
Mad love (I'm anti-romantic) Book 3

I love you. I hate you. I like you. I detest you. I need you. I think you're stupid. I think you're a loser. I think you're wonderful. I know you stole my heart in addition to yours. But yet and despite all these, I'll tell you one thing, I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU...

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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30 Chs

17| Dumbass girl

Dinner is set on the table, all thanks to I, grandma and the couple of employees in the mansion who helped in making this delicious delicacies with our magic hands.

Baked/grilled/fried chicken and tacos/fajitas are well garnished into various medium dinner pots and flasks placed right on the centre table.

I can smell them nice, coming out from the steams.

Four big jars of different juice are placed beside them. Well chilled and refrigerated.

I held the edge of the table, shut my eyes as I inhaled every smoke of the steams into my nostrils.

This is life, baby.

The sound of the nearest door... I think the kitchen? Just got shut by an anonymous person....I don't think so...

Aunt jin-joo strolled out, sweetly.

She looks so gorgeous in a Tops 'n' Shorts Sets pajamas. I admire her from where I'm standing. My boss is so lucky to have such a beautiful Korean woman as his wife.

Now this made me stop wondering why Princeton doesn't have the appearance of a westerner just like his father an American. He is not like his father in ethnicity but he sure has the appearance and outlook of his mother a Korean.

Aunt jin-joo just walked out of the kitchen area with cutleries in her hands. Is she supposed to do that? Haven't the cook placed them in the dining-

Oh sh*t!

I almost forgot! I am part of the cooks in this great mansion. I helped the employees earlier but forgot to add the spoons, forks and table knives.

I rushed to meet Aunt jin-joo, I'm so sorry, Aunt. I mouthed to her. Though she won't understand my mouth sign language.

I'm not in the mood of that right now, I slouched to take the cutleries from her.

She only smiled and patted my head, sweetly. "Orianna my dear."

Aww! I'm I blushing?

Dramatic, Orianna. Focus.

I helped Aunt pull out the dining chair, she smile at me as she takes her seat.

Anything else? I mouthed again.

"My husband will be downstairs in five. My son will be joining us shortly too. You can join us too." I think she understood my-WHAT. THE. HELL?

Did aunt just asked me to join the dining room for dinner?

I normally had square meals with Grandma and not with grandmasters.

Maybe it's just my instincts that making up a conversation between myself. I didn't hear her clearly. I smiled and was ready to take my leave until...

"Orianna?" I heard my name from the same familiar voice that I do thought was my instincts.

I stopped, eyes bugged. I turned over, Yes ma'am?

"Join us for dinner." She paused and added, "Please."

Oh yeah, that's the magic word, baby.

I cupped my lips in, nervously and slowly shook my head as my hands reached for a seat close to me.

I was helping Aunt serve the dishes while she was serving the juice when the boss entered the dining room. Him too is on Tops 'n' Shorts Sets pajamas.

Family of PJ masks. Me and my childish assumptions.

Uh.....h I don't think my assumptions are childish anymore, I can see Princeton also on the same Tops 'n' Shorts Sets pajamas but a very different color. Unlike Aunt's and my boss's.

My boss, Uncle Seb, had taken a seat beside Aunt. I took mine distance away from the grandmasters.

I took my plate and was ready for digging the soil baby, but then, my eyes travelled again upwards and I knew someone wasn't interested in my gaze anyway.

Princeton took a seat quietly and began his dinner.

I don't like to poke nose into other people's businesses, if not, I'd have asked him why the hell was that annoyed expression written all over his face?

Anyway, there's no need for that. He wouldn't have understood me.


"How is studies?" Uncle Seb begins, sipping his juice while staring at his son.

The grumbling boy took few seconds to respond after a shrug. "Fine, nothing much."

"I spoke to your Dean earlier." Uncle Seb informed.

"Huh?!" Princeton eyes bugged in astonishment. His spoon fell back to his plate.

If a drink was to be in his mouth, I bet he might have spat it out in place of that spoon.

"What's with the reaction?" Uncle Seb furrowed his brows.

