
Chapter 26

Iris started the discussion. "I knew you had what it took to be a king. I was hoping it was going to be in the Hearth Kingdom." she said. "You have shown great leadership qualities. And I find myself engaged to such a man with these qualities, I'm extremely lucky that you came and saved my from the cyclops." she added.

"Sounds like you're for me becoming king here." I said while looking at her.

"I have no problems with it. I just hope you continue to find time for all of us." Liza spoke up.

"I will, Liza, my dear. So that's 2." I replied.

"I know that you will become a great king. I'm happy to support you in all your decisions. I love you that much." Kara said with a smile.

"I will always be by your side. No matter what." Anita added.

"When I first met you, Michael, I was the president of your fan club. Then we fell for each other and everyday is like a dream come true. I don't want the dream to end and I will be with you always." Nina said.

I look at Yuna since she hasn't said anything. With her, my first love, the situation is a little bit different since she is the only princess of the Evergreen Kingdom.

"I know what the situation is with you, Yuna/ However, it was you that gave me the green light to pursue Kagura. So how do you truly feel?" I asked.

"I won't take back what I said, my darling Michael. Soon to be my darling king Michael. I will be with you forever." Yuna responded.

"So Queen Kazami. I have overwhelming support with not only marrying you but also being crowned king. When I do become the king, the Jimmu Kingdom will be renamed the Barnes Kingdom. Are you ok with that?" I asked as I turned towards her.

She walks up to me and plants her lips on mine. She's getting better with kissing. Our lips part.

"This is what is best for this kingdom going forward. This kingdom needs a strong leader. A kind leader. A smart leader. And you are that leader. And my king the answer to your question is yes. I'm ok with this." Kagura said with a smile.

"Ok. I will marry you Kagura Kazami, the Queen of the Jimmu Kingdom and become the King of what will be known as the Barnes Kingdom." I said and all my girls hugged and kissed me. Knowing how my girls think about me becoming king of this kingdom is important. If one said no to this, I wouldn't become king as I would be selfish if I went and did it anyways.

"I will need to talk with William in the next few days about this and there is one more thing. I want Luke to follow me here. He's an awesome butler. Liza, you're sister will probably want to come with you. As for Ann, She can do whatever she wants." I said. It's not like she's a fiancé which she isn't but she is Margaret's teacher and she has helped the battle maids and Yuna's 4 friends so she's an important part of the group dynamic.

"Ok, I think the bigger issue now is with the Dark Lord's forces attacking this Kingdom, we need to go and liberate the villages and towns. I need to know how many are in the kingdom." I said.

"There's 3 villages and 2 towns and there's also a city that's not as big as the one here around the castle but it's important as it's a trading hub of this kingdom." Kagura replied.

"What's the city's name?" I asked


"How far from here?"

"You could get to it in 2 days."

"We're going to need more soldiers."

Yuna then spoke up.

"I can see if mother and father can sent any additional forces to help."

"I'll go with you so I can explain the situation and Queen Kazami, you should come as well."

"Yes, my love." Kagura said.

"I'll get the support in a few days and then we'll liberate Akiha." The rest of the day was spent talking and meeting with the soldiers to lift their spirits. I even sparred with a few of them, not at my full power of course. I may be a powerhouse but I know how to restrain myself. Night time was more like a celebration of victory and a memorial to the men, women, and children that lost their lives this past 8-9 days. The queen thanked all the soldiers and then thanked me and my girls for liberating the castle and city. When it came time to go to bed, me and my harem of 7 slept in the royal bedroom. It was an exhausting day so we earned our rest.

Morning came and we all got up and got ready for the day. Some of the girls wanted help with repairs on the castle and city so I let them and i told the battle maids to protect them. Then an unexpected guest teleported here, William.

"Hey William!" I said as I extend my hand for a hand shake.

"Hey Michael or should I say King Michael." William said as he shook my hand.

"So you heard."

"Yes, some of the soldiers that was teleporting the women you rescued yesterday said something about you becoming king of this kingdom."

"That's right and the kingdom will be renamed the Barnes Kingdom."

"You know, when I first met you, I wanted to step down and give you my kingdom but you seemed like you didn't want to be king. Why the change?"

"It all boils down to resources. If I'm to go up against the Dark Lord. I need an army and to get an army, I need a kingdom."

"I see. So that means you're marrying Queen Kazami?"


"Well, I got some news for you."

"What, you and Beth are getting married?"

"How did you know?"

"Educated guess."

"You're a smart man, Michael."

"I know. Which I need something from you, William."

"What is it?"

"I need more troops to liberate Akiha."

"I can spare another 4,000 troops. How soon do you want them?"

"As soon as possible."

Consider it done when I get back to the Hearth castle. You plan on getting more from Evergreen?"


"You want numbers to combat the Dark Lord's forces here?"

"It's not like I can give these guys guns and do a crash course on how to aim and fire."


"Thanks William and I'll be at the wedding, just send me an invitation."

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