
Chapter 4 Silver Wing Knight Team (Part 2)_1

Cha Ji was once a Ghost Chef, highly esteemed wherever he went. He didn't even glance at the tossed silver coins, snorting disdainfully, saying, "Do you take us for beggars? The road is not owned by your family."

The Knight stepped forward without changing his expression, emanating an intangible air of authority, restating his earlier order, "Please leave immediately."

"On what grounds do you act despotic?" Nian Bing asked, furious and placing himself in front of his master. Despite knowing very well that the man possesses the strength of a swordsman, fear was absent from his heart.

Looking at the chubby kid before him, the knight couldn't help but frown, his hand on the sword hilt at his waist, repeating for the third time: "Please leave immediately." Clearly, if they refuse again, he will immediately act.

By now, two women had alighted from the carriage, their enchanting voices chiming in again, "That's enough, this is not our place, why cause troubles when we are far away from home?" Nian Bing had his attention drawn to the entrancing voices, and when he saw the graceful figures of these two women, he was completely stunned.

The woman standing in the front looked to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. She was donned in a light blue dress embroidered with beautiful floral patterns made with silver threads. Her contoured eyebrows, petite nose, creamy skin and long waterfall-like dark-green hair tied with a silver ring left Nian Bing in awe. Her blue eyes were clear, and she was looking at him with a faint smile.

Nian Bing's gaze became completely lost. His normally steady hands were trembling slightly. When Cha Ji saw this woman, he couldn't help but secretly admire her in his heart. Even after all these years on the Continent, he had seldom seen such a top-grade beauty.

"You little pervert, who allowed you to stare like this at my mother." The little girl beside the beautiful lady suddenly jumped out, both hands akimbo, looking at Nian Bing displeased. The twelve or thirteen year old dressed in a white dress shared striking similarities with the beautiful lady. Although angry, she still looked adorable with short dark green hair, showing off her charming innocence.

"Mother, mother." Nian Bing's eyes were filled with misty tears as he suddenly cried out loud: "Mother." Cha Ji couldn't hold him back in time, and he rushed towards the beautiful lady.

The knight who was originally blocking their path reacted swiftly, stepping sideways to intercept Nian Bing. But at this moment, Nian Bing's eyes could see nothing except the beautiful lady. His seemingly chubby body swayed quickly, drawing the knight's longsword from his waist subconsciously. Using the sword like a knife, he swiftly struck seven blows at the knight, at the same time flicking two ice cones at the knight's eyes with his left hand.

As a swordsman and a member of the Silver Wing Knight's Group, he had certainly undergone trials of blood and fire. But even so, how much caution could you have against a child who barely reached your waist? Although his beloved sword had accompanied him for many years, in Nian Bing's hands it seemed like it had its own life. Consecutive, heavy seven sword slashes did not contain any techniques, but their speed solved the problem. The knight instinctively leaned back, avoiding the ice cones and the longsword. While he successfully dodged the ice cones, the sword's slices were faster than his late reactions could dodge. Nian Bing had spent a year performing the firewood cutting exercise and his wrist strength had almost reached that of an adult. The longsword strikes sparked off the knight's silver armor. Although it hadn't caused any true harm, it left him in an embarrassing situation.

This was enough time for Nian Bing. Bypassing the knight, he ran swiftly towards the lady. Tears streaked down his chubby face, filling the air around him with sadness.

The sword was the life of a knight. Losing your sword was an absolute humiliation, especially when it was taken by a child. The previously calm knight hollered furiously, chasing Nian Bing from behind in a few strides, a light blue aura congregating into his right hand, ready to strike Nian Bing's head.

"Be careful!" Cha Ji shouted out in alarm.

At this moment, in Nian Bing's eyes, in his heart, there was only the beautiful lady. All other sounds were naturally filtered out by his ears. He kept sprinting forward with the stolen sword, oblivious to the angry swipe behind him that could end his life.

"He's just a child." A lamenting sigh rang out. A slender and elegant hand, glowing with a silver sheen, thrust forward to block the calling of death. The knight staggered, his face turning a shade of red as he stumbled regain his footing.

The one who saved Nian Bing so unexpectedly was the beautiful lady. Her figure had disappeared from Nian Bing's sight, which caused him to pause momentarily. Upon realizing that she was right beside him, Nian Bing immediately tossed away the long sword, letting out a cry: "Mother." He threw himself into the lady's arms to embrace his mother, like a baby bird returning to its nest. Of course, if a baby bird was as fat as him, it probably wouldn't be able to fly.

The beautiful woman looked a bit taken aback as she held Nian Bing's shoulders, momentarily uncertain what to do. Before she got married, she was famously volatile. Even though she became more reserved after her marriage, those who knew about her reputation would keep their distance. Except for her husband, other men daring to touch her would probably be instantly chopped into pieces. But now, as the grieving Nian Bing rushed into her arms, an instinctual maternal affection rose within her unexpectedly. Not only did she not resist, but she involuntarily embraced him.

"Child, don't cry. Tell aunty, what happened to you?" the beautiful woman asked tenderly.

"Mom, mom, don't leave me, don't leave me." Nian Bing's longing for his mother surged forth at this moment, causing him to tightly grip the woman's skirt and weep.

The little girl who got out of the carriage with the beautiful woman saw her mother occupied by someone else and immediately became upset. She ran over in a few steps, pushing Nian Bing with both hands, "What are you doing, don't hug my mom."

The little girl's strength was shockingly strong. Nian Bing, even if prepared, could not match her force, stumbled and fell sideways. However, he still held on to the woman's skirt. The sound of ripping fabric echoed as she exclaimed. The sides of her skirt were torn apart by Nian Bing, revealing her delicate skin. Her face instantly flushed red and she hurriedly grabbed at her skirt to prevent further exposure. Along with her, the knights hurriedly turned away, praying inwardly, "I saw nothing, I saw nothing." If the Marquis found out, they would probably lose their eyes at least.

"Chenchen, what are you doing?" After hiding her body, the woman scolded Chenchen, her daughter.

Chenchen complained, "Mom, why is he calling you mom! You are only my mom."

The woman looked at her spoiled daughter helplessly, shook her head, and a silvery glow appeared. The torn parts of her dress were miraculously joined together again under the strange light. Although it looked a bit awkward, at least it was complete again.

After Nian Bing stumbled, he somewhat sobered up. Cha Ji had already run over to help him up from the ground, "Nian Bing, what's wrong with you?" Worry was evident in his eyes. Now, what Cha Ji feared most was the memory seal he had placed on Nian Bing being broken.

Nian Bing, still gazing dumbly at the beautiful woman, muttered, "You are not my mom, my mom has blue hair."

After the woman had fixed her dress, she walked gently to Nian Bing and asked, "Little friend, do I look a lot like your mother?"

Nian Bing fervently nodded his head.

Looking at Nian Bing's chubby little face, the woman couldn't help but reveal a tender, gentle shine in her eyes, "Then where is your mom?"

Nian Bing had sobered up by then, lowered his head, gently shook his head and said, "I don't know, all I have is my master."

After hearing these words, Cha Ji breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "My lady, I'm sorry. This disciple of mine is an orphan who probably misses his mother terribly. Please forgive any offense."

The woman smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, this child is really cute."

Chenchen came over from the side, pouting discontentedly, "I'm prettier than him. He's so chubby he looks like a ball. So ugly." Truth to be told, even though Nian Bing was a little fat, he was joyfully young and originally handsome, so he was not unattractive. Although Chenchen spoke disapprovingly, in her heart she was thinking, this chubby little boy looked like he could be fun.