

    Multiple rewrites are planned. I need to get it out, even in a rough form, for some unnamed reasons. Main story points are in place, but many descriptions and dialogues may be lacking detail.

    I will improve readability later on. I try my best to keep irrelevant content out. I will proactively remove all that doesn't contain promises, clues, bits of information, fanservice. If you feel something has no value, feel free to point it out.

    I have a tendency to write one and mean the other. It's more fun that way. My favorite moment is when someone reads and understands what is written, not what is meant. Especially if it makes them discontent and angry.

    I have a hobby of breaking expectations. If too often you feel like you expected that, please, scold me in the comments. I am doing a lousy work then.

    The intent of the chapters is specific. They fulfill their role above all. I will try my best to make them pleasant, where suitable, but not at the cost of their meaning.

    The protagonist of this story has his own moments, but his role is that of a body bound narrator and a supporting character. The lead is his companion and other characters.

    The focus of this story is the characters. I often leave out all that has no meaning to the story, sorry. All of the characters are fictional, even if they physically exist in a form of data flow networks running on my server.

    Story's universe is fictional and magic-based. I will preemptively apologize for later on breaking your hopes. The similarity between a human and a Humen is superficial.

    Action and introductions of other characters start from Webnovel chapter 0006.

    Comments are always welcome.

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