
Made for Him

In a world where the press is the only way to hide the dirty undercover lives of the mafia, what happens when a contractual marriage is arranged between The head of the sicillian mafia and the daughter of The Lucchese Family, the only thing in the way of their love is their pride. Preview "I'm not one of your hoes that can't keep my legs closed, get used to it Luciano"

IT_IS_SHE · Urban
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Chapter 3| It's Not a Request

Luciano's P.O.V

I got to my home office, immediately going to the fax machine.

Name: Alessia

Age: 24

Parents: father- Miguel Lucchese Stepmother-Maya Hernandez mother- Aaliyah Brown

Siblings: Alejandro Lucchese, Diego, Javier, Matteo

Job: Design Director

I picked up my phone immediately dialling Carlos number.

"It's late Luca" Carlos' voice came from the other side of the phone.

"I can get this from google" I stated ignoring his formal statement.

"That's the point,  what kind of information did you want?" Carlos said bluntly.

"I don't know, something I can't find on google, her character or something" 

"Hire a detective then" He said bluntly.

I hung up the phone and grunted, folding the paper up and throwing it in the trash.

Alessia's P.O.V

"I don't want to have this conversation with you" I said to my father standing up to leave the room, his words stopping me in my tracks.

5hours Earlier.........

I walked into the conference room, the large oval table sitting in the middle of the room, chairs surrounding it, the brown wallpaper complementing the table, a white board placed in the corner of the room.

I sat down on my assigned seat, placing the folder filled with sketches and spider diagrams on my lap below the table, putting my bag in between my feet.

More people filled into the room as I started chatting with the woman next to me, her arms folded on the table, her legs crossed in an angle, she looked to be in her early forties.

"What did you say your name was again?" She questioned her eyes glistening from the flow of our conversation.

I glanced around the room, noticing some people starting to listen in to our conversation, I moved with unease on the office chairs.

"Alessia, and what was yours again?" I asked, keeping the conversation going.

She moved her hand to the back of her hair, using her white acrylic nails to scratch the nape of her neck.

"Gemma" she replied quickly, a little too quick, she lets out a smile.

'She just lied to my face.. and thought she got away with it?' the thought lingering in my head as we just stared.

A woman walking after the short silence, she strode in, her black gown reaching her knees, exposing her pale long legs, her black heels clacking against the rooms cold tiles.

Charlotte Chermonte. The Chief director of the Design department, let's just say we were... classmates.

"We're all on time today" she said, aiming to make a point, sitting at the head of the table she rested her elbows, clasping her hands together and looked around the room.

"May we start?"

There was another brief silence, everyone nodding their heads and muttering 'yes'.

"ok, who shall we start with" she thought out louds, tapping her rose red lips, glancing over everybody in the room.

"Miss Lucchese, you look up and ready, why don't you go first?" she asked a confident smile on her face.

I stood up from my seat, my floor length newspaper print dress revealing it's self as I stood up, moving my folder off my lap, the deep v neck stopping inches away from my waist, revealing my gold necklace, the pendant fitting in my bust, an elastic band around my waist and the rest of the dress flowing.

The long slit on my dress gave way for my feet to move, my black boots moving in and out as I made my way to the corner of the room, moving the whiteboard to the front of the room.

"OK" I breathed out getting out my spider diagram, looking at it for a second and drawing it out on the whiteboard, the whole room silent, their eyes on me.

"It's August, summer is over" I stated as I drew on the board "Autumn is in a few days we wore yarn, wool, all hand sewn clothes for this season" I continues as I finished up the diagram on the board.

I stood next to the white board, slowly moving to the front of it.

"This season, we could explore earthly colours" I started again making everyone whisper and mumble.

"This season, we could introduce earthly colours in an elegant way" 

I take out sketches and colour palettes from my folder and laying it down on the table so it would be visible.

"Hand me the sketches" Charlette commanded, more than asked. 

"Is that all Alle- Miss Lucchese?" She asked putting the sketches, my phone vibrated, for a second, my ringtone filling the room in seconds interrupting me.

My ringtone blared, a quick flush of embarrassment moving through me as I stood in the middle of the room.

"That's mine" I announced moving towards my bag, taking my phone out, checking the caller ID before I shut it down.


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"I have to take this" I said picking up my bag and walking out of the room, "sorry" I shouted as I exited the room, answering the call.

He never calls, I haven't talked to him in years, I don't want to talk to him for many more years, it used to be reciprocal.

"It's good to know your not as overbearing as I thought" My father says as soon as I answer the phone, his voice stirring something in me.

"I see your as arrogant as ever" I retort leaning against the wall, my tone cold and unbothered.

"You're even ruder than before" He says copying my tone.

"why are you calling?" I asked irritation evident in my voice.

"Is it wrong for a father to just call?" He asked sarcastically.

"You're not that type of father" I simply stated surveying the room before, "Why are you calling?"  I asked again, my formal tone returning.

"We can't- we shouldn't talk about this on the phone, come to my west mansion, the we can discuss" he said pooling down information like he expected me to write it down.

"like I said your not that type of father" I repeated.

"It's not a request Alessia, it's a command" he roared, hanging up the call.

I grunted as I adjusted my bag making it hang from my arm 'curiosity always gets the best of me' I thought as I made my way to my car, going as fast as I can to the address.