
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Grail

After the mage king's dramatic descent from power and existence, leaving a void that echoed with whispers of forgotten magic and lost reign, the ancient crafters and wise sages of the realm, in a fervent bid to restore balance and quell the growing chaos, set their hands to work in the creation of a magnificent and mysterious artefact known as the holy grail. This revered object, with its origins shrouded in the mists of time and legend, carried within its sacred core an incalculable power capable of reshaping the very essence of existence itself. Fashioned not by mere mortal whims but by the veiled hands of those who grasped the threads of arcane wisdom, the holy grail stood as a testament to the confluence of extraordinary skill, enigmatic knowledge, and boundless ambition. Its creation, with each intricate detail meticulously tended to with a blend of reverence and caution, served as a resplendent fusion of wonder and peril, a dual nature that mirrored the intricate dance between creation and destruction that defined the tapestry of the world.

The Tohsaka, Matou, and Einzbern families, each carrying their own rich legacies and traditions, united with a shared purpose to bring the Grail to life. Their collaboration was a delicate dance of diplomacy and ambition, as they pooled their resources and expertise to birth a device that defied ordinary comprehension. The Grail, a marvel of ingenuity and forbidden magic, harnessed the primal power of blood and sacrificial arcane rites. It thrummed with an energy that resonated with the very heartbeat of the world, whispering promises of unimaginable wishes fulfilled to those who dared to seek its bountiful gifts. Among the three noble houses, the Tohsaka family stood out for their mastery over the ley lines, the ethereal veins that crisscrossed the land like a hidden network of power. Their ability to manipulate these arcane channels with precision and finesse was a testament to their lineage's ancient wisdom and formidable prowess.

In addition to their command over the ley lines, the Tohsaka excelled in the art of world-piercing techniques, a rare and coveted skill that enabled them to transcend the boundaries of reality itself. Through their expertise in casting summoning spells, they could call forth beings of extraordinary might and mystery, forging alliances with otherworldly entities that lurked beyond mortal ken. The Tohsaka family's contributions to the creation of the Grail were instrumental, infusing the device with layers of complexity and potency that set it apart from any other artefact of its kind. Their legacy of arcane mastery and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of forbidden knowledge ensured that the Grail would be a force to be reckoned with, capable of shaping destinies and unravelling the very threads of existence itself.

The Makiri family, known for their profound knowledge of families and skilled craftsmanship, intricately refined the potent curse over generations. This curse, over time, transformed into the sophisticated command spells instrumental in controlling servants. The unique expertise passed down through the Makiri lineage led to the emergence of individuals exhibiting heightened potential for master's selection. By delving into the secrets of ancient rituals and magical arts, the Makiri not only excelled in the creation of powerful spells but also cultivated an aura of mystique and respect surrounding their bloodline, attracting the attention of those seeking mastery in the arcane arts.

The Holy Grail, a profound and enigmatic artefact, was meticulously crafted and provided by the esteemed Einzbern family, renowned for their intricate mastery of magecraft. Through a harmonious alliance between three distinguished mage lineages, the Grail was bestowed with life and purpose, giving rise to a majestic and intricate system of heroic spirits, each embodying valour and myth. This groundbreaking collaboration not only birthed the legendary heroic spirit framework but also heralded the dawn of the prestigious Holy Grail War, a tournament of unparalleled magnitude where mages and spirits clash in pursuit of unimaginable power and wishes.


In pursuit of obtaining the legendary Grail, the three powerful mage families find themselves entangled in a complex web of strategic combat and mystical summonings. These clans, each representing a unique lineage of magic and tradition, embarked on a perilous quest that required them to delve into the realm of heroic spirits—exceptional warriors and heroines whose lives embodied virtues but also carried the weight of unfulfilled regrets. To bridge the gap between the mortal realm and the ethereal plane where these spirits resided, the mages called upon the mystical energies of ancient artefacts linked to the legendary heroes of old.


This sacred task was not undertaken lightly, as the fate of the Grail and the destiny of the world itself hung in the balance. In a show of trust and power, the mage families bestowed their trusted apprentices with command spells, granting them authority over the enigmatic entities known as servants. These Servants, formidable entities brought forth from the annals of history, bore the burden of engaging in combat not only to secure the Grail but also to ensure the safety and welfare of their masters.


As the battles raged on, the clashes between servants became not only tests of strength and skill but also demonstrations of loyalty and devotion. Each combatant fought not only for their own glory but also for the honour and desires of their respective masters. And amidst the chaos and fury of battle, a victor would eventually emerge, their spirit unyielding and their resolve unquestionable. It was this victor who, with the power of the Grail within reach, could articulate their deepest wishes and aspirations, shaping the very fabric of reality itself. And thus, the intricate dance of combat, loyalty, and ambition played out in the quest for the elusive Grail, weaving together the destinies of all involved in a tapestry of myth and magic.


The King of the Demon Gods, Goetia, after his victory over the mage king, decided that humanity was a failure. He stated, "We have witnessed much sadness, seen many betrayals, and have had enough. Even the gods can meet no end on this planet except through annihilation. This planet was a mistake; it was madness predicated on life with a fixed duration. I will reach the apex of it all. I shall go 4.5 billion years into the past, bear witness to the moment when the celestial body was born, and remake this world. I shall rewrite the Book of Genesis and create a world without the concept of death, and that shall be our grand deed."