
Chapter 1: kidnappings

Northern blue star of the federation alliance, Damon empire, planet meta (Code name M. T-57), solid city.

Downtown, field with traffics of people, few architectural pieces and enormous amounts of buildings coloured white or black.

This was a Residential Tenancies Act, 11,358…

Which stated all inhabitable building shall be coloured white while all working places and companies shall be coloured black. The only exception being architectural firms, but only with the RTA (Residential Tenancies Act)'s approval.

Although the building where colour white or black, they were all made fully of metal. As even the glasses and walls were made out of special metal. This fully metal usage was called the FM (full metal) and was common in this world, a world fully metallic.

On top of a black edifice was plastered an enormous television, as the TV played news for all the passerby to see.

"It's March 27 on a Sunday morning. Spring is coming as winter is at an and.

Good morning citizens of solid city, I'm your host Shaun Li here to bring you the latest news with mn24 (Meta News 24)." Spoke Shaun Li, an adult male with an average face who wore a black suit, as he sat in front of a camera reporting the latest happenings to the public.

"It's still feels chilly, but that's estimated to change around 12 in the afternoon.

The weather is minus 5 degrees and feels like minus 15 degrees.

And up first on the latest news, another young woman goes missing. The victim is 19 years old Emily bugs, who went missing after school. She's a Caucasian female, 5 feet and 8 inches in height, blonde with blue eyes." The reporter, Shaun Li, described her as a hologram emerged from the television as it displayed her appearance while he was describing her.

Some people stopped to look at the hologram of the missing girl, evidently worried and trying to help in any way. While the large majority of people simply ignored the news, and went on in the streets with their business.

Soon, the hologram disappeared as Shaun continued speaking.

The SCLE (solid civilian law enforcement) asks to please contact them if you have seen her, or have any news regarding her whereabouts.

The magic law enforcement believes these crimes are being committed by a non magician. But promises to still aid the SCLE in investigating these missing cases.

The SCLE released a press conference. This is what Robert banks, the solid city's SCLE chief, had to say." Said Shaun as the television began showing a hologram again, but this time displaying a press conference.

The press conference partook outside, with standing journalists bombarding a fat middle age man in blue uniform, who stood in front of them.

"Hmm, first of all, I would like to apologize to the families of the missing young women. The investigation has been slow and with many difficulties along the way, but fortunately, we now have major leads that could lead us to the perpetrator. We assure you justice will prevail and the criminal responsible will be punished for his crimes.."

Said the sweating, fat middle age man, Robert. As it was unknown if he was sweating some much because of the heat or because he felt nervous.

"Is that because the mage law enforcement has finally decided to take action?" Asked a male journalist.

"No comment," said the chief of the SCLE, Robert.

"Will you be handing the investigation to the mage law enforcement?" Asked another male journalist.

"No comment," said Robert once again.

"Do you say no comments, means you agree the investigation will be taken on by the mage law enforcement or do you disagree?" This time a female journalist asked.

"No comment," replied Robert with a frowning face.

As he thought.

"Sigh, we are unable to make any progress, and we are just as clueless as the civilians. But I can't admit that we failed our job, or else even civilians our mortal brothers may lose faith in us. Thank god, mage Lucie agreed to help us with this case." Sighing, Robert thought of how he had to result to lying to the press and public just to keep their image. As he Felt extremely lucky that a magician from the mage law enforcement had taken initiative to help them.

"Do you have any leads or any information the public may not be prevue to?" Asked a man with glasses and a blueish suit with the logo of mn24 on him.

"We are aware that the victim Emily bogus and the ones before her were all last spotted heading inside alleyways with no surveillance cameras. We advise all citizens to avoid places with no surveillance cameras, especially young ladies, as it's well known all the victims so far have been young women around 18 to 20 years of age." Replied the chief of the SCLE Robert bank, as he spoke of obvious truths the public had figured out themselves.

"We still have more information, but the rest is classified information crucial to apprehending the criminal responsible." Continued saying Robert, as he wiped his sweat with his handkerchief nervously.

Soon the television screen went back to showing the mn24's new camera face: Shaun.

"On even more devastating news. Alloy city, almost completely destroyed after a major fight between two level 100 magus, as more than 1 million individuals died during this incident. And due to the many properties being destroyed after the battle, the market has dramatically gone down. While this may be good news to some, but for many families that lost their love ones and homes, this is surely devastating news. "said Shaun with a downcast expression, as no one could tell if it was genuine or not.

"Let's hear what the Military had to say, as we listen to what the first sergeant here to speak on behalf of the military had to say." The big TV plastered on the building soon began to project another press conference, but this one took inside as the sergeant in green military uniform and the reporter sat on chairs.

"First and foremost, the military apologized to all the family members who've lost love ones. This is truly a tragedy.

This incident is the military's fault. This happened because we were misinformed about the dark mage." Said the first sergeant with an indifferent face, while he sat in front of the silent press.

as an atmosphere completely different from that of the first press conference played out.

"What happened, sir? First sergeant." As a man raised his hand and only spoke after the military representative signal him to.

"As we know, these despicable men of the evil path are cunning and Malicious. After Critically injuring the military master sergeant, the dark mage then proceeded to murder millions of innocent.

The military has decided to raise the bounty of 'The dark magus, wind fist Alex'." replied the first sergeant with the same indifference.

The sergeant who gave out a similar reply to that of the first conference with Robert banks, as he spoke of knowledge the public was previewed to already and guesses the public already made like raising the bounty of the criminal.


received completely different reactions from the many reporters and the people that had stopped in the streets to hear what he had to say.

This was a firsthand demonstration that showed how unfair this world could be, as Robert, who with unsolved missing cases, was harshly criticized by the public and media. But on the other hand, the military with much more responsibility, as millions of innocent death on their shoulders because they did not do their investigation thoroughly, weren't even questioned by the media and public alike.

This was the difference between a mage and a normal person, the difference between the strong and the weak.

In a neighbourhood with old and rusty buildings, with thousands of people going on about with their lives, as they walked in the busy streets. One particular man was jogging.

This man wore a green tracksuit with a hoodie covering his head, as he ran by people on the side-street. The hooded man continued to run on the smooth solid metallic surface of meta. His feet, with ordinary p4 running shoes, ran on the metallic ground. The hooded man continued to run, passing building after building until he stopped in front of one, seeming to take a break. The building was old like any other around it, buildings over 80 years old. Buildings considered too old by the RTA (Residential Tenancies Act, 11,448…

The apartment building was coloured white, the usual colour for residential buildings, but the white paint was rotting out due to how old the building was.

The hooded man who had stopped in front of the building to catch his breath soon arched his back up as he walked in front of the building entrance and got inside. Once he got in, the man took the elevator to the 5th floor. Arriving on the fifth floor, the man took a turn to the left and walked straight. Passing by the apartment 508, 509, 510, the hooded man continued to walk straight passing apartment complex one after another. Until he reached the far left end, as once again turned left seeing apartment 516, 517. He walked until he arrived in front of 516 and got inside.

Once Inside the hooded man closed the door after him. As he took off his hoodie, revealing a young face. The young man continued to take off all his clothes until he was completely naked. Slowly the naked young man began walking towards a room, as he opened the door and got in.

Inside the room, on the floor, laid down a blonde woman naked and completely tied up. The young woman's eyes were void of life as she laid there silently, as nothing else aside from her could be found in the room. The girl greatly resembled the missing young woman, Emily, bogus.