happened during this year."

Ace blinked and replied "Uh, okay?" she turned to him and asked "That man you spared, Peter Pettigrew, was it?" Ace nodded with a confused look as she asked "Why did you spare him?"

Ace was startled and replied honestly "Killing people isn't right. I don't believe I should use magic to be a god in charge of who lives and dies." the Ancient One hummed to herself, muttering "Is that so…"

Ace asked in confusion "Is that wrong?" The Ancient One walked around the room, saying "Depends on what you believe is wrong, I suppose." she stopped and touched a plant, continuing "Ace, being a Sorcerer Supreme means that you must make decisions for the greater good of the Earth. Whether that be killing someone to save others or making difficult decisions that sacrifice many to save many more."

Ace frowned slightly and asked "Why can't we save everyone? Nobody has to die if-" The Ancient One smiled, saying "If you can prevent them all from harm? Of course, this is why we practice the Mystic Arts. To be able to save innocents from threats that they would not see, a guardian in the shadows, you could say."

She turned to Ace and smiled, "What are you to do if placed in a situation where you cannot save everyone? Killing one person will save everyone, but should you choose to save everyone, perhaps more people would die." Ace retorted "But how would I know if I don't try?"

His voice was slightly agitated and the Ancient One explained "You cannot save everyone. This is the reality, Ace. You will realize that one day, better now than lat-" Ace cut her off, saying with agitation "I will not become a murderer! Making a decision to let someone die knowingly, is the same as killing them yourself! I learned magic because I love magic!"

He clenched his fists and continued "I use my power to help people because that's my responsibility as someone with power! I do not strive to become the person who chooses who lives and dies because I'm not a God! I'm just a regular guy who happens to be able to protect people, that's all."

The Ancient One looked at him for a moment before smiling "I see. Then you will suffer greatly." Ace turned around, walking to the door as he replied "I would rather suffer than become a murderer. I can handle suffering." before leaving as the Ancient One sighed, "I truly hope so, Ace. I truly do hope so… For everyone's sake."

Time started passing and quickly a month went by.

Ace was teaching Hermione in the courtyard by himself. She was wearing little robes along with her hair up in a bun, sweat dribbled from the sides of her face as she concentrated on the air in front of her.

Ace stood on the side, watching, as he said "Focus, Hermione. This is the most basic shield spell. Calm your mind and imagine the strongest shield you can think of." Hermione frowned and sparks appeared, Ace's eyes lit up as he said "Good! Keep going! You're almost there!"

She squinted and started sweating intensely as a very faint shield appeared in front of her for a split second before disappearing!

Hermione sat down and took deep breaths as Ace picked her up, laughing "Ahaha! You did it! Good job!" Hermione smiled excitedly "I did it!" Ace laughed and put her down, smiling as he leaned over, "Pretty good for a 14 year old." Hermione smiled happily and Ace flicked her nose as he straightened out, smiling "Now do it another 100 times."

Hermione's smile froze and she sighed, starting her practice. Ace chuckled before pausing and turned his head to a certain direction, slowly frowning. Hermione looked at him and asked "What's wrong?"

Ace looked confused and shook his head, replying "Nothing… I could've sworn I felt something just now…" he turned to Hermione and smiled, "Continue." She nodded and continued practicing.

After Hermione was done, Ace brought her to her room and smiled "I'll bring you some books, don't go anywhere, okay?" Hermione looked confused but nodded and sat at her desk.

Ace smiled as she started reading and taking notes, before he left the room and closed the door.

He frowned as soon as the doors closed and left to the library. Ace walked in and picked out a few books for Hermione, took a few for himself before leaving and going to look for Wong.

He found Wong practicing by himself.

Ace said "Wong." Wong looked over and opened his mouth before closing it as Ace was frowning. Ace walked over and asked "Did you feel something before, earlier today?" Wong frowned and shook his head, replying "No. Everything was fine, why?" he looked around in the sky, asking "Is someone trying to breach into our reality?"

Ace frowned and muttered "Not that I know of… Where is the Mirror of Toth?" Wong furrowed his brows and walked off, saying "Follow me." Ace followed him and they came to an ancient looking room with a circular mirror.

Ace held the Mirror and his eyes glowed purple as he started seeing the entire Earth. Wong looked around and commented "Only the Sorcerer Supreme can use this, we should hurry."

Ace frowned and continued searching before stopping as he witnessed a facility collapsing in on itself. He muttered to himself "This? Just a building collapsing? Then what was that feeling before…"

Wong looked over his shoulder and asked in confusion "Something on our planet??" before frowning at Ace, adding "You wasted my time? This is not a crisis from other dimensions!"

Ace let go of the Mirror and frowned "Yeah, I guess. Sorry about that." Wong waved his hand, walking away in annoyance as Ace stood by the Mirror, holding his chin in thought.

A week passed

Ace had been checking the world for strange changes, unfortunately he hadn't found anything yet. He was 100% sure that he felt something strange that day, nothing was going to convince him otherwise.

He looked at the news on his new smartphone as Hermione practiced in the courtyard. Hermione sat on the ground and looked up at Ace, asking "Master, are you alright?" Ace stared at the screen, replying "Another 100…"

Hermione sighed and got up, taking the phone from him, waving in front of his face, saying "Hello?" Ace blinked and looked at Hermione, asking "You're done? Already?" Hermione rolled her eyes and asked "Master, what on Earth is wrong with you? You've been distracted for a week."

She waved the phone and said "Is it because of this new technology?" Ace rolled his eyes and teased "Please. I've seen much better than this, why would I-" before freezing as he stared at the phone.

He took it from her hands and looked at it with a frown, muttering "So it was you." Hermione was confused and Ace tapped on the screen, adding "Stuttgart, Germany." before dropping the phone and running off, saying "Review your notes, I'll be right back!" as he waved his hand over himself.

Hermione watched as Ace's clothes turned to bandages from the neck down, covering his entire body while his scarf turned into the black cloak. He jumped and a broom appeared under him as he flew into the sky, disappearing instantly.

She was stunned and looked down at the phone. A news report was on the display, showing a man with a staff and strange horned armor made of gold.
