
7. They Met

Adonis POV....................

As I walked to wedding hall, it was decorated beautifully, I would have appreciated tot he people who did this. Only if it was happening with my true mate. So, there is no appreciation to anyone.

James and Mark has been following me, my dad and dad has huge smile. Well why don't they smile, after all there one and only son is going to get married today. But they are completely neglecting my happiness.

My mom came forward as she hugged me, I can even see tears in her eyes. She backed from hug as she caressed my cheek with her thumb.

"My son, you look so handsome." She said as she tear up. And I nod my head, without any emotion in me.

She frowned looking at me, soon she understood my behavior as she sighed while shaking her head. my dad came in front of me and hugged me.

"You may think, my decision was wrong. But in future you will thank me one day. Son." He said smiling a little.

Thank him, why?? Because he is not allowing me to meet my true mate?? He must have grown two head, I chuckled humorously to him. Which makes him glared at me.

I walked past them as I stood at alter, beside me Mark and James stood ofcourse  holding wolfsbane with them.

Let's do it, let it done now.

I thought taking deep breath, Alpha Peter came towards me and I already guessed he is coming to lecture me. About taking good care of his daughter, and love her and blah, blah and blah...when he reached me I stopped him by my hand.

"Please, you don't need to worry about your daughter. She will be fine being my packs Luna." I said sternly, first he look taken back by my words.

"And please hurry up this marriage thing. I can't stand here more, it's getting on my nerves." I said, I know it may hurt him.

But I can't help it, more than anyone I was so broken, without a mate. So, from now on, everyone's feeling will never bother me. I would care less about anyone from now on.

He nod his head slowly walking out of the marriage hall. My dad glared at me and I rolled my eyes, he can't expect me to be nice. I would never be that from now on.

Besides, Theo is not helping me either. He is jumping and at edge from the time we stepped inside this pack. I had a feeling in my heart, that something is going to happen.

But what?? I don't know it yet.

I'm just confused about everything right now. Everything happening in my life, I don't understand why, it's happening in first place??

I was pulled out from my thoughts, by slow music. That means bride is coming, I didn't for once tried to turned her side to look at her. When she is in front of me, I saw her, she is okay.

But something pulled me, I sniffed the air and I smelled apples and roses smell. It was so intoxicating that I want to smell it again. With that thought I sniff the air and it hit my nose as Theo moaned in my head.

Wait...he moaned, Theo fucking moaned...that was completely fucking different.

I took another sniff, and I realised it was coming front he bride and her father Peter. But he didn't smelled like this before. What is this smell, that made me and Theo so desperate.

I heard clearing sound from my back, as I saw Mark is looking at me giving a look which called 'are you serious'.

"I know you don't like this marriage, but please stop behaving weirdly. Stop sniffing like that, it's creepy." He told me through mindlink and I rolled my eyes to him being dramatic again.

"I smell apple's, it was so good. Don't you feel it??" I ask him through mindlink.

"Apple's, no. I just smell my fart, which I just released." He linked me and I crunched my nose in disgust.

"Fuck off.." I scoffed in link as I blocked him again.

Next I heard is priest going through the process, and I cut him off.

"No need for it, just do the deed and declare this marriage is happened." I told him.

Emily looked at me with sadness with eyes, but I can't give her that hope. I will protect her, but I would never able to love her. I would never give her that comfort of being true mate. So, she needs to understand it, the soon the better.

She pursed her lips looking at me and I averted my eyes from her to priest. He looked towards my dad, my dad shook his head and nodded his head to priest.

"Ok then..." He was saying and I again sniffed that apples and roses smell this time it was hard.

It was coming from the front door of marriage hall, I divert my eyes as I kept them there without thinking anything. Slowly that smell became more and more by each passing second.

And then I saw a beautiful girl standing in door frame, she is looking like a goddess to my eyes. She wear cream colour frock which reach her thighs and it shined. She look gorgeous to my eyes, her lips are painted with red lipstick and I just want to ravish them with mine.

Her eyes scanned the room, sniffing a little and when her eyes met mine. I heard the word, which I was craving from 10 years to listen.

"MATEEEEE!!!" Theo screamed inside my head jumping, bouncing like a mad person.

While I was just struck there looking at her in shock and she reflected the same stare at me. We both are looking at eachother in shock, I soon heard priest words.

"Alpha Adonis Blake Williams, of Golden Moon pack, take Emily wright as your wife and will love her in her bad and good??" I heard priest and I didn't even turned to him.

"No!!" I declared still looking at my mate, more like gwaking at her.

"Adonis, what are you doing??" I heard Mark and I smiled still staring at my mate.

"Mate." I whispered and I know everyone would already heard it, thanks to our warewolf ears.

"What?? Mate?? Who??" He ask me but I didn't turned my attention to anything.

I just want to stare at her, I have been waiting for her for so long. And when she appeared in front of me, my legs glued to floor, my eyes glued with her big green eyes.

She has those beautiful green eyes, I can completely get lost in them.

"Avery is your mate??" I heard someone and I nod my head.

Is it her name??


Such a beautiful name for beautiful person.

I smiled realising I'm already so in love with her. But what she did made me frown a little.

She glared at me as she showed me her middle finger, and I heard many gasps in crowd and walked out from there.

"Feisty!!!" Theo commented smiling from ear to ear and I nod my head.

I smiled looking at her reciting figure, now you can't escape from me my Love.

Hello cupcakes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Finally they met, with eachother...

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