

Like any other day today was not a regular busy day for the Bangtan Boys. They are in Amsterdam for Bon Voyage shooting. The members been alarmed by J hope's voice. He is a early riser. Seven of them freshened up and left for today's first destination. They've been divided in 3 groups (1st group: VMinKook, 2nd: Namjin and 3rd: Sope) and been asked to buy stuff for their survive and have fun. The 3 groups took their own path and start walking.


VMinKook: Sittimg at a café looking tired order their meal. But suddenly V noticed Jungkook was feeling a bit uncomfortable. On asking of Jimin and V what happened he replied with nothing and went towards washroom.


JK: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Turned back and was cold face seeing Kook.

Y/N: Omo Jk.. w-what are you doing here?

JK: I'm here for.. Leave.. How are you and what are you doing here and...

Tears start rolling down Jk's cheek.

Y/N: And??

JK: Nothing. I think we should have some coffee together.

Y/N: No. Everything is over between you and me. I ended it remember. We can't start it over not even friendship. I think you should go now.

Before JK could saying anything Jimin came looking for him.

JM: Jungu what are you doing here? We are waiting for you at the table , the food is up.

JK: I think hyung we should parcel it and eat with the other member in hotel room. Let's go.

Jimin followed JK as well as V and left.

We'll find out who Y/N actually is. And why JK was crying.

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