
Mad love (I'm anti-romantic) Book 3

I love you. I hate you. I like you. I detest you. I need you. I think you're stupid. I think you're a loser. I think you're wonderful. I know you stole my heart in addition to yours. But yet and despite all these, I'll tell you one thing, I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU...

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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30 Chs

29| Ice cream

At the time the class ended, it was already noon. Mr Wright placed everyone into groups.

Ten in each groups. All together was a total of five groups.

He explained to us why he did it that way. According to him, placing us into groups would made it easy when it comes to practicals in the Lab.

Everyone had wanted to join my group.

Sorry, but I didn't place myself there by myself. It was Mr Wright's.

It turns out that Max and eight other friendly people are in my group. We're the group 2.

Mr Wright had told us he'll supply us our uniform wears only on our first day at the lab which is gonna be after my matriculation.

Matriculation comes next week Friday. Freshman's year, only.

Well, not really my first day at the lab but countless. As long as I can remember, the lab use to be my serene place for reading.

Call me boring.

Science is never boring to me. I'd speak to the empty test tubes and burners back then.

Mutual friendship.

Max and I walked side by side in the school premises.

It such a beautiful environment they have in here. Unlike my boarding school. They couldn't even clean the gutters in months.

I remember when my wicked physics teacher forcefully asked me and the entire class to go out under the sun one hot afternoon to clean the dirty surroundings.

It such a poor learning environment. Not government approved.

That's the only school grandma found comfortable for me. Not because...well, the truth is, she found it cheaper for me.

She couldn't afford other school's fees and bills here and there.

But--did I complain?

"Do you live around?" Max's deep voice spoked, plummy. He is surely an Englishman.

I blushed. Even his voice is more attractive than when he last spoke to me in class.

We've been walking for few minutes now. Actually, it's a thirty minutes break. Better use it wisely.

I didn't notice his voice was this cool. Maybe because of the crowd back there in class, but now I do.

I only nodded. My chin still pink, keeping my smile, firmed.

His hands are tucked into his pockets. I saw a car key's holder hooked on his black thick belt which surrounded his grey pants.

We continued moving in slow and steady tracks.

"The sun is very hot." He placed the back of his hand over his forehead like a shade and then he looked down at me.

Oh those grey eyes. I felt like it was gonna rain from them. Sorry but it's not a cloud.

"Do you care for an ice cream?" He asked me.

Of course I do!

I shook my head vigorously.


Max and I sat peacefully in an ice cream shop. Mine was vanilla and his was chocolate.

The shop is not far from the school premises. So we don't have to transport back to class.

I fidget with my ice cream spoon which is stuck inside my ice cream.

Max had taken few spoons from his and have just taken one.

It's very cold. Chilled.

My eyes moved from my table to the whole place inside the shop. It's very classy. Doesn't look more like an ice cream shop either.

"Okay, tell me something here." Max said, licking the creepy ice cream which hung at the side of his lip. "Why didn't you shut those girls when they tried to make fun of you?"

Oh, is he talking about the introduction gests earlier today?

My expression remained null. I cupped my chin and shook my head. Just nothing, actually.

He paused for a while and then said, "It's just us on this table. Do you mind speaking verbally? I want to hear your voice. You've been nodding the whole time."

Ah, good thing he craves to know what my voice sounds like. But I'll tell you one thing handsome. No voice is better than my condition at all.

Wait a sec, I'm mute which means I'm voiceless and this is my condition.

Max waited for me to retaliate on his spoken words but nothing could come out of my mouth.

"Are you..." He gave me the weird look and I knew what's about to come from him next. "...mute?"

I let some seconds pass me by before I finally shook my head. Yes.

I sighed, sadly.

Now he knows. I believe my new friend won't be mine anymore. He's gonna runaway.


I never expected much from Max. He knows my me. Like the real me.

A life without vocal is kinda useless. You can't speak for your right. You can't prove anything even if you have the power to.

Max's expression becomes downcasted. He's surely sorry for me. I think.

Well, he don't have to be. I've been like this my entire life. I was born mute. I grew up mute and I think I'll die mute someday.

"I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have gone a bit far towards that direction." He apologized. His head lowered to his ice cream cup.

Sorry? Hell no, don't be. I vigorously shook my head.

