
Chapter 1; The Loss

I wonder how fast my life is moving, it's full of depressions, ups and downs and the question in my head is " Why is it me?" , at the moment where I was beginning to connect with her and love her more she has left me alone in this world, the lady that gave birth to me has passed on to another life where am not sure I will go cause I have lost all faith in that stupid religion she was following.

As tears started rolling down ma eyes and the sharp pain on ma heart increased, I let out ma pain by crying but when heard footsteps of someone coming, I immediately got ahold of ma self and wiped all my tears because am now a man and am supposed to be brave for my sisters and ma family though I was the youngest, it didn't take away the fact that I was a boy or as I may say now a man who had three sisters that looked up to me as their shield.The person that approached me was inquiring about where he could possibly charge his phone, I helped him out and directed him to the nearby sockets to charge his phone. Due to the pain I was still feeling for losing my mom, I moved straight to her bedroom and slept just so to calm myself.I slept and lost myself in the dreams I was having not until I was asked to wake up by my sister as there was a task they wanted me to accomplish, I rose from the bed and went on to help then with wat they needed me to do. They had brought a music system that was supposed to comfort people though the calm with smooth music that was going to be played,but sadly they didn't know how to connect the system so my sister called me since I was Soo into music and I knew how to operate these kind of things.

I went on and connected the system and played some soft music to set the mood for the guests. As the guests continued arriving to join in the function and pray for the deceased, I got a chair and sat back and watched as people cried there hearts out because my mom was a very loved lady to all the community we were in.We proceeded with all the necessary things we had to perform but I didn't even mention a word to anyone till all the ceremonies were done. From that day I can say I stopped having feelings for anything and lost my words for anyone in this word apart from my sisters. When the burial was done, we had a last family meeting to discuss where the children of the deceased will go, it was then when a man I didn't know much about rather knowing that he was my uncle from Canada called Keith stood up and said that he is willing to take me in, at first I was shocked but had no response to give them as they considered me a child that couldn't decide for myself. They agreed to his request and just like that a Lady also stood up who I had no idea who she was offered to take in my sister's as well. When all these decisions were made the meeting was ended and uncle Keith approached me;

[ I know we donno each other that much but I promise u I will take good care of u and your going to love Canada it's a very beautiful place.

I have booked for us a plane supposed to take off tomorrow morning so pack your bags and say your goodbyes I don't want us to be late, am sorry we had to separate u from your sisters but I promise we will give then a visit once we are settled in.]

Thank you, I replied.

I walked to my room and started packing my bags, when I finished I went straight to my sisters and gave the a very big hug each as I will be leaving them, tears started forming in my eyes but I kept them in nomatter how hard they wanted to come out, I went on and said we will meet again soon don't worry my beautiful brave sisters, we were raised to be strong we will go through this, I promise I will look for u wherever they will take you and reunite our family.With those words I went back to my room and switched on my music I sat on my bed and started thinking till I rested.

The next day uncle Keith came to my room;

[James, am sorry for waking you but it's time for us to go ]

Okay uncle Keith.

I woke up, prepared myself and put my bags in the car, I went gave gave my sisters one last hug and when I was done I went on to sit in the vehicle waiting for me.

I waved as I saw my sisters staring at the car leaving as I also got the chance to have one last glance at them.

At the airpot we processed the papers quickly and in no time the plane took off as l watched as getting into the air.

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