
How Carseain went Chant-less

" Just what gave you the idea of pulling off a high-grade spell without a chant?

I believe the only reason it was successfully cast was because of your deep resonance with that power. "

The Doctor sighed, in that brief moment, Carseain decided to break his flow.

Carseain : " So, what am I supposed to do now?"

" Well, it could have turned grave but it should be fine if we just correct the flow.

Apart from that, just add a few more herbs to the medicine I gave before. "

Carseain wished to say something but before that, he heard a voice in his head.

< Young Master.>

Carseain : ' Nox's telepathy...'

He turned towards Nox and saw him pointing his finger towards Rovenin.

Rovenin moved his lips with a solemn face.

" T.H.E Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N.S "

Carseain got that and gritted his teeth.

Carseain : 'Just you wait till the exams are done.'

Whildem saw Carseain being unusually silent.

Whildem: 'Seems like the tamer got a temporary leash on this beast.'

He started scribbling the prescription on a piece of paper and handed it to Rovenin.

He turned to Carseain who had his eyes shut and was feeling the flow of his magic throughout his body.

Carseain slowly opened his eyes.

Carseain : " I can feel the dissonance a little.

So, how should I correct it ?"

Whildem smiled but his eyes were not.

Whildem : " Cast the spell again with COMPLETE CHANT. "

Carseain Esselgarde was in a dilemma.

Carseain grew up with Rovenin who was a genius at Magic . Carseain never saw Rovenin use the chants even when the court mages did not skip them casting the same spell.

Although Carseain himself was not really into magic, he could cast high-level spells.

However, unlike Rovenin's skills, his skills were more lacklustre and slow.

Time was consumed to say the chant even for the simplest spells and the end result wasn't that fascinating as well.

Most of all, it was too much of a BOTHER for the Young Carseain to memorize the chants.

So, he 'requested' Rovenin very 'politely' to teach him the trick.


At the Esselgarde Estate,

Rovenin was 12 and Carseain was 7.

Rovenin was studying in the library in which the late Marchioness especially bought a repertoire of Magic Theory books for Rovenin.

Rovenin's hair fell only till his shoulders which were in the way so he slid it back to eliminate any distractions.


He heard the door open and he jumped out of his chair.

A young boy neatly dressed in black and blue clothes with bright shining red eyes entered.

Carseain : " Carrot-bro, teach me no-chant magic."

Rovenin sighed.

Rovenin: " There's no such magic."

Carseain : " What?!! You do it, right? Teach me too."

Rovenin went back to his book.

Rovenin : " Is that supposed to be a request? Be more polite."

Carseain pouted and started rummaging his pockets. He took out something and presented it to him.

Carseain : " If you want this safe and sound, you have to teach me. "

Rovenin didn't even look at it.

Rovenin : " Get lost, you won't be able to do it anyway. Shoo..shoo... disturbance."

' I'm sure he brought something from my drawer again.

That brat doesn't know the difference between threats and requests.'

Carseain headed to the door.

Carseain : " I heard soul magic stones are rare to find, I guess that's not the case. I'll break it "

Rovenin widened his eyes.

Rovenin : ' Ah...shit! But how? I hid it! '

"Wait, Sian !!! Get back here, you little monkey! "

But Carseain was already outside.

Rovenin ran after him but Carseain was 3 times faster.

They were running in the hallway passing the servants.

Rovenin : " Sian!!!! Even the Marquis had a hard time finding that stone for me.

Don't you dare do anything rash "

He yelled in a worried voice.

Carseain : " Then just ask Father to get it again. "

Rovenin : " It's not that simple, ya fool."

Servants : ' Asking the Marquis to get a magic stone for you like candy is also not simple.'

Rovenin was reminded of the time when Johann (The Marquis) called him out personally to hand it to him.

Johann : " Rovenin, it was harder to find it than I expected. I don't mind if you break it due to a failed experiment but..."

He held Rovenin's shoulder tightly and seriously looked into his eyes.

Johann : " Make sure it doesn't fall into Carseain's hands. Soul stones hold immense power. I don't want him to blow up the mansion while fidgeting with it. "

Rovenin : " I will, My Lord."

Johann sighed deeply.

Johann : " He is my son but he only looks like me. He inherited my wife's recklessness to a fault."

Rovenin ran desperately.

Rovenin : ' Honestly, Sian. I don't care if you blow up the Mansion, I'll help you blow up the Imperial Palace for all that I care. Just don't do it with MY SOUL STONE!!! '

Player : Rovenin. Age : 12

Strength : 5

Intelligence : 200

Stamina : 10

Magic : 95

Agility : 10

Unique characteristic: Magic Stone Fanatic

Rovenin saw little 10-year-old Kiha passing by.

