
The Advent of setting things right

Carseain stood in front of Zerous Academy, the best Academy in the Empire.

"Did going to school always feel like this? I don't think so," he mumbled.

At Zerous Academy, all were equal and anyone could get in if their skills were on par with the Academy standards. Even the royal family couldn't interfere with the Academy's affairs. Even a slave would have its slave status revoked. Zerous Academy was founded with the help of The First Emperor to ensure the prosperity of his citizens.

In the early semesters of the Academy programme for young children, Carseain didn't attend the lectures and did poorly in the exams. Those were the last days of the late Marchioness Esselgarde. Carseain spent it with his mother traumatizing himself as watched his mother growing weaker every passing day, like a flower that was wilting.

Most people would sympathize but the noble society was cruel. A hint of weakness shown would be turned into a scar that's left for a lifetime. They made a mockery of him saying he was incompetent. Carseain, who was very sensitive at that point responded with misplaced agony every time.

Even with his poor grades, he was always promoted to next year as one of the students with top credits.

It was all due to his unimpeachable skills in swordsmanship and physical combat. This shut the filthy mouths. From then on, Carseain didn't bother writing theory exams. He only focused on his sword which further rivalled the senior year students and even the instructors.

Carseain could hear the chatter in the hallways.

"Isn't that Lord Carseain?"

"Why is he here today?"

"I heard he doesn't write theory exams."

"This is the first time I've seen him wearing the uniform properly."

" But who brings a sword to the exam hall? "

Carseain let out a deep sigh and was a bit bothered.

'I swear they're staring daggers into my soul. Come on, don't make it this obvious. People need to pull themselves together at some point in life and I'm doing that right now.'

He entered the exam hall and quietly sat on his seat. The supervisor entered and started passing the Question paper. He was startled to see Carseain. He called an attendant and asked for an extra sheet. He then handed it to Carseain. He was a little nervous but tried his best to keep a poker face.

" Ahem...I apologize for the delay, I didn't expect there would be a need for another paper ."

'Wow...they were so sure of my absence that they don't even bother bringing my paper in. I sure did a good job making it clear I won't do things I don't want to. I know I mustn't but I sort of feel proud'

{ I know you must've realized but please note that these < '.....' > indicate thoughts.}

"It's no problem". Carseain was smiling but the supervisor was a little awkward.

Carseain finished the paper 15 minutes earlier than the time limit and was cross-checking his answers.

' Well, that was pretty smooth. I'm glad the Math professor was strict and made reluctantly listened to him. That's I was able to solve it even if the concepts had different names. How hard could an academy paper be any way for a full-fledged Engineer?'

Carseain was on his way back to the mansion.

'Should stop by the Academy training ground? My body feels a little stiff and I wanted to conjure the new magic in my body.'

"Sir Carseain please wait !" A voice of a boy called from behind.

Another one of the other two who were running behind, was panting but still smiled saying,

"It's fancy meeting you in the exam hall, why the sudden change of heart? "

"We would love it if Sir Carseain agreed to send his bountiful knowledge with us. "

Carseain looked at them like they were bugs.

'What's with this rude bunch of brats, if it was the 'me' before I would have sent them flying by now but then again I wouldn't have been here in the first place.'

He frowned at them silently. They flinched.

" WHA...WHAT?"

'Now that I think about it, haven't I seen this bunch often? They followed me around and pester me around until I snap and cause trouble, not that it takes longer for me but it's obvious they did it deliberately. Should I give this dumb trio a little scare?'

Carseain smiled brightly but that only drew out fear from them.

" Sure, I don't mind. But you see, I only study with my sword on the training grounds, shall we take it there? "

He tried to sound polite while deliberately letting out bloodlust.

" No...no. Thank you. We're fine."

" How dare we ask for your valuable time."

The third one nodded in agreement and they all ran away.

" Did they even realize how stupid they sounded just now? I'm going to keep calling them a dumb trio. "

Carseain was being stared at by the whole hallway.

'They sure chose a busy street, if I caused trouble here then it would have been the talk of the town by tomorrow.

Damn, so bothersome.'

Carseain was heading back to the mansion as staying any longer would only draw more attention and bothersome situations. Besides he also had the matter that Marquis had asked to take care of.

" Welcome back, Young Master. "

Rovenin greeted him at the entrance.

" How was your exam?"


"Is that so? That's surprising. You always were drunk or slept through your Class ."

' Sir Rovenin seems to be picking on Young Master more. ' thought Nox.

Carseain flinched a little.

" Shut up, Rovenin. I studied okay. I studied Math sometimes. "

' Although what he says is true I used to attend classes only to get enough credits. I'm not lying. I studied Math a lot in my past life.'

Carseain went for a change of clothes.

" Have you informed the merchant about our visit?"

" Yes, all the preparations are done."

" This guy is just getting on airs 'cause my stepmother introduced him. He dares to try and swindle us? The Esselgardes. I want to know how well he hid this evidence."

" If the current Marchioness is really involved then it is safe to presume that her family is also colluding and sharing the profits."

Carseain let out a laugh.

" If the owner stays out for a long time then the mice start deluding themselves into thinking that they're the masters. They should be put back in their places."

" I presumed that you favoured the current Marchioness a little but it seems I was wrong."

" You're not wrong, Rovenin. I used to. But soon I realized it was not anything more than that bitch wagging her tail in greed to covet what's mine. Let's go now, Rovenin."

In the past Carseain didn't know anything. He just understood that ' a lowly merchant tried to swindle the Esselgardes'. It was just another reason for him to go and wreak havoc. He didn't realize how deep the problem ran. He just went and destroyed the merchant's office and found evidence. But the evidence was severely damaged and hence Rovenin who dealt with the aftermath had a hard time tracing his stepmother's and other party involvements.

' I guess it's time to start setting things right.'

" Young Master we've arrived," said Nox who was sitting with the coachman.

Carseain took his sword and deboarded the carriage. Rovenin noticed that.

" Young Master, you won't need a sword at an office."

" Oh Rovenin, Father never mentioned it in the letter to settle it peacefully ."

Nox was baffled looking at the sneaky expression on Carseain's face.

'It is understood that you settle it peacefully even without it needing to be mentioned. '

Rovenin nodded in agreement with Carseain, seriously.

" Oh, you're right."

Nox had a hard time controlling his silent scream.

'What the heck? That's considered a legit reason! '

" Considering your enthusiasm it seems I must ask to be paid for working overtime." Rovenin sighed.

' How about trying to stop him for once. You're already working 25 hours in a day with 24 hours, you can't work any longer. ' Nox shrugged.

They stationed some guards around the office and Rovenin gave them instructions. They started to move accordingly.

Thus, not expecting a peaceful discussion at all and taking precautions for a tumultuous disaster they entered the merchant's office.

Next chapter