
Falling in Love

Llyod POV:

The bruise on my cheek is a bit visible and the wound on my lips too. I'm going to answer a lot to Liam when he return. I put on some cream to help ease the bruise also on my lips.

Luckily I work on my own, so I dont have to cover it up when I have to work.

The bruise only remind me of Dominic. Am I that shameless? I said...

I'll be waiting?

Since when I am even that daring? Or be able to talk like that.

I've been thinking about him that I didn't hear Liam walk in my room.

"What happened to your face?!"

"I fell?" But it come out of more like a question.

"Don't even try." He said stern but his face worry.

I sigh knowing he will never allow me to go out alone again.

"There were some jerks try to bully me and they were forcing themselves on me. One of them even slap me. So... This is the result." I pointed to my bruised cheecks.

"You said they? More than one? Why didn't you call me?"

"I'm fine now. A man save me before they could do anymore harm on me. Then he brought me home. About the call. My phone broke when I fell, I just got a new one but I hasn't turn it on yet."

I showed him the new phone that I got.

"I'm speechless that you manage to went shopping after what happened."

Liam said not believing.

"I guess, things like this happen to me too many times that I don't feel the trauma anymore plus Dominic keep me company after that."

"Dominic who?" Liam asked me while I'm turning on the phone.

"The man who save then send me home." A sound from my new phone tell me there's an incoming message.

It's from an unknown number and my guess is 'him' because not many people have my number.

"I'm sleepy Liam, good night." I push him outside and lock the door.

Liam is surprise, I know he still has a lot of questions in mind but I'll deal with it tomorrow.

A sound from my new phone shows an incoming text.

Dominic : Good night angel.

Llyod :Good night.

Dominic : May I call you tomorrow?

Llyod : Sure, I'll be waiting.

Dominic : Sweet dreams, angel.

I feel giddy just from a text. I'm happy that he text me, I'm over the moon right now when he call me angel.

Suddenly I feel a rush of words on my mind and I immediately on my writing table to pour everything out before I lost them in my own mind. I writes non stop until I felt really sleepy. Looking at the time, it's almost dawn so decided to shut my eyes.

Dominic POV:

I woke up early this morning because of some bastard called family trying to overthrow my throne and he thought he could do it easily.

They attack me at my own house. The sirens woke me up, I gear up with a gun holster fromy wardrobe and pull out a gun from under my bed before heading out and kill them.

The whole chaos took about 5 hours because they keep sending in more people but in the end it is my win.

"Did you get anyone for interrogation?" I ask Sam when he enter my room.

"Yes I have and we don't need to interrogate to know who is behind all of this." I look at him with a knowing look.

"Is it who I think it is?" Sam's smile answer my question.

"So, who do we have in the dungeon right now?"

"His son. His heroic son." Sam said laughing. "He left on his own, leaving his son to dead." He continue.

I am an adopted child of my father because his wife was killed when she was pregnant with their child. He adopt me from the street one day after I save him from getting killed in a dark alley that was my home.

He raised me and trained me to be his heir despite his family objection, he inherit the mafia to me because to him, none of them worth enough to continue the line because all of them

failed every test given to them.

His decision is strongly support by our late Donna Emra who hold the throne after his husband death. He manage to bring the mafia into a more higher position before passing it to my father, her second son who passed the test.

"I'll deal with them later." I said trying to get back my disturbed sleep.

"If you're thinking of sleeping, do it in the plane. We need to fly to Korea right now." I turn to him with a questioning look.

"Something came up with our factory there. I'll brief on the plane. Just get ready." I sigh but still obey.

I am thinking about my angel. I miss him. I think I am falling in love.

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