He reacted as if he saw a ray of hope in a dark tunnel.

Rovenin : " Ah , Kiha...Catch Sian! "

Kiha's eyes sparkled.

Kiha : ' looks fun. '

Kiha ran to block Carseain's way whilst saluting Rovenin.

Kiha : " Roger that."

Carseain was dashing at full speed without a sign of slowing down.

Carseain : " I am gonna tell Martha the true identity of the mice that stole the cookies last night."

Kiha swiftly stepped aside and bowed.

Kiha : " I hope you have a wonderful day, Young Master."

Carseain : " I'll buy you new pants to wear underneath! "

Rovenin : " Kiha, you traitress!"

Kiha waved both the running kids goodbye.

Rovenin could barely keep up with Carseain but what haunted him the most was the fact that his precious soul stone was in Carseain's hand.

Rovenin was panting and he gave in.

Rovenin : " Agh...fine. I'll teach you, I'll teach you!

So, stop right there, Sian. "

Carseain stopped and looked back suspiciously.

Carseain : " Really? You promise?"

Rovenin finally caught up to him.

Rovenin : " Yes, I promise. So Sian, give the soul stone back. "

Rovenin reached out his hand.

Carseain looked at his eyes and gave it back to him.

Rovenin inspected every nook and cranny of the stone.

Rovenin : ' My little gem, you were scared weren't you? It's fine now.

This monkey, how did he find where I hid it?'

Rovenin polished the stone carefully.

Carseain wore a smug look on his face.

He laughed loudly in an arrogant tone.

Carseain : " I knew you wouldn't agree that's why I teamed up with Ron beforehand."

Rovenin's jaw dropped.

Rovenin : ' My father? Ah.I see. So, that's how this pipsqueak found it.

Dad, are you crazy?

How dare you spill out your son's hidden spaces!

I'll have my revenge, Dad. '

Carseain : " Hahaha..hahaha.... didn't I outsmart you, Big Brother? Aren't I awesome? "

Rovenin started grinning all of a sudden.

Rovenin : " You're still too callow, Sian.

You should have kept the stone as a hostage. "

Carseain gulped.

Carseain : " Wha-what are you saying? You won't teach me ?"

Rovenin shook his head.

Rovenin : " No no. I'll teach you as I promised.

But do you think it'll be easy? "

Carseain frowned.

" You still don't know how to threaten properly.

You must never let go of all your cards until the goal is achieved."

The servants working around were feeling awkward.

Servants: ' Is this something kids who haven't even hit their teens should be talking about? '

Rovenin continued his lesson.

"How naive of you to believe your opponent's words at face value.

Did you think there wouldn't be a catch?"

Rovenin stopped as it felt like Carseain would burst out in tears any moment.

He patted Carseain's back.

Rovenin : " Ahem...Well, you did catch me by surprise. So, I'll give you credit for that. "

Carseain silently rubbed his eyes and clenched his fists.

Carseain : " I'll definitely do your training well, just see. "

Rovenin : " Yeah Yeah, we'll see that. "

' I don't plan on going easy though.

But I guess I'll hold the grudge for the soul stone only against Dad. '

Carseain : " I accept the challenge."

Rovenin smiled at him.

Rovenin : ' Another easy win. '

But soon, Rovenin realised he was gravely mistaken.

The challenge to go through that training wasn't for Carseain but Rovenin.


In the Public Library , they were out in disguise to get books.

Carseain screamed suddenly while reading a spell.

Carseain : " Brother, I think I can do it this time. "

Rovenin hit his head with a book

Rovenin : " Keep it down, Sian."


While Rovenin was working on a Magic Equation in his lab,

Carseain slammed the door open.

Carseain : " Foxy, look my electricity comes out even if I don't say anything. "

Carseain twirled to show off the purple electric waves but Rovenin wasn't looking.

His soul left his body because ink spilled all over the calculations he was working on for the past 12 hours.


He roared.


At 3 a.m when everyone was dead asleep.

Rovenin found that it was hard to breathe.

Rovenin : ' Ugh...My chest feels heavy.

No, there's something heavy on my chest.'

He opened his eyes a crack to see what it was.

He was too sleepy.

" Big Brother, show me once more, how it's done..."

Rovenin : ' This voice is Sian's...'

He was suddenly startled.


He saw him clearly again. He was sleeping on top of him mumbling in his sleep.

Rovenin let out a scream of anguish.

" What the hell are you doing on my bed, Sian?"

He tried to put him aside but Carseain's grip was too tight.

Rovenin was sleepy, so he quickly gave up.

" At this point, I am his bed. "

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