
Chapter "New world"

<p>In the quiet and seemingly ordinary town of Little Whinging, Surrey, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over Number 4 Privet Drive. Inside the small, suburban house, two young boys lay tucked into rickety beds beneath a sliver of moonlight that managed to sneak through the curtains. The room smelled faintly of dust and despair.<br/>James Potter, a 27-year-old physicist, billionaire, and brilliant but enigmatic man from another world, had never imagined that his life would take such a bewildering turn. He remembered the heroic act that led to his death, saving a hijacked plane filled with innocent lives. The crash had been inevitable, but his sacrifice had been deliberate. And now, as his eyes slowly opened in a world unfamiliar to him, he found himself lying in a child's bed.<br/>He glanced at the small boy sleeping soundly in the adjacent bed. His messy black hair was a stark contrast to his own, and his lightning-shaped scar on the forehead seemed strangely familiar. This was Harry Potter, his supposed twin brother in this new life. James couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up here.<br/>The memories from his previous world flooded his mind, along with the knowledge he had gained. He was a wizard, and he knew about the magical world of witches and wizards, thanks to the movies and books he had devoured in his past life. But Harry, it seemed, knew nothing of his true heritage.<br/>The door to their room creaked open, and a shrill voice echoed through the dark room. "Get up, you two! It's time to do your chores!" Aunt Petunia's sharp tone cut through the morning silence like a blade.<br/>James exchanged a weary glance with Harry. They had been living with Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and their spoiled cousin, Dudley, for as long as they could remember. It was a life of menial labor, neglect, and thinly veiled contempt.<br/>As they reluctantly got out of bed and started their daily chores, James couldn't help but think about his plans for the future. He had knowledge from his previous life, knowledge that could give him an advantage in this new world. But he needed to be cautious, especially around the mysterious Albus Dumbledore.<br/>While scrubbing the kitchen floor, James whispered to Harry, "Listen, Harry, there's something I need to tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, especially Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon."<br/>Harry looked at him with curiosity. "What is it, James?"<br/>James hesitated for a moment, then decided to reveal a fraction of the truth. "We're not ordinary kids, Harry. We're wizards, just like in the stories I used to tell you."<br/>Harry's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wizards? But Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon always said..."<br/>"They lied to us, Harry," James interrupted. "I think there's a magical world out there, and I'm going to find it. But we have to be careful, especially around Dumbledore. I think he knows more about our situation than he's letting on."<br/>Harry nodded, his trust in his twin brother unwavering. "I'll follow your lead, James. We'll figure this out together."<br/>As the day turned into night and the brothers lay in their beds once more, they couldn't help but wonder about the magical world that awaited them. James knew he had a long and difficult journey ahead, filled with secrets, dangers, and the pursuit of power, money, and knowledge. But one thing was certain: he would do whatever it took to protect his newfound family and unravel the mysteries that surrounded them. The bond between the two brothers grew stronger that night, a silent promise to face the challenges of their new life together.<br/>As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, James and Harry settled into their routine at Number 4 Privet Drive. With each passing day, they grew more adept at concealing their true abilities and the magic that flowed through their veins. Their silent meditations in the dead of night had started to yield results; their magical powers were growing, slowly but steadily.<br/>One evening, after a year of secretly practicing and honing their magical skills, James sat Harry down in their dimly lit room. "Harry, it's time we start focusing on our physical abilities as well," James said, his eyes reflecting the determination that had driven him throughout his life.<br/>Harry nodded in agreement, eager to learn and improve. "What do you have in mind, James?"<br/>With a knowing grin, James began to teach his younger brother the basics of close combat. He drew upon his extensive knowledge of fighting techniques, acquired through both his previous life and the countless action movies he had watched. They borrowed a knife from the kitchen, one that wouldn't be easily missed among the clutter.<br/>"Remember, Harry, this isn't about being violent," James said as he demonstrated a defensive stance. "It's about knowing how to protect yourself and those you care about."<br/>Under James's patient guidance, Harry started to learn the art of self-defense. Their late-night training sessions in their small bedroom became a sacred ritual, an opportunity to bond as brothers and grow stronger together.<br/>In addition to their magical and combat training, they began to venture into the neighborhood during the day, offering their services for odd jobs like lawn care, pet walking, and car cleaning. It wasn't just about earning a few extra pounds; it was about blending in, building their image as ordinary kids. They gained the trust of the neighbors, who began to see them as hardworking and responsible boys.<br/>Their daily physical exertion, combined with their magical exercises, improved their stamina and resilience. James knew that these skills would be vital in the uncertain future that awaited them. They couldn't rely solely on magic; they needed to be well-rounded individuals.<br/>As the months passed, James and Harry grew not only physically stronger but also mentally tougher. Their bond as brothers deepened with each passing day, and they found solace in their shared secret and their unwavering commitment to each other's safety and well-being.</p>

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