

I'm new at this school and I have one friend It's still my first day. During free time she asked if I liked talking about crushes I denied it although I did. She said people who do are weird I was glad I hadn't told her---BUMP--- "Oh sorry!" I said. I had slipped on the wet floor AWKWARD! I felt like a cliche movie- What's next? I go in the boys bathroom by mistake?! The guy I had bumped into said nothing for a moment we just stared in eachothers eyes. Like we didn't need words we were speaking without them. Then breaking the silence he said "It's fine." and walked away. The next day, my friend said that guy from yesterday was cute I told her I kinda liked someone and pointed to him. She said sounding like a bitch. "OH, I used to like him but your LUCKY I backed down because well um." then she laughed she thought she sounded cute but honestly I wanted to choke her so I'd never hear that again what a stupid self centered hoe. I never confronted her about how much she sounded like a total BITCH and how much it bothered me. 😠