
Evil Plot

There was once a great battle on the Land of Dawn caused by an evil necromancer. Two heavenly messenger were sent to eradicate resurrected souls used by the evil necromancer to dominate the land. "Holy Healing!!! ". Rafaela, who's wearing a divine necklace, used her healing powers to aid the wounded. "Holy Slash!!! ". While Argus and his saint blade engaged on an endless battle against evil. But the strength and willpower of the two messenger were lacking and they soon fell on the hands of the evil necromancer.

"The wicked will soon rise..." A fiendish voice awakened Argus and found himself trapped on a dark realm. Worried, he looked for Rafaela and found the maiden chained across a demonic symbol with troupes of dark mages performing a ritual. Without hesitation, Argus plunge over Rafaela to save her. But before reaching the maiden, dark chains appeared from nowhere and shackled Argus from moving.

"As a token for the help, I will let you witness the birth of our King!!! ". The fiendish voice proclaimed. As Argus struggle, he can't help realizing that everything was an evil plot of the necromancer to capture a maiden archangel. He was left terrified while watching the misfortune of the helpless Rafaela.

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