
Mage's Fate [Discontinued]

[Discontinued] Discovering that he is a non-mage, Glin was very devastated. He was a genius and a magic nerd since he was younger, but his dream of becoming a remarkable mage suddenly turned impossible one day. Depressed, he secretly left the clan to escape from shaming himself and his 'father.' However, the clan still learned so his escape became pointless. He was brought back to the clan, as his father's request. After he returned, he soon experienced bullying from his cousin and got angry. But he also soon discovered the biggest secret in the entire world of magic. Because of his discovery, he found hope for his dream and he decided to embark on a journey to the most mysterious and most dangerous Great Woods...

Moon_Eater_Serpent · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Glin Fleyon Hiyerman

Just a few minutes on the road, Glin and Marco finally arrived in front of a fancy antique iron gate. There were also guards beside it, but they opened the gate as soon as they saw Marco's badge and his very familiar face. However, they failed to recognize the long-haired handsome youth beside him.

Walking past the iron gate, Glin has again made a glimpse at the home he once left.

The "House of Valarian" was very wide and contained the old fanciness. On its center, lies one of the well-known pillars of the city which dates back to times of the city's foundation: a large eight-sided tower with a height of more than 50 meters, having wide-opened square windows on every side. This tower is not just the home base of the Valarians but also one of the five great structures in the city, a mage defense tower that defended the city many times.

Glin entered a reception hall after looking around the family's residence. There were a few people in there, but he didn't bother himself giving his attention to them and went into a hallway. Meanwhile, despite the change in his appearance over the eight months, there were still a lot who recognized him and started gossiping. The news of his return has spread very fast to many members of the family.

"It is indeed him. He should be fifteen now but I can't feel even just a sliver of Mana from his body. Perhaps the news is indeed true… He's a non-mage."

"I can't believe that he's the son of the former-head of the house. What a shame."

"If this news is spread outside of the family, those people from the other three houses will probably be laughing at us. A mage family has produced a non-mage? Isn't it funny?"

"If he isn't the son of uncle Theian, he would have been dumped by the family already… It would have been better if he didn't return…"

As he walked past the front of many room doors, Glin overheard a few conversations of some people beside the hallways. He was hurt every time he hears them talk about him, and he wished he couldn't hear them. Aside from a hopeless wish, he didn't know what else to do, as even to curse the fate of him having the strongest bad luck is pointless.

While he was unable to endure hearing the people talking about him, he hurried his steps and turned in a hallway intersection. But he soon lowered his pace and halted his steps. He couldn't help gnashing his teeth as his fingernails dug deep onto his two palms.

"It must be very tough for you, but pull yourself together. I don't really believe that you are totally hopeless. You might find a place for yourself if you search for it. But if you stop and surrender to your bad destiny, you won't find it."

Hearing this from Marco, Glin quickly realized it was true. He's still young and it's far from over.

The two of them then continued on their way and soon enter a big room after passing by many other doors. It was where Glin and his father lived, very spacious and well decorated with fancy antique display items and rich-quality materials.

There were two beds on the opposite sides, both separated from the middle part of the chamber by white curtains with golden embroideries depicting the turbulence of wind and water. One of those beds belonged to Glin while the other one belonged to his father. But although he's been away for a long time, it seemed that his bed was never allowed to gather dusts; it's still tidy and clean.

When they entered, they've quickly guessed that there was no one inside. But after looking around, there was a message written on a dirty-white paper, lying above the rosewood table.

"Backyard, small pond," it said. Very simple and direct, it didn't take Glin and Marco a second to understand it.

"Looks like uncle was quite sure you are to come back home today," Marco smiled, "I'll be going. Have a good talk."

He walked out of the door, leaving Glin alone. Shortly, Glin also left the chamber in tranquility. He took a different hallway and arrived on the back of the Valarian residence.

Behind the old buildings, there was a peaceful place of green. It was a place that has very little difference with the forest: tranquil and beautiful that it gave the feeling of not being in a city. But it was actually just a giant garden full herbs and trees planted everywhere, and its seemingly abandoned appearance was without doubt as it has been here for almost a millennium.

When Glin came out, he went directly into the garden. The place only has one pond so he knew where his old man is. Shortly, a back of a man wearing an elegant-looking black robe came to his sight. The man was silently listening to the chirping birds with his hands behind him and facing the greenish pond.

As if the man knew Glin came at the exact moment, he slowly turned around and glanced at the handsome youth, wearing a gentle smile in his face.

"Finally, kid you came home."

"You knew I'd come back."

"I'm not a prophet, you idiot! If you hadn't come today, who knows if I'm going to die waiting for you here like a stupid old man."

"You made me come just to scold me?" Glin mumbled.


"Hey, I know what you did was all for me. Thank you," Theian smiled. "For me, you've done more than enough. And I'm very proud of you."

"If I had even just a thread of magic, I would have made you even prouder. And you wouldn't have lost your family position," Glin said. Traces of sadness was revealed on his face as he clenched both his hands.

"My position?" Theian laughed, "forget it! Or do you want this old man busy until he dies?"



"Father," Glin said when a thought came to his mind.


"Why do I have no magic? Does it have anything to do with my mother?" asked Glin curiously.

Hearing this, Theian's face suddenly turned solemn. It was before he threw his glance away from Glin while keeping silence. Glin was surprised by this reaction and easily guessed that there was something he isn't aware of.

A few seconds of silence later, Theian finally spoke.

"Actually… It's because of your father."

"You?" Glin got confused instantly, but more curious.

Seeing the eagerness of his son to know the truth, Theian helplessly heave a sigh.

"It's a secret. Do you want to know?" Theian glanced at Glin.

Glin then nodded and waited.

"Your mother told me not to tell you about this unless you ask me about it.

"Twenty years ago, I traveled across cities and kingdoms. And I've met a few good people on my way; one of them was your beautiful mother. And then…"

"You wooed her?" Glin inserted.

"Shut up!" Theian retorted while slightly blushing. There was an unconcealed funny glance when he looked at Glin. He suddenly recalled and event from long ago. He added while stammering, "I… I… never had a chance… Listen, ah!"

"After a few years of journey and friendship with a few people, I had to come back here. Me and my father has agreed to it. And then, it happened. But half a month later, that was sixteen years ago, I've met your mother again here in Stonewill. She came for me… And I learned that she was pregnant." Theian paused.

After the last sentence, Glin's entire world shook. He's not a Valarian? He was very shocked, and it was noticeable in his face. Yet, he still wanted to hear the more detailed story.

"It's the truth, between us, there's no blood relationship. You are a foreign blood. Your real father was named 'Ginn Hiyerman,' your mother is 'Linlin Fleyon,' so your real name is 'Glin Fleyon Hiyerman.' Ginn was also a non-mage just like you." Theian lowered his head and faced the pond full of algae. He was worried about what would Glin feel after hearing the big truth of his life that may change him. But when he peeked at the youth's face again, he was a little relieved. Glin has recovered from the shock very quickly.

Glin smiled.

"Now I know why I look different compared you. But I really wonder why your cousins never doubted me as your son?" he asked in a teasing manner.

"You're only slightly… more handsome than me," Theian retorted and laughed, "if you haven't inherited your mother's face, then I'd certainly not be any inferior to you in terms of handsomeness."

Glin laughed, "old man, you have a very long story to tell. You better tell me honestly, otherwise mother will be scolding you once you go to heaven."

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