"I understand how you must feel about your condition." He said, sadly. "My Aunt is also a victim too."

Or you have a family member which is a victim like me?

Oh sh*t!

How do I write him to understand my point?

We both left our bags in the classroom.

"After her son got murdered right in her eyes by some buglers, she never again regained her voice." He sighed.

I tapped his broad shoulder. Condolences on her behalf.

He placed his strong big hand over mine and gently took it off. "I'm good with sign language." He smiled. "I got used to it by my Aunt."

Ah, really?!

I beamed.

Good thing I don't have to waste papers and pens all the time.

"Say anything to me and I'll understand. Just mouth any words. I won't have you demonstrate your fingers in the air just to explain what you have to say. Perhaps..." He looked at the people enjoying their ice cream while chatting. "Not everyone should know about this type of you."

Yeah, he is right.

Not everyone...but he is partially part of the everyone.

A cute smile on my cheek appreciated him.

"So..." He exhaled, shoving another spoon full of chocolate ice cream into his mouth. "You said you live around. Likewise I also. My dad is a renowned senator in Scotland. He has two five stars hotels here in DC."

Wow! You're a son of a senator? Why do I sound so awkward?

I was thinking it might take Max the whole day to study my words as I mouth them, but this guy?

He is damn innovative and very quick-witted.

He nodded, smiling. "Yes." He continued with his ice cream.

I believe he enjoys the ice cream than our conversation. So interesting. I'm liking this aura. My spirit is high. Upliftment.

I chimed into my ice cream I had abandoned since.

"My mom is a baker. She owns a very big bakery and dessert shop in Scotland and another in London." He stated. "I have an elder sister, she's married to a medical doctor. They both have three daughters."

Your family are based in UK, I guess. I chuckled.

He shrugged, "Well, UK is kind of serene for us. We had our family mansion there and so many of our properties are based there too."

You don't seem like the son of a senator. Oops! Sorry but this is the truth.

Max is simple, innocent, handsome, ultrasophisticated..I know I can't judge a book by it's cover but I need to as well compliment the outward appearance.

In addition, he is nice.

He laughed, softly and then, focused his gaze at me directly, placing two arms on the table. "What made you say so? Because I don't do show offs?"

Well, yeah. Maybe. I rolled my eyes.

He laughed again, even a bit louder than previously. He stared at me, hilariously. I might look funny to him.

He leant back on his chair, crossed his strong arms and kept a full gaze at me.

I wonder what I might look like to him. An alien, I guess.

I'm getting embarrassed by how he stares at me. He hasn't said a word for seconds passed by now.


"That is one thing I don't like doing." He remarked, orally. Keeping his expression neutral. "I'm just twenty-one. Putting on a proud look at this age for something I haven't own in full, will definitely make me grumpy before old age. Trust me."

I burst into laughter. Covering my mouth with my palms. My mouth must have grown wider from his hilarious words.

How can an handsome guy like you grow grumpy? I teased him.

"So tell me about you." He said.

My expression changed from funny to grumpy. I'm now the grumpy one. I haven't nothing to tell. I shrugged.

He shook his head, no. "Of course you have something to say. I already told you about mine. So it's-"

Where do you live? Around here? I asked him. Covering up as an excuse from his incoming questions.

"Umm...not very close to college. At Oliver's Grand Hotel, 52B crescent Ave." He took his iPhone 14 out of his pocket and began to scroll on the screen.

"My father dedicated a space for me in one of his hotels here. So I live there." He handed his phone to me. "Drop your number. I'll add you to our science club group chat."

He meant the group from Mr Wright's class.

I took the phone from him. Gladly. I handed it back after inserting my number. I watched him save it and showed it to my face, Orianna.

I shook my head, blushing. Yeah, that's my name.

He tucked the phone back into his pocket. "We have to start going. Break time's almost over."

I exhaled. Yeah, I even forgot we aren't done with today's activities yet.

Who knows about the next teacher for the next course?

We stood up. I stared down at my ice cream and Max's almost finished ice cream. I messed up big time. This is yummy. It doesn't deserve to be left behind for wastage.

Taking it along with me to class might look immature of me. I can always come here with Max some other times.

Max paid for the ice cream and lead us out the door.