
The Ruins of the lost

"Wooh my head hurts like hell..

Where am I, how am I still alive?"

"You are finally awake, young man," said an old man sitting on the other side of the room.

"Did you save me?" Asked Lucas.

"Yes I did. My name Ronald Jest, what is your name young man and how did you end up here?"

"My name is Lucas and I was betrayed by my comrades and thrown off the cliff and ended up here.

So where am I exactly? I don't think this is Kranes Valley, otherwise I wouldn't be alive."

"Well you certainly are not in Kranes Valley. You are in the ruins of a lost civilization and this is a place that you can't leave."

"Is there really no way to leave?"

'Well there is one and that is to clear the trial and earn the acknowledgement of these ruins. But i won't recommend you to take the trial as during the trial you can't use mana as it is sealed by an unknown mechanism. 

Boy why do you want to go back so badly you were almost killed by the people you trusted, so tell me why go back now."

"When I fell I thought it was over for me all I had were regrets but now I have a second chance to make things right and to pay back twice of what they did."

"Revenge I see. I won't stop you but remember not to lose yourself in rage. Now rest up, you need to be in good condition to challenge the trial. I will bring something for you to eat later."

Ronald left the room.

Lucas talking to himself.

{ What the hell happened to my body? All the internal injuries are almost healed except for the scars. It has something to do with old man Ronald , just who he is.}

And he went to sleep.

After an hour Ronald brought food and medicine for Lucas. After eating Lucas asked " are you a healer? My wounds are almost Healed or did you use some sort of special potion?"

Ronald replied,`` I am neither a healer nor did I used any potion on you. This fast healing is something that is only Possible in this place. Well I can't exactly explain what it is or how you were healed but I can assure you one thing that all your questions will be answered when you clear the trial.

Now have this soup and rest, let's see you should be able to take the trial in a week. Tell me, are there any weapons you want?"

"A Long Sword if possible," Said Lucas.



After two days Lucas noticed that he was almost healed so he decided to train with the sword that Ronald had brought him.

Lucas thought that he must pass this trial if he wanted to find out the reason behind the betrayal and who wanted him dead.

As Lucas was training he heard some noise from behind when he turned around a giant boar was charging towards him, Lucas instinctively jumped to the side. Luckily he was quick otherwise he would have been injured badly. After missing the target the giant boar turned back and charged at Lucas again but this time he was prepared.

Lucas waited for the boar to come closer to cover the distance between them and then suddenly Lucas's sword started to glow and the very next moment boar was cut in half by vertical slash from Lucas.

Old man Ronald who was watching from behind was astonished and he asked Lucas," boy you told me that your body cannot store mana then how did you charge your blade with mana?"

"Well what I told you earlier is true that I can't store mana or aura in my body. What I just did, happened using mana available in my surroundings."

"Oh so that's what it was. It's wondrous that you can utilise mana available in the surrounding in this way is truly amazing."

"Ronald tell me something, how did that beast come here?"

"It's simple, there are many beasts here who have been here for a long time. And the guardian and monster you will be facing in the trial will be even more stronger.

You better be prepared."

After that Lucas returned to his training. And so a week passed and it was time for him to challenge the trial.

He was standing at the entrance of the ruins where the trial will take place.

As he was about to enter Ronald said," boy you better be prepared to face the challenges that many have failed. Remember that your top priority is making back alive no matter what."

"You better be prepared with a delicious feast as I will soon return clearing it".

And so Lucas entered the ruins.

To be continued…..

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