

At Zerous Academy, exam hall.

The exam was over, Carseain put down his pen and handed the paper to the examiner.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he stretched his arms and legs sitting on the desk.

He yawned and laid down his head on the desk.

Carseain smiled a little.

'Yay, it's finally over for the day. Nostalgic this feeling of sleep that hits right after the exam is done. '

Carseain pouted a little.

' Rovenin...that spartan!!!

I feel like I finished my PhD in MagiTech.

But it was worth the night's slogging when I got Rovenin to stare in awe at my cramming skills.'

Carseain giggled a little.

"Don't ya dare underestimate these special skills that only Asian high schoolers with overbearing parents have?

Serves him right, that damn carrot head!'

The students who were leaving the exam hall had perplexed faces when they saw him.

Carseain was feeling a little groggy.

' Seems like I studied a lot after a long while.'


'Huh?! A presence?'


' Did I fall asleep? I smell wood, is it the desk?

Whose presence is this?

I don't sense any hostility.

Ah... It is quite a cool and pleasant presence.

I need to get up... I remember Rovenin telling me that I had an appointment somewhere.

Was it in the academy...


He tried his best to open his eyes but all in vain.

" I want to sleep more."

He mumbled.

" Huh? Are you awake? If you wish to sleep more then please do so somewhere more appropriate."

He heard a girl's voice, it had a stern tone.

' A girl ?'

He open his eyes a crack still not fully awake he laid his sleepy eyes on an angel's face wearing no expression.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

His sight was entangled in her long hair as White as snow and drowned in her blue eyes as deep as the ocean.

Her beauty pulled him out of his dreams and showed him another one.

He quietly stared at her profile standing straight holding her books in one hand and sliding her hair to the back of an ear with another.

She was in the Zerous Academy's black uniform which was a black coat and skirt embroidered with golden thread with a white shirt inside. She wore a white ribbon around her collar and a brooch with a dark blue sapphire embedded encircled with three lapis lazuli stones.

" It would be wise to refrain from staying so unguarded and defenceless anywhere this open."

She looked at him straight in his eyes, unwavering. Carseain didn't avert his eyes.

Carseain : "Huh? Okay."

He realised that the classroom was already empty and it seemed like quite a while had passed since the exam was over. There aren't many people around, so her concerns are valid.

"Although the Academy is pretty safe it would not hurt to exercise caution.

As a noble, please do not do such things which could tarnish your reputation."

Carseain was smiling awkwardly.

'Wow, she's really scolding me!

The other girls would either be scared stiff or leer at me with disgust.

And those who even approach me have malicious intentions.

This is a novel experience.

Perhaps she doesn't know who I am.'

She continued.

" Also, remember that you're an Esselgarde.

Danger will always follow you.

No matter how strong you are, you are not invincible. "

Carseain: " Uh...yes, I'll take care."

' She knows me!"

Carseain stood up with chivalry as she was also standing.

" Thank you for your concern, Um..Lady..."

" Ahem...It seems you forgot but we are in the same class and- "

Carseain : "Ah... I am sorry but I don't really pay attention in class that much."

" I am well aware "

Carseain: ' That sort of hurt. '

" Also, it is bad manners to cut someone while they're speaking."

Carseain gulped.

Carseain: ' Uh... My manners are definitely horrible as my only interactions with nobles is when I have to apprehend them '

Carseain scratched the back of his head.

" I will take care."

" Please do so."

She bowed a little.

Carseain : " Umm... I know that you are the class representative there is no way I would forget someone as beautiful as you are."

He smiled mischievously.

" I've got to run as I have an important appointment today. See you around, Miss class rep."

He waved and was heading towards the door.

She turned to face him and put the books in her hand on the desk.

She gracefully lifted the hem of her skirt and gracefully bowed with one hand on her heart.

Her pink lips moved.

