
Madara Uchiha in TBATE

(READ THE SYNOPSIS FIRST) want to enjoy this second life. I want power I want an adventure. I want them to fear my name. This is my story now. ------- A story about a guy who is reincarnated with Madara's body and powers. With his new life, he promised himself to live his life to the fullest. Join him on his journey as he become a powerful being in TBATE. ---- This ff is just for fun, nothing serious here. THIS FF IS NOT FOR ALL OF U, IT'S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WILL ACCEPT THIS SHITTY WORK AND READ IT. Also, don't come here saying that my grammar sucks. I already said that. English is my third language, so don't expect a good English here. If you want good grammar story then write your own or go read other ff with good grammar. I'm only writing this ff for my own enjoyment. If you don't like it then just leave, no one is or will force you to read this shitty ff . ------------- English is my third language, so prepare yourself for some grammar errors. I don't own anything other than my own ocs

A_Sinner · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Test 1

next day).

After finishing his breakfast which Lisa brought him, Madara left the Inn to go shopping for things that will help him once he's in the Beast Glades.




Walking inside the clothes shop, Madara started looking at the clothes hanging on the wall. He picked five black pants and ten shits, five were all blacks and the remaining five were white, he also picked a long black jacket and two pairs of black boots.

"huh?, hey kid this ain't a place for you to just pick thing up ", yelled a guy who was sitting behind the desk where Madara just put all the things.

"how much for all of these".

"hahah, you think you have the money to pay all of these, don't make me laugh kid, just leave my store before I throw you out".

"I ask you, how much for these things", said Madara as he activate his Sharingan and release a killing intent.

*Gulp*, t..ten gol..gold" said the guy while shaking with fear.

Madara took out ten gold and put them on the table while he put the clothes in his dimension ring.

The moment Madara walked out of the shop, the guy looked at his pants which were now wet, "sigh…what a monster".



After leaving the shop, Madara started walking around the city looking left and right, people doing their own thing, adventurers talking about this and that.

"I'll go to the guild tomorrow", thought Madara as heads back to the Inn.




(the next day)

"thank you for your stay sir..?"

"Madara, Madara Uchiha".

"well thank you for your stay Sir, Uchiha, we hope you will return again", said lisa as she looked at Madara.

Currently, Madara was wearing the clothes he bought yesterday, a black pants, t-shirt and boots, with the black long jacket.

(AN:no mask)

He wasn't carrying anything else, since everything he owns were inside his dimension ring which he wears on his middle finger of the right hand while the ring Virion gave him was in the left hand.

Nodding his head, Madara walked out of the hotel and started heading to the guild building.

After ten minutes of walking, Madara stopped and looked at the building in front of him,

"mm, the Xyrus Adventurer Guild, ", thought Madara as he walked inside the building and head straight to the reception, not minding the other people.

"how can I help you young man", said the woman behind the reception desk.

"I would like to register as an adventurer ".

"mm, are you sure"?

"sigh, yes".

"I see, then we are going to have you filled some information about you, now please follow me", said the woman as she gets out of her reception box?, and signal Madara to follow her.

Madara and the woman arrived at a small room , inside the room was hooded man sitting on the chair.

"please filled this form and then let him hold your hand, he will see which stage your mana core is.", said the woman as she handed Madara a piece of paper .

"name, age and what I'm specialize in".

Writing his full name and age which was 11 years old, and an Augmenter, Madara gave her the paper back and walked towards the hooded guy and gave him his left hand.

Mm, I don't sense anything in this boy,", said the guy who was holding Madara's hand.

"huh?, are you sure, try again", said the woman behind Madara.

"nothing, boy have you even awaken your mana core?".

"I have",

"are you using an artifact to block us?"

"I'm not using anything"

The woman looked at Madara for a few seconds and spoke,

"fine, mana stage doesn't matter, what matter is your performance, if you pass the examination we will let you become an adventurer",


"then follow me"




(Madara pov)

"We'll now begin the examination!" announced a man with a sword at his hip.

I was sitting in one of the audience chairs of an open arena, the blue sky lighting battleground.

I watched as both of the examiner test other people, after few minutes, my name was called.

"Madara Uchiha, huh?, Unknown mana core stage?" Shouted the Augmenter examiner, his words caused everyone in the arena to be shocked.

I made to arena and looked at the guy in front of me.

"so kid are you not going to use any weapon?", he asked me.

"I don't need a weapon for someone like you", I said as I slowly walked towards him with my hands in my pocket.

"an arrogant kid, very well I'll send you back home with some new manner", said the examiner as he dashed towards me.