
Chapter One - The System

I, Lee Chae Won, am definitely the unluckiest scumbag on this planet. My boyfriend cheated on me. My grades are failing, causing me to lose my scholarship. My rent is way past the due date. My parents disowned me. And I— am sitting here on the 30th floor of the Guwon Hotel, drinking my soul out with these 10 soju bottles. I don't know how I got here. But I do know how I'll get out.

My life is so messed up.

"Out of all people! Why?! Why?! Why should all the unluckiest things happen to a poor man?"

"There are evil politicians drowning in their dirty money! Why should I suffer just because I have none?!"

"There are gross old men feasting on young girls and sluts having multiple lovers! Why should I be restricted from my own love?! My own happiness?"

I can't believe I'm shouting at no one 30 floors up in the sky.

"I just want to graduate, get a job, and have my parents be proud of me!! Why can't I have those?"

My life is over. I have no one to blame but myself. I'm ending this.




[ Ding! System syncing… 65… 66… 67…]

What the? A robotic voice just talked somewhere and a graphic-like box appeared out of nowhere. It's like a game screen loading.

"Is this the side effect of drinking nth amount of soju?" I cackled.

[ 89… 90… 91… 100. Syncing complete. ]

I slapped myself. It went away. Well, enough with the delusions.

[ Welcome, Host. I am the system. Most will call me, "the unknown", "kwangya", or "God" himself. Fear not, as I am none of those. I am merely a tool for the future. ]

I looked around me, hoping to see someone messing around. What the hell? There's no one. Am I going crazy?

[ Congratulations on successfully binding with the system. As a reward, you have received 1,000,000 KRW ]


My phone lit up.

Hello! This is GUWON BANK.

1 million KRW has been successfully deposited into your account.

Deposit Date: XX-XX-20XX

Deposit Amount: 1,000,000 KRW

Total Balance: 1,000,046.32 KRW

"Is this really true?" I blurted out.

[ Yes. ]

"Who are you? How can you converse with me?"

[ I am the system. With the successful binding, I have incorporated your human language, as well as attained universal linguistic abilities. Host, you may initiate a conversation with me through your mind, whether speaking or thinking. ]

'So you can hear what I'm thinking?'

[ Yes, I can hear your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. However, my existence is restricted to the Host. Only the Host can hear, see, and use the system. ]

"I'm the only one with a system?"

[ Yes and no. On Earth, you are the only person bound to the system. In the universe, you are only one of thousands who have access to the system. ]

"What is the system?"

[ The system is a universal being that transcends reality and time. In hopes of the greater being to achieve a limitless and well future, I have been created to guide the host to design the perfect future. ]

"I am confused." I think I really am crazy. I've only seen these types of things in novels and movies. What is going on?

[ Through a series of tasks, you will gain an immense amount of reward— money, fame, power. However, the Host must not use the system in vain and evil. A great reward is given to a great act. An evil deed will only lead to suffering and death. ]

"What are the tasks? What if I can't accomplish it? You'll kill me?"

[ The system does not kill. However, once the system malfunctions and dies, its Host will also die. ]

[ The tasks are set at a random time with random acts. Fear not, the system does not give impossible tasks. ]

[ As a beginner's task:

1. Clean up the mess done and throw out the bottles of Soju.

2. Pay a day's fee at the front desk of the hotel.

3. Return home.

4. Sleep

Status: 0/4

Reward: ??? ]

So it's only basic tasks. It's easy.

Even if I have doubts about this system, I still did what it told me. There's no harm in trying. I even had a million won in my account now. I should test it out on the front desk.

"Good evening miss. Guwon Hotel. How may I help you?", a neat lady greeted me despite how I look.

"I'd like to pay." The lady looked a bit shocked, but still recovered with a smile.

"I'm sorry miss, what room were you in? And may I ask for your name?"

"I wasn't checked in. I… kind of trespassed." This shocked the lady even more and it seems that she's panicking.

"Hold on miss…" she says nervously as she gestures to security. I tried to stop her.

"Don't worry! I didn't do anything but drink. H-here's my card. Charge me for the inconvenience." The lady nervously took my card as she whispers to the other lady beside her.

"Can you charge me for a day's worth? Maybe it'll settle the inconvenience."

I am actually not sure if it would go through. The worst-case scenario would be that I'll be locked up. Who knows if the money on my card is real.

As the lady swiped through my card, I nervously looked at the monitor.


"Here's your card miss. 350,000 won has been charged on your account. Thank you for using GUWON Hotel's services. We hope you'd come back again."

Phew. So it is real. The system is real! I let out a hearty chuckle which might've confused her. Anyways, I have a million in my account! It is a bit small still, but at least I can pay rent.

Or should I move out?

With these thoughts in my head, I happily walked home to sleep. Thankfully, it was only a few minutes far. Even in my drunken state, my head is clear. What should I do tomorrow?

The System

Task ongoing.

Status: 3/4

Reward: ???

Host: Lee Chae Won

Age: 20

Balance: 650,046.32 KRW (+)

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