" Good day to you, Young Lord. May the blessings of the Goddess always be with you. "

Carseain : ' Following the etiquette even when no one is watching she sure is stern. Young nobles usually skip them. '

Carseain turned and bowed back.

" May the Empire's light always guide you."

She watched Carseain leave. As soon as he was out of sight, she sat down on the desk.

Her heels were higher than usual and hurt too much. She took them off and felt a little relieved.

The words Carseain said ringed,

" There is no way I would forget someone as beautiful as you are."

She folded her hands and laid her head on the desk. She smiled while her eyes were glistening with a hint of pain.

" Liar "

She mumbled.


Carseain replayed the short ethereal encounter in his head while walking.

All her movements dripping with grace.

The perfect demeanour of a Noble lady.

Her etiquette, her posture, her gait and even her aura when she walked those simple two steps overflowed with elegance.

Carseain knew that she was very startled when he was being polite however not even a single muscle on her face moved.

' That was impressive beyond words.

For some reason, she felt familiar.'

If Noble ranks were decided based on how well one controls their emotions and expressions, she would have been the Empress. '

He recited the name that he saw on the books she was holding.

" Judith "

' She's someone way beyond my league, even if I am the Esselgarde heir. '

Carseain held his chin and nodded.

' She'd probably like someone... nobler? I guess? She's one hell of beauty too.'

Well, I guess she'd stand out even with the beauty standards of Nobility.

If anything I'd like to see her swear once. '

He imagined his own version of the elegant noble lady swearing with a smile and started giggling.

'That said, for someone who barely has any experience with women that pickup line sure came smooth ....or maybe not?'

Carseain was deeply sucked into his late adolescent thoughts.

" I think it was a pretty good performance for a newbie."

He mumbled.

"Young Master...."

Carseain shrieked all of a sudden and turned back.

" Rovenin?! What are you doing coming out of nowhere like that?"

Rovenin : " I've been calling out to you for a while now but it seems you were worried about a 'performance'.

What is it now? Are you planning on becoming an actor for some opera? "

Carseain: "None of your business."

Rovenin: " If there be a need, we can hire an instructor and keep it a secret until your horrible performance skills become better."

Carseain : " I'm not going to be an actor and why the hell are you deciding that my skills are horrible? "

Rovenin : " Because it requires patience and if you had even an ounce of it, I would not have been overworked to the bone."

Carseain: " You don't leave a single chance to chew me out. Anyway, why are you here at the Academy? Didn't you say that we had an appointment now?"

Rovenin: " I had some work as the academy's alumnus. "

Carseain : " I am glad to hear that you didn't come running after me like a mother hen just because I was a little late. "

Rovenin : " Rather than uselessly worrying about you, I would care more about the number of bones you've broken.

Well, that aside, how was your exam?"

Carseain face started beaming all of a sudden.

Carseain: " That's right! It was super awesome !!!!!! All the questions were from the ones you predicted. "

Rovenin saw the resemblance of the Carseain's smile before the Marchioness's death in that beaming face.

He smiled back wholeheartedly.

Rovenin : " I am glad to hear that."

Carseain : " It's really awesome to have a big brother who is already seasoned with all this."

Rovenin flinched a little.

Rovenin : ' I haven't heard him call me big brother since the Marchioness died ... '

A gentle smile crossed his lips.

Carseain : "I want to know if I should praise you for predicting them correctly or myself for getting the genius idea of having you do it? "

Rovenin : ' Well, You were the most impressive studying all that in a go, but I ain't admitting that ...'

Rovenin acted all coy.

" Humph... It's obviously because I am a genius that you are able to do this. "

Carseain was laughing.

Carseain : " Sure, sure I'm counting on you for the next exams as well."

Carseain patted his back.

Rovenin : " Then please make sure that you drink your medicine properly every day so that this loyal servant's frail heart can stay stable and ----'

Carseain : " You can stop right there, Rovenin. I got you. So, shut that trap."

Rovenin smiled.

Rovenin : " As you wish"

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