There's so many evil in this world but we cant know where they are, maybe the evil is your friend or maybe the evil is behind you but you dont know.
POLIRINNIAN LAND full of good creatures, they're friendly and lovable, there's a fairy in the river, friendly trees and friendly creatures in the sea,
There's a guardian live there name Harnus.
Harnus is a good boy and very brave person, he protect the land over and over again because of living in the other lands, they want to stole the Stone
And that stone is legacy to Harnus of his father and mother before death.
Harnus's father is a farmer, his father lives in a small town, and harnus' mother is a powerful angel in the whole earth, she can heal people and she can protect the ANGELID LAND faster,
but there was someone more powerful than his mother while harnus was born, they hide harnus on an island and that is POLIRINNIAN LAND and his parents returned to the island of ANGELID and harnus' parents could no longer handle the power of darkness so they were killed,
so harnus was left on the island of polirinnian and he grew up there he was cared by the creatures there.
And that boy start he's journey to the whole universe and fight against evil who want to stole the Magalindus Stone.
Harnus - "Owww here's he come cant wait to see you"
Baby Dragon - "rawrr" a yarn of a baby dragon
Harnus - "everything is alright now then, hmm... welcome to your home Baby Dragon, wait can i call you Xark?
Baby Dragon - "rawrr"
Harnus - "Oky oky Thank you, im going to cook for my food im literally hungry im starving so much, go ahead baby dragon go wherever you want on this island, you're safe here so dont worry, im here for your journey"
While Harnus Cooking, the clouds turn to black and its start raining and Harnus saw Baby Dragon Scared staring at the sea, there's a woman and Looking at them, and the woman slowly go up to the sea and says
"well, well, well you are now grownups Harnus"
[MAFISA - He's mothers sister, Mafisa is not evil at all because Mafisa's Power is Storm is not just a storm she can control the sea and destory everything, but she knows as a princess of storm]
Harnus - "Hello, Mafisa its been a long time, you can visit here but dont scared my friends here"
Mafisa - "what friend? Monster? oww Harnus you can make a friend if you out of this island its so many people have magical powers, make a friend, wait... a real friend, i mean like us, you need to find your mothers stone, your mothers stone is in everywhere"
Harnus - "yah i know but the world is so big, maybe someone else got it, it's hard to get that, mother's power is more powerful than mine, it's lucky if that's stone is around"
Mafisa - "oky if you scared, hmm i will guide you Harnus no matter what happened, see you next time, Harnus"
And mafisa gone like a bubble, and the sky back to normal, Harnus thinking what he needs to do to get his mother's stone, if harnus have that stone he will be stronger and he can fight to the S class Wizard in the whole universe, so Harnus decide to find that stone, he get his bag and his sword, while the baby dragon looking at him harnus said "i will back, we need to get that stone to protect our Land", and harnus get the big boat and go to the Southern East and he will go to he's first adventure to the ZZATO LAND.
∆[[[[NEXT CHAPTER]]]]∆
coming soon