

CHAPTER 113 :O:O:-*

James quickly grabbed Mrs Peters (Zina) from the cabinet ad throw her on the bed while she craves for him desperately

" You want me to stick this in you right ? I'm gonna do it now " James smiled mischievously and joined her on the bed with her too. He spreaded her legs and massages her cl*t with the cap of his dick gently while she let out a soft moan on the bed as she licks her lips. 

" I want your hands on my boobs too " she grabbed his hands and place them on her boobs desperately and James began massaging them softly, he then sticked his rod into her pussy and began stroking hard while it's drips on the bedsheet. He stroked till they both climaxed and he fell on the bed breathing heavily with a smile of satisfactionand same goes to her

" Ahhh... That went well, can't believe I still still had this beautiful moment with you again. You are still sweet as ever. Woah... " James eyes were closed as he smiled brightly

" Never thought I would do same too " Mrs Peter replied and got up from the bed, covering her unclad body why the bedsheet which part of it was already wet with her juices

" Where are you going ? " James opens his eyes and asked

" Home ... I think are done here " she replied and picks up her clothes from the floor to wear when James grabbed her waist

" You can't just leave like that, at least let's cuddle a little bit you know.." her Asked with an emotional looks on his face but she just lit his hands off her nonchalantly..

" I can't wait for that either, it's already late and I have to have a sleep for tomorrow's work " she said and continues to put on her clothes

" Is it because of that ? You can pass the night with me here then, I promise not to disturb you. There's absolutely no need of you going home when I have a really big bed that's can contain two ladies if I wanna have a threesome " he hits his bed and winks

" No dummy, I don't mean wanna sleep over, I wanna go to my house. I left sarah sleeping and sneaked out of the house just to come pick your ass and it would be really bad if she checks me this night and can't find me " Mrs Peter said to him

" You don't need to worry about her, she's a big girl and can handle herself. Besides she won't even know you ever came here " James replied and got up from the bed too the walks to her and wraps his hands around her waist as she dresses quickly, and getting ready to leave

" Want do you want from me again James " she asked, looking at the mirror

" I want you " James whispered and licked her ear

" I thought we just did " she replied, rubbling her lip gloss softly

" well what if I say I need another round hmmm ? " 

" Then I would boldly say no to you " she replied and turns to face him.   " We shouldn't be doing this James, you know that right ? You are in a relationship with my daughter and it's not proper for a mom to sleep with her daughter's fiance, it's not done " 

" In the human world ? Yes it isn't but this is the vampires world and we do whatever shit we like. We are evil vampires and it runs in our blood so stop acting all simple and give me thag vibe " James said and she hits his hands off her waste again and this time, it was more serious.

" Like I said, I have nothing to do with you guys here again so bye " Mrs Peter said and opened a magical portal where she entered and went back home, leaving James craving for her


Immediately she got to the house, she sneaked and to Sarah's room and opened the door just to find sarah deeply asleep and she sighs in relief and walked to her room and had a little shower to wash out James release on her body before she retired to bed.



It's 8am and is having drink in his sitting room while he stares passionately at Brian's picture which was on his table sadly. He was so angry knowing that he couldn't see him again except through the picture just because of a lady who he cared for but never knew she was a snake under the green grass that was sent to end his life. As he had his strong drink and stares at his picture angrily, evil thoughts began flooding into his mind on what to do to the guys who planned and executed Brians death then he got interrupted and snapped out of it when he heard a knock on his door

** Knocks***

" Who the hell is at the door this early ? " He asked - still sitting and having his drink

" It's me bro, David "

" Oh david ? Please come in, the door is open " he replied with a changed tone when he knew it was david.  " Whatsup my man " he stood up with a smirk as david hurriedly entered the house

" Am fine man, you are good ? " David asked and had a seat immedietely.

" Yes man am good " 

" Why having a strong this this early without even a smile on your face ? " David asked as looks at the drink on the table.  " Oh, so that's the reason huh ? " He said when he awe Brian's picture beside the drink also

" Yeah man, that's it. I fucking miss this guy bro, he is one if the best guy I have got. I keep feeling guilty for not being there to help him when he needed me most after all the good things had done for me " Eric sat down on his couch slowly and said with a really sad looks on his face

" It wasn't your fault bro, it happens. All we need to do now is to find a way to avenge his death. By the way,  how was the investigation you did with the gang last night ? " David asked and stood up to get a cup so he would pour a drink in it

" Mehn it was so annoying. We found out that the girl who Brian was dating actually set him up to be killed by the DTG gang "

" What ? Are you sure about that ? " David sat down with a drink in his hand and asked

" Yes, she confessed that to us herself after being tortured by the gang " 

" That is so bad. Why would she had done that, isn't it stupid of her ? " 

" According to her, she was paid a huge amount of money by the DTG to set Brian up. I think this is more than just a fight for a woman. There must be something more to his death that we don't know about " Eric said

" Okay... Like what do you think about it ? " david asked and sipping his drink

" I think the beef they had isn't just about a woman, maybe he might have got involved in a deal with them that seems really dirty. The DTG aren't the type that goes around killing just because of a girl, they have got more serious things to think of than that " Eric asked as david listens to him attentively

" Hmmmm, you have a point there. So how are we gonna know what really caused the death ? Have you even tried asking Lucy about it, you guys can get her for more questioning bro " david asked

" Lucy is death bro, I put a bullet straight in her head last night when I heard she was part of the people who planned Brian's death. I couldn't control myself and so I had to shoot her in the headat a close range " Eric replied and David opened his mouth in awe.

