
CH 030: Some Political Info

"You see, the Pope isn't just known for her benevolence." Natasha continued :"She's also known as THE strongest woman in the world. The entire reason why the kingdoms and empires allow the Church's Knights to be stationed in them is because they're scared of the Pope. Because not only is she known for her kindness, she's also known for her ruthlessness."

"(So she's... bipolar?)"

"Yeah, I guess. Wait, how do you even know what that word means?"

"(*Sweating* With my Intelligence Stats, it's pretty easy to comprehend what each word means when I hear it in a conversation someone is having.)"

"Well, ain't that convenient. But I can understand, I apparently learned my vocabulary that way too when I was a kid. Anyway, the Pope is kind, but only to those deserving it. To others, they better pray they don't catch her attention or try to go against her.

Also, when someone tries to stop her or the Church of Eventuality from helping the poor and such, there's bound to be a rain of blood. Are you curious about why kingdoms don't stop her and why they're afraid to do so? It's because some kingdoms did try.

And they fell.

Just to her and her only. She didn't even need the assistance of the Church's Knights, she went to the kingdom that was famous for its miserable lifestyle for commoners and destroyed the entire place by herself."

"(Holy shit... one woman against an entire kingdom? Was it a weak one or a strong one?)"

"A strong but corrupt one. It was famous for how miserable the commoners had it there, and famous for how wealthy the nobles were. They would exploit the ordinary people at any given time, and take as much profit as possible. It was paradise for nobles, but a hell for commoners.

The Pope always gives three chances to accept the offer of letting the Church's Knights in. When they refuse after the third time, it's violence. And she proved what she said was true. Because apparently, after the Pope gave them three warnings and they refused, thinking she was bluffing, she went there by herself. With nothing but an axe, and destroyed the entire kingdom in just a few days. After that, everybody knew why was a Berserker on top of being kind."

"(Goddamn, no wonder the nobles don't mess with her. She did that by herself, of course the other countries wouldn't want to mess with someone like that. Especially not when knowing she has an army like the Church's Knights under her.)"

"*Smirking* Right? She's really badass, eh?"

"(*Narrowing eyes* Again, why do you sound smug about it?)"

"Ahem ahem, again, there's no problem with me feeling proud because of my idol."

"(Yeah, yeah, whatever. By the way, Berserker... wasn't that the highest Rank of Axeman Job?)"

"Hm, that's right."

"(If a single person with a Rank-5 Job is capable of destroying an entire kingdom by herself, then I guess I still don't have a clear idea of the power scales.)"

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it eventually."

"(By the way, if a single person with a Rank-5 Job is so strong, wouldn't kingdoms be trying desperately to gather them? Or... I don't know, Rank-5 Job Holders would keep each other in check?)"

"Thilia, how many Rank-5 Job Holders do you think there are?"

"(Uh... I don't know, probably a bunch? Few?)"

"Few. Very few. Just around ten or so of them are known, and they all belong to extremely powerful clans. After all, Jobs are specific to bloodlines mostly. The son of a Baker and a Knight has a 90% chance of being one of them. So someone with a high ranking Job is most likely to come from a powerful family, because that clan's founder had that Job too.

Anyway, long story short, they're few, but extremely powerful. And because they already belong to clans most of the time, the kingdoms can't recruit them because powerful clans have lots of authorities for themselves."

"(Yeah, fair enough. Of course people who can level countries would have a lot of authority.)"

"You get it. Anyway, enough political bullshit, let's talk about good stuff. Food."

"(Hehehehe!)" Grinning, Slathilia looked around excitedly. This was the real reason they had come out, to have fun and relieve his tiredness. Not to talk about politics. Although those were important too, food was a lot more important.

"So what should we eat first?" Walking into the food street, where the smell and amazing aroma of countless delicious foods met his nose. Wherever he looked, there was food, food and food. Snacks of all kinds, sweets and candies, there was everything his skinny fat ass wanted. Truly a paradise.

