
Magic Art Online:Chapter 1: Lottery winner

In a high school, classroom 2.

This is the 1st semester of the school year.

Classroom 1A is a place for students who have achievements or students who are rich.

Seen a teenager sitting in the back row near the window looking out the window at the clear sky.

It's already 10 o'clock in the afternoon and it's time for a break.

Some students have gone to the canteen and some have eaten in class because they brought lunch from home.

These people feel that the food in the canteen is not up to their taste buds so they bring food specially made by the chef to their home.

But the teenager was not one of them because he was a poor student who because of his achievements could enter this class.

at this time he only ate the bread and soy milk he bought when he was going to school.


Four students who gathered at the front were talking about a game that was being hotly discussed by the world community.

These four students are two boys and two girls.

"I heard MAO can make real money" said male student 1.

"Yes, the in-game currency can be exchanged for real money with a 2:1 conversion," continued male student 2.

"But the price of the equipment is quite expensive for ordinary people," said student 1.

"I heard up to $2000 to $15000 per game kit" Student 2 raised her bowed head.

He was chewing the food in his mouth.

The conversation continued until they ran out of food.

after that they went to take out the trash and took a short walk.


At this time Akira was still sitting drinking soy milk in a bottle.

Look at the field that is near his class.

Akira's class was on the 2nd floor which allowed him to clearly see the scenery of some students playing basketball.

After hearing the conversation between the four students earlier he felt sad.

"why is this equipment so expensive when i want to play this game" he became sluggish.

Desperately opening his phone, he hoped that his last hope was not crushed.

The developer gave 10 packs of game equipment to a select 10 people.

He also signed up for this event.

In this event, participants only need to write their ID and home address.

The draw will take place today and the items will be dispatched within 7 working days.


Akira opened the official website of the game developer company MAO.

Then he went to the lottery for free gaming equipment.

Seen on the page there are already 8 winner IDs and Akira doesn't see the IDs.

"Looks like I have to wait a few years to play this game" he was a little disappointed and could only sigh.

But just as he was about to close this page the 9th winner id appeared and unexpectedly belonged to him.

"Ah this.. this.. haha ​​I won I won" when he shouted a student entered the class where there was only Akira.

seeing this classmate who was shouting loudly he looked on with a strange look.

Sensing someone's gaze he looked towards the front of the class and saw a student looking at him with disdain.

He hastily sat down and pretended nothing had happened.

but the joy in his heart could not be hidden.

He felt a vibration from his phone and an email came in.

when Akira opened this email he smiled.

Yes this email is a notification that he has won a free game equipment and will be sent no later than tomorrow and will arrive in the evening.

Incidentally tomorrow is Saturday and school only comes in until 10 noon.

The bell rang and it was time for biology class.


All students have sat at their desks.

Then the teacher enters the classroom and starts learning.

Akira followed the whole class well after two hours of biology lessons.

class ended and the clock showed 11.30 which meant the students had cleaned up the classroom to end the day.


After Cleaning the class the students went home.

At this time in class 1A there were only a few people who were packing and going home.

A female student approached her it was a grade 2 1A flower.

Anna who is also the one who cares about him.

because Akira is a poor child, none of his classmates want to hang out with him except Anna and John who are his best friends.

John also approached him but when he saw Anna approaching Akira he turned around before he smiled at Akira meaningfully.

Seeing this Akira just rolled his eyes at Jhon.

"Hey Akira, are you not going anywhere tomorrow Saturday?" asked Anna who was now near Akira.

"What's wrong?" Akira raised his eyebrows and looked at Anna with a questioning look.

Anna was a little embarrassed and said quietly "actually I am going to go buy MAO game equipment tomorrow, can you accompany me?" she lowered her head.

Every time she talked to Akira, Anna felt embarrassed and her face felt hot.

His heart was beating fast which made him even more nervous.

In her eyes Akira is the boy of her dreams.

good looking and not arrogant even though he is poor but what he is looking for is not other people's wealth.

but good or bad a person's character, all this time he paid attention to Akira's attitude he saw that Akira was a good person.

Anna is the daughter of a well-known businessman, namely a kitchen equipment company.

Centong is the name of this company that has been established for decades and the quality of the goods is guaranteed.


Hearing this Akira smiled softly "okay what time are we leaving?" after saying that he closed his bag and carried him on his back.

"At 1 pm, I will pick you up in front of your house" said Anna sweetly.

"Okay, now I'm going home first and I still have work to do in a bit, see you tomorrow"

"Oke see you"

The two of them separated Akira went home on foot and Anna was waiting for the driver in front of the school gate.


By this time Akira was already at a supermarket and he was already wearing a cashier's outfit.

The clock on the computer screen on the cashier's desk showed 3:30 and a half hours before the shift ended.

After school he went straight to work, this work he did for his living expenses because he only lived alone.

both of his parents had died and he had no close relatives.

So since the death of his parents when he was 13 years old he has been living independently.

At this time a buyer submits his groceries for a price check.

Unexpectedly, it was an old acquaintance from middle school, to be precise, his ex-girlfriend.

but it looks like Akira's ex-girlfriend doesn't remember it because at this moment she's wearing a mask.

After the buyer handed over his shopping a teenage boy appeared and hugged the buyer's waist.

Akira's ex-girlfriend smiled at the teenage boy who was hugging her.

seeing the teenager Akira smiled and he remembered that this was the one who caused them to break up.

Didn't think much of him doing his job and handing over their groceries when the payment was done.

. . ..

At 20.00 Akira was in his bedroom.

He was sitting at his desk studying playing an online rpg game.

At this moment he was helping someone level up.

Someone across from Akira started a conversation "hey I heard that the MAO game is opening this Sunday, are you going to play it too?"

"Of course I will play it" Akira replied.

"I also plan to play it but it will eat up my savings for 2 years, but for the sake of experiencing the game more realistically I'm willing" said Krang on the other hand.

"I'm lucky to win a free game package so it doesn't matter" Akira said casually.

"Wow, are you really lucky?" said the person on the other side.

They kept on talking something unimportant and continued leveling up.

After 22.30 Akira was sleeping soundly on his bed.