"Your dad talked to the Dean of directors and you're-"

Princeton obstructed Aunt jin-joo's statements with a sigh of relief, "Whew!" Wiping the cold sweat which had broke out of his forehead, he clutched his fingers onto his sleeve, "My heart almost fell into my stomach."

I chuckled, silently. After remembering what happened earlier today, the coffee farm and in the car, I made sure he didn't hear me giggle nor smile on his words.

But Aunt did. She witnessed me chortle and as soon as that what's funny? glare hits me, I composed myself and behaved.

"What did you two talked about?" Princeton asked Uncle Seb, after regaining himself.

Uncle Seb place down his fork and clasped his fingers on the table, "His there something you're afraid of or maybe something you're probably hiding and don't want I and your mom to have knowledge about?"

Princeton spat the juice out of his mouth, just as I have thought he must have done earlier.

He coughed, reaching for the big jug of water.


That's a little bit far from him but not from me.

The jug is right in front of me. His parents watched him cough hard while tapping his chest.

He might have choked up.

They think he's being too dramatic but at least be nice to save a soul, lookers.

I poured from it jug into an empty glass for him.

"I'll rather drink from the jug myself than have you serve me poison with love potion in it." He harshly said.

I heard his parents chuckling, codedly.

I felt a bit embarrassed. I retrieved the glass and my hands back to myself. I don't feel sorry for the insult he just lashed on me.

Why didn't I see this coming in the first place? Hope his other siblings are not like him.

Although, Grandma hasn't told me much about them yet. She only scolded me on the splash juice accident in the morning. I have no clue of what his other siblings are. But I hope and pray they'd be good people.

Aunt has already told me before, You'll be leaving with my kids. You'll need to help with the house chores. First I thought maybe I was landing there as a maid but not at all. As a student.

"Whatever we talked about is none of your business." Uncle Seb stated, flatly. He took his fork and began stabbing the innocent grilled chicken. "Orianna will go with you to Washington."

He declared. I bugged my eyes on that. Princeton spat out another fluid out of his mouth. This time it's not juice but water and I wonder why he didn't choke nor cough.

"Excuse me?" He's quizzical bout that.

Yeah, who would want to go out or on a stroll with a dumbass girl?

Uncle Seb gave him a nod. He looked at Aunt, still same nod and then his gaze traveled to greet me. Not in a friendly way but in a deadly way.

I gulped. My gullet shivered.

"She'll be leaving with you and the others." Aunt jin-joo declared.

"But wh-"

Aunt cut his words off, "She's a new student in catholic university," She informed.

I took a deep breath. Okay this is very awkward right now.

I pretend to be busy with my meal. I have no time to waste on a perfect time like this. College is waiting for me on a corner. I have to learn how to gather some guts and braveness if I really want to stand my ground. Especially when Princeton is giving me this weird foul look which I don't like.

He drops his fork, standing up, "I'm done. I just lost my appetite."

Bon appetit.


He was on the go to leave but then...

"I've made my words and they stand still. Nothing will make me take them back." Uncle Seb stated.

Princeton is already at the doorpost. He stood still to denote his father's statements. He never turned back to look at his father's face, neither did Uncle Seb did.

I saw the anger boiling in Princeton's veins as they flexed in his arms while he clenched onto the slab of the door.

He hates me, I get it. And now, his parents are asking me to stay with him and his siblings. He's not gonna accept that. He's furious about it. Anyone could.

Setting a dumb girl with you to a place you'd believe is freedom to you can be really painful.

I'm a pain in his ass, I guess.

"Why didn't you guys place her in one of the colleges here in L.A?" Princeton asked annoyingly. "And now she's coming with me to-not just coming but staying with I and the others in-" He growled and ran his hands through his face, "I can't believe what I'm hearing." He walked away.

I felt heartbroken for him. My stay is not approved by him now what will the anonymous others think of me?

An invader of their free personal life?

I don't want them to start thinking that I'm a CCTV camera that was sent to do the vigilante in their privacy. I'm just a student that's all.