" Wow, you are just so fast... So how are we gonna get informations about what really happened when she's dead ? "David

" Well there's only one way to find out " Eric said

" Which is ? " David

" By asking the DTG, they would be in a better place to explain everything to us " Eric said as he poursea drink in his cup again

" But how are we gonna do that ? Except you are getting ready for war, we can't just go and ask them like that, there must be someone left in bullet holes if we do that " david asked

" We aren't just gonna go ask them like that bro, one of them need to be kidnapped and totured until he tells us the whole truth on what happened. Just like what we did to Lucy " Eric responded and sipped his drink

" Okay good plan, so what strategy are we gonna be using in doing that ? " David asked

" We are gonna use the same strategy they used in getting Brian. A woman " Eric said and gave a mischievous smile

" A woman ? Wow that's brilliant " David complimented his idea Eric, so how would we begin with that ? "

"Don't worry bro, I know just the girl for that task. Beautiful, smart and also dangerous. I will get to see her later today so I can explain everything to her, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't disappoint us" Eric said

" That would be so good bro, thumbs up. I will keep in touch but I gotta run now, call me when you get anything okay ? " David stood up and hastily gulped down his drink

" You are working on something ? " Eric asked

" Yes, a research that I vow my life on finishing, no matter what it takes so I will see you later okay ? ".

" Alright blood, one love " Eric stood up to give him a hug and David walked out of the house hastily. .



It's a beautiful morning and alicia is having a quiet time outside her private garden with her book of spells, practicing some magical techniques and trying to strengthen her psychic ability when a servant came to meet her, holding a note in her hand

" Good morning ma'am, sorry to disturb you but the elders sent for you " the maid bowed down and said to alicia

" The elders are here? " Alicia asked

" Yes they are, here what they gave to me to give to you " the servant handed the note to alicia who took it from her

" Ita an invitation for a brief emergency meeting in the hall " alicia said as she read the note.   " It's alright. Go tell them I will join them soon, lemme quickly round up what am doing " 

" Ok ma'am " the servant bowed to her and left and Alicia quickly rounded up with the spell she was practicing and went to the hall to go join them

She got there and saw the twelve elders sitting with a frown on their faces and then walked to go greet them

" Greetings great one and welcome " she bowed in front of them

" Greetings Alicia, the most skilled and courageous female warrior of the age. We summoned you here because we have got something really important to discuss with you and would like you honour that " one of the elders spoke

" Who am I to say no to that sir, with all pleasure I will like be part of the discussions of my elders " alicia said humbly and bowed in front of them again, showing her respect 

" That's good, please do have a seat " they said and she sat down to listen to what they have to say

" Well I know it would be strange for you to see us come here because we don't come here that easily but on the other hsnd, I think you just have been expecting us after seeing what is happening in this empire now, knowing how James has turned the whole place into a mess since the dracula left all in the name of what we can't really tell so we are her to question him on what he really wants and it's nice you are part of the meeting " one of the elders out of the twelve said

" Okay my elders, I have heard what you said and I respect you for coming at this point in time when our empire needs help because James is currently out of control and no one here can stop him because of the power he sucked from trh dracula which made him much stronger than he was and even gave him much loyal armies that are ready to die for him. Believe me when I tell you that I have tried talking some sense into him but as stubborn as he is, he wouldn't listen to me so I appreciate your idea of coming here to talk to him yourselves and I tell it would all end up well " alicia respectfully said to them

" We appreciate your loyalty alicia, and we have already invited him to come join us here so hold tight as he comes in some minutes time " another elder said

" Okay sir " Alicia replied as they all waited for James. James later showed up, dressed with royal attire and being followed by his giant soldiers 

" You may leave now " he said to soldiers and they bowed and left.   " My elders, it's a pleasure to see you all here after the coronation which was a disaster. I greet you all " James bowed in front of them in response

" the pleasure if ours James " one of the elders replied and James raised up and had a seat

" So what brought you guys here today, I'm guessing what ever it is might be a surprise to us all " James asked with a smile on his face as the 12 elders all stared at him

" It was you who brought us here " one of the elders said

" What ? Me ? " James asked

" Yes, you James " the elders replied uniformly 

" Okay.. hope there's no problem ? " He asked them

" Actually there might be. We got the news of how you turned this place into chaos since the failed coronation of dracula which we all have no clue of where he went to and that's why we are here as the elders of all vampire empires. So can you tell us what the problem is and why you have been causing chaos here ? " The elder asked while James looks at them 

" I'm fighting for my right to have the seat aa the next dracula in this empire " James said confidently to them

" And what gave you the mindset that the seat was for you ? " An elder asked.

" Because I can feel it. The gods rejected the dracula just to show me favour " James replied

" I don't think that set is actually meant for you James and That's why we want you to be very sure James you won't make a mistake "

" I have never been this sure in my entire life and the throne is mine which means, unless am giving a fair chance, there wil be no peace in this empire " James said boldly while they watched him...
