
lunox life chapter 2

Lunox was very excited to go outside the castle And every year there is a festival happening in the small village. She was very excited. to go out of the castle and as she arrived in the small village she saw them preparing and she saw herself in the decorations. The people in the village knew that Lunox was gonna come that year. So they celebrated her birthday that day was all about her. she was so happy she played some games and other stuff in the festival that day was her most happies day. She can't wait to come back in the village again next year. many years have passed lunox is now 26

but that day was not as she expected..

Her parents were in battle the maids and butlers said they will come back in a few days so she waited and waited and waited and she had a feeling that she should go there but it was too dangerous the butler said you go princess but she ran as fast as she could and got out succesfully but she has to pass the royale guards so she had to disguis herself as a normal villager who just come to visit as she was passing the royale guards quickly saw that it was princess Lunox. they asked princess what are you doing outside the palace then a butler shouted get princess lunox dont let her escape!! Lunox ran away as fast as she could trough the forest. In the forest she got lost and heard sounds that are very creepy then one of the monster it was a snake and it asked her where are you going princessss? you should not wonder off in a place like thisssss the monster said i-im looking for my mom and dad lunox said as the monster said princesss you cannot go to war its too dangerous but i have to help them! she said the snake finally agreed to tell her where they are go staright to the forest and after you go to the lake of sirent go left and never look at the water so lunox followed the snakes orders. In the lake of sirent she heard voices of little children and girl but she cant look no mstter what so she passed the lake of sirent a mermaid asked her where are you going but lunox did not answer because she cant look at any of them no matter what she was relief that she passed the lake of sirent as she was getting closer to the place where the war is she heard the people and monsters fighting and shouting. And she saw her parents in the battle.. in blood she knew she had to help them but dont know what she can do to help then she had remembered what her mom thought her to never be selfish for your life.

and lunox quickly bursted in the battle field and used all her straight to get all of their attention and she used all her straight to stop the war.... then a big orb appeard and glow as darkness dissapeard and lunox was now in a deep sleep.. (very sorry if its bad ) stay tuned for chapter 3