
Chapter 34

Bambam: "We are good. How is you and your wife?"

Kai: "We are good. By the way why dont you introduce me to your girlfriend?"

Bambam: "Do I have to introduce her to you? How about you intoduce me to your wife?"

Kai: "Come on Bambam we are friends are we not. Is there something wrong with introducing our partners?"

Bambam: "You are right. I would love to see your wife. I mean you got married but not many people know how she looks like since you are too possessive of her apparently."

Kai then took out his phone from his pocket and started searching for something.

Kai: "You wanna see her...here"

He showed me a picture on his phone and I was extremely shocked but again I didn't react. In the picture it was Kai and Y/N in a wedding dress.

Bambam: "Thats your wife?"

Kai: "Yes that's MY wife. You seem a bit tensed. Now it's your turn."

Yes i was a bit tense. I looked at Kai and was about to say something but got interrupted.

Lisa: "Oppa do you think we should go and buy some baby outfits?"

She said as she got down the stairs with her phone in her hands not paying attention to who was in the room. We were all looking at her until she looked towards us.

Bambam: "Well Kai this is my girlfriend"

I said as I walked towards Lisa and put my arm around her shoulders.

Bambam: "Her name is Lisa. What about your wife's name?"

Kai: "Her name is...Y/N"

Lisa: "W-w-what?"

*Lisa POV*

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was so confused. First my own brother introduces me as his girlfriend and now I am hearing that this guy's wife is called Y/N!!!! What is going on?

Kai: "You seem a bit shocked? Do you perhaps know her?"

Lisa: "I-I don't know w-what you talking about?!"

I didn't know how to answer him. I mean Y/N didn't tell me anything about her husband and if this is her husband then I don't know if I should say something about Y/N or not.

Kai: " Her name is Park Y/N. Do really not know her. I see you are shocked and nurvouse. Why is that?"

Bambam: "I can assure you that my girlfriend doesnt know anything about this. Why do you think they know each other?"

Kai: "You don't need to worry about why I care if they know each other or not. But if you do happen to ever meet her in person you should let me know."

Bambam: "Isn't she your wife. If we was too see her in person wouldn't you be with her? Or...has ur wife ran away from you because you have became to possessive?"

Kai: "Oh come on Bambam...we were friends once so you should know that I become very possessive of my things."

Lisa: "Y/N Isn't a thing to be possessive about."

I said with a loud voice and once his eyes landed on me I realised what I said.

Lisa: "I-I mean she is your w-wife right? You should trust her and everything."

I can't tell him that I know Y/N. I have to speak to her first about all of this. She probably had her reasons not to tell me who her husband is.

Kai: "Why does it so-"

Kai was cut off by Bambam's phone ringing. Bambam took his phone and picked up without looking at the ID caller.

Bambam: "Hello"

He started talking on the phone and walking toward the kitchen to probably get more privacy while Kai just kept looking at Bambam's every action. Between me and Kai it was very quiet. I am not gonna lie but I actually know who Kai is. He is the leader of the biggest Mafia just Bambam. That's why I moved away to a different location because I didn't wanted to be involved. But surprisingly Bambam found my location. Both me and Bambam are very close to each other as we are siblings and as he is older then me I understand why he would want to know where I live and everything. After some time Bambam came back.

Bambam: "I don't want to be seen as a rude old friend but I am gonna ask you to leave my house now since I got some business to take care of."

Kai: "I guess duty calls right?"

Bambam: "Yeah you are so right."

Kai: "Well then me and my men will be leaving. I hope you have a nice day Miss Lisa."

He said while giving me a suspicious look before leaving the house with his men. After Kai left I saw Bambam take his car keys and heading towards the door.

Lisa: "Where are you going?"

Bambam: "I am going to get Y/N from the hospital. I will be back soon."

And then he left the house.

*Y/N's POV*

After i was done with my appointment I called Bambam since he told me to call him so he can pick me up. After the phone call i had to wait for him for an hour so I decided to take a small walk around the place and look around. As I was looking around I saw a family not that far from me. It was a family of three. The child was on his dad's showers while the mother was trying to take a picture of them.

ME: "I wish we can be like that. But sadly we can't..."

I touched my belly while looking at the family with a sad smile. After awhile I got a call from Bambam so I picked up.

ME: "Hello."

Bambam: "I am at the hospital where are you?"

ME: "I am like 5 minutes away from the hospital. I am coming to you right now."

Bambam: "Ok."

And then he hanged up on me while I started walking back to the hospital. When i reached there I saw Bambam's car so I got in. But to my surprise he didn't start the car he just kept looking forwards.

ME: "Bambam are you okay?"

I asked gently while looking at him confused.

Bambam: "I think we need to have a talk Y/N."

He said without looking at me.

ME: "Talk about what?"

Bambam: "Who is the father of your child? In fact who is your husband?"

This time he looked at me with a serious face. I looked away from him not wanting to talk about it.

ME: "Can we not talk about it."

Bambam: "No Y/N this time we are gonna talk about it. It's Park Kai isn't it?"

I looked at him shocked wondering how he knew.

ME: "H-how...?"

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