

Hazel's POV

"She's fine now and she'll be up in a few minutes," Dr. Ray confirmed.

He had rushed over to the mansion immediately Damon called him reporting that Hazel had passed out, concealing the fact that he abused her but Dr. Ray noticed from the evident reddened face and finger marks.

"Thank you so much, Doctor," he replied, feigning a sad smile.

She turned to Hazel lying comfortably in bed, "She should get enough rest," he said calmly

Damon nodded in approval and then turned to her with a pitiful look in his eyes.

"I should be on my way now," the doctor said, interrupting Damon's eerie moment.

He shook his hand and thanked him once again before he left.

Hazel awoke a few minutes later, after the doctor had left, to find Damon sitting beside her, tightly gripping her hand. She quickly pulled her hand away, clearing her throat.

She sat up gradually, the memory of what happened flashed before her. She got hit. And she passed out.

She gasped as she realized that Dr. Ray was definitely the one who had checked on her. Her forehead formed tiny beads of sweat and her palms grew clammy. The sudden realization made anxiety coursed through her. She couldn't shake the fear that he might have disclosed her pregnancy to Damon, and the uncertainty of his reaction left her trembling with apprehension.

Damon felt a tiny hurt but didn't say a word. He was the type of man who'd never say sorry even if the heavens were falling. He had always believed that anyone who apologizes was worthy to be termed weak and it was the last he could ever be. He gave her a cold stare as he arose from the bed and left.

Hazel sat in bed with her legs crossed and her hands resting gently on her knees, thinking critically about the chaos that loomed. Silent treatment from Damon had always done a thing to her. She often found herself willing to apologize, even when she wasn't at fault, just to break the silence. It had become that difficult for her to endure.

During their early days of relationship, they were so cool. He made her fall deeply in love with him, but as time passed, his treatment took a dark turn. He began to manipulate her, using her solely for his desires, subjecting her to emotional and even physical abuse over the slightest of provocations.

As she shifted slightly, attempting to leave the bed and approach Damon, Hazel noticed a piece of paper slipping from beneath the pillow. She got curious and bent over to retrieve it. It was a note from Dr. Ray. She unfolded the note and read it silently as her eyes widened in astonishment.

The message on the paper read,

Hazel, I've come to realize that the Damon we both know is not the same man he used to be. He has changed for the worse, posing a threat to both you and your unborn child. I'm here to help you escape from him. Call the number on this note, and he will guide you on what to do. If I don't hear from you soon, I'll assume you've chosen to stay with him. I wish you the best of luck with that.

Hazel's eyes widened in surprise as she read the letter. She had never imagined that Dr. Ray would keep her pregnancy a secret from his friend Damon. She felt relieved, knowing that her secret was safe. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Without delay, she reached for her phone, copied the number from the note, and sent a text to the mysterious person. In a twinkle of an eye, her phone beeped. She grabbed it hastily, smiling in relief as she read the text displayed on the screen. The person had told her to be at the Greenwoods Bus stop in a few hours but the problem was how would she escape?

Damon was notoriously strict about Hazel's movements, rarely allowing her to leave the mansion. Even when he did, he always had his men follow her, watching her every move and making sure she didn't do anything unexpected.

She paced around in her room plotting her escape out of the billionaire madman's house. Immediately, her instincts took over. She stealthily slipped out of her room and made her way through the mansion. Her steps were silent as she avoided any creaky floorboards that might give her away. Thankfully, Damon was nowhere in the mansion but at the poolside located at the back of the mansion.

She finally reached the giant door guarding the living room, her trembling hand reaching for the handle. With a quiet, careful turn, she eased the door open just wide enough to slip through. The hot air embraced her as she stepped outside.

She closed the door behind her breathing heavily, careful not to make a sound. With each quiet step, she put more distance between herself and the mansion that had been her prison.

Approaching the bus stop, she spotted a sleek black Mercedes Benz parked alongside the road. Her intuition hinted that this might be her ride, so she began to walk towards the car. However, before she could reach it, the driver gave a friendly honk, confirming that her instincts had been spot on.

Without delay, Hazel got into the car and they drove off. Her heart danced in joy. She was happy, extremely happy. Happy that she had finally put Damon behind their lives and that nothing would ever cross their paths again. She promised herself that she would love and care for her unborn child wholeheartedly even though the child was Damon's.

Damon returned to the mansion to find Hazel missing. He caused a ruckus while at it, calling every Dick, Tom, and Harry that he knew asking about her whereabouts but none seemed to hold a tangible and useful reply.

Despite having a board meeting scheduled in just an hour, he rescheduled it, driven by a determination to find Hazel, not allowing anything or anyone to stand in his way.

"Skye, find her immediately!" He fumed at one of his men.