
[18] Flushing Girl

Once they reached the city gates, Luke continued to admire the front view for quite some time. As it was his first time seeing a dungeon, he couldn't help but stare at it without blinking.

Cassandra didn't try to do anything to interfere with his silent time after noticing how seriously he was looking at the Dungeon.

So, she just stayed quiet and waited patiently for his next orders.

Meanwhile, she utilized her spiritual sense and spread it around the area, covering 200 metres easily for her young master's safety, and also as a signal.

Since Luke was the one who wanted to come here, she also had to accompany him as a protector.

So, it was her foremost obligation to make sure that nothing bad happened to him while he was with her.

However, in a few minutes, an unfamiliar spiritual sense passed through the area and especially scanned them for some reason.

Luke and Cassandra immediately felt it.

The former one got ready for battle while the latter one merely had an obvious look to realize that it only took a few minutes for city guards to locate them.

Ah, right... It's the stupid guard.

Scared the crap out of me there for no particular reason... Bloody hell...

Gaining his calm composure, he signalled Cassandra to take care of the situation, "Go, check it out if he has something serious to tell, if there is nothing worth mentioning, then don't forget to bring something to eat."

Cassandra nodded obediently as she said, "Yes, Young Master!"

After that, she disappeared.

Luke noticed that she used <Teleportation> just now and resolved to learn it himself upon returning.

But it consumes too much Mana, and it can only teleport to a place within the range of my spiritual sense...

However, that's not a problem for me... The limit of spiritual sense can always be upgraded and Mana consumption isn't an issue right now...

That said, Teleportation can only be used by the third-star magicians...

Cassandra must have broken through to the 4th star with my help earlier, or else why would she use such a Mana-taxing spell casually... Hmm, maybe she hasn't... I'm sure I'd have noticed it otherwise... I'll just ask her later.

Luke contemplated in his mind and resumed to marvel at the malevolent dungeon in front of his gaze.

As the sun hung directly above him, he leaned against the wall, savouring the view and the fresh breeze, knowing there was still plenty of time before nightfall.

In just a few minutes, Cassandra returned, bringing fried meat with her. "Master!"

"Hmm?" he hummed.

Unlike her usual self, she kneeled this time and spoke between silent deep breaths. "Guard said there was a sudden drop in the Mana signals from the Dungeon... So it might open soon enough."

Luke turned to look at her and said calmly, "I see."

Although Cassandra appeared normal, Luke noticed she was faking it after observing her still-wet temples and cheeks from sweat.

Tired, huh?

As she came back so fast, it suggested one simple thing: she had utilized the <Teleportation> spell multiple times.

Thus, the load she bore after that was too exhausting and led to her current state.

She is just fulfilling her duty... That's all.

Still, I can't let her stay like this, I'm not that cold-hearted...

Next, he chuckled and said in a teasing tone, "Dear aunt, try to hide it properly next time."

Then, he came beside her and touched her cheeks with both hands as he added, "Alright?"

Listening to him and being touched like that, Cassandra felt both surprised and embarrassed.

Cassandra: D-Do I reek? No... I even used multiple clean spells on me!

She didn't know what to say to her young lord since she was unaware of what he was talking about. However, the reason became apparent the next moment when...

Surprisingly, when Luke released his hands from her cheek and she tried to stand up; she couldn't muster her strength.

Cassandra: h-huh?

That's when she realized what caused him to behave like that.

Cassandra: I... I messed up... In a hurry, I spent too much Mana... I can't stand up now... What would I do if someone attacked young master now? Ahh...

Frustrated, she didn't say a word and continued to stay quiet, unable to look at Luke for such failure until his voice shook her trance mind.

"Aunt... You worry too much, you know?" he said with a cheeky smile on his complexion.

Then, without saying a word, he grabbed her waist softly and carried her to his previous spot. "Stay here and replenish your Mana with this," he said while handing over his High-grade Mana stone.

There isn't much Mana left in it anyway... Might as well just give it to her.

Once she saw what Luke had given to her, Cassandra's eyes widened and she immediately tried to refuse, "Young Master, this is your's, I possibly can't..."

However, she instantly shut up when Luke began to speak whilst gazing deep into her blue eyes, "Aunt, use it."

"O-okay," she replied before she meekly nodded.

Luke smiled, patted her head and said while still looking into his eyes, "Good girl."

*Thump* *Thump*

Cassandra: No... My heart is beating so fast! Why I'm feeling so weird? Is this love? I don't know...

Luke took the food from her and leaned against the parapet wall to eat. Despite the temptation to engage with her again, he resisted and focused on satisfying his hunger.

He had spent the morning engrossed in reading books in the library and hadn't had the chance to eat anything until now. Simply drinking a litre of Mana-rich tea wouldn't satisfy his appetite.

At the 2nd Star realm, hunger didn't affect the Magician, but for Luke, who had just awakened his 2nd Star, his physique naturally craved to recover some stamina.

Meanwhile, Cassandra closed her eyes, holding his High-grade Mana stone in her hand, and continued to absorb Mana into her Mana Chamber. It was quite easy to absorb Mana directly from stones, so in just a few minutes, she had already recovered 1/4th of her Mana.

However, her progress would have been even faster if not for Luke, who continued to stuff food into her mouth between her absorption sessions, causing Cassandra's face to flush every single time.

Yet, a few moments later.


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