"(How am I supposed to know?! You're the one who's supposed to teach me about the good stuff!)" He complained excitedly, his tail wagging and slapping her shoulder unconsciously. Natasha smirked, licking her plump lips :"That's true, and you can bet your ass I'm gonna teach you the ropes of one of the most important things in life and the world, food! First off, I'm in the mood for fastfood!"

"(Let's go, I'm starving!)" He was an inch away from jumping up and down. He hadn't eaten his favorite, unhealthy as fuck foods in days! He was starving! The redhead didn't waste anymore time. She immediately started walking quickly. Her Senses Stats must have been over the charts, because she was only following her sense of smell, sniffing the air to let it guide her.

'Damn, girl, you a dog or something?' Slathilia blinked, but wasn't complaining. Just about anything was fine if it was helping him get to his fattening and unhealthy meal sooner. Making her way to where her nose guided her, they entered another street filled with fastfood restaurants.

'*Gasp* It's the basketball people!' Seeing the place filled with mostly black (A/N: NIGG-), Slathilia joked with himself. It wasn't the first time he had seen black men and women in this world, but seeing this place, the fastfood street, filled with black ladies and gentlemen, he couldn't help but bit back a giggle :'Guess the spicy Kool aid chicken wings/nuggets rule is the same in any Multiverse, eh?' He snickered. (A/N: He's NOT racist, alright? He just likes racist jokes, dark jokes, dirty jokes, dad jokes, basically any jokes besides normal jokes lol.)

"Oh wow, this place is filled with people." Natasha said, continuing her quest in search of food. Finally, they entered a restaurant, quite a few people already inside. "Let's see, let's see..." She started looking for an empty table. But Slathilia noticed something strange.

Very few eyes were on them. Until yesterday, wherever they went, all eyes were on them and just about everybody was looking at them. But today, ever since they walked out of their room, he had noticed that barely anybody looked at them. He grew suspicious.

"(Hey, Nat.)" He tapped her shoulder with his tail :"(Something's weird.)"

"Hm? What is?"

"(There's too little attention on us. In the past few days, wherever we went, everybody just gawked at us. But nobody's paying attention to us now. What's happening?)"

"Oh, it's nothing." She chuckled :"It's because of an Illusion Spell I put on us."

"(Hm? Illusion Spell?)"

"Hm, that's right. It's a Spell of Curse Magic. I've put a permanent one that makes it so people won't bother us. After all, being stared at all the time isn't fun. In fact, I've had this Spell on me for a very long time, but it hasn't worked much since you joined me. A baby dragon isn't a usual sight at all, and I hadn't placed this Spell on you, so mine was deactivated somewhat too because it was a low level Spell."

'Ahh, what a way for our beauty and the amazement of the people to not be needed to be narrated every two seconds!'

"(Oooh, I see! Now it makes sense why we haven't gotten so much attention!)"

"That's right. Now that I've placed one on you too, people won't bother us anymore."

"(Glad to hear that. Being stared at so much whenever we went outside felt unpleasant.)"

"Ain't that the truth."

She pulled back a chair, sitting behind an empty table. He jumped down on top of the table. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Natasha's ass, just spilling from the poor chair. 'My god, her ass is so thick it can't even fit on the chair. Those sweet cheeks are just spilling... and look at her tits, they're spilling on the table...'

"And you know, now that I think about it, this can make for some fun situations too." She smirked mischievously. He raised a brow :"(Like what?)" But was surprised by the breast that was pushed against his mouth. "Like this." She bit her lip seductively, her half-lidded eyes adding fuel to the fire she could set in anybody's heart. And crotch.

'Oh... my... lord...' His mind went blank. She really just put her breast, right where her nipple was hiding, against his mouth, beckoning him to suck her huge nipple and push her over the edge like how he had previously done. Right in public too. To say his horniness shot through the roof was underestimating it.

He wouldn't lie, sneaky exposure of women was a big kink of his. And seeing Natasha, the most beautiful, absolutely gorgeous woman he had ever seen, being shameless enough to want him to suck her nipple in public, made him so horny he felt his overgrown, undeveloped dick hiding behind his scales twitch.

He could feel the heat all the way to his horns. If not for his scales, the redheaded bombshell would easily notice his intense blush. His tongue felt disobedient. It took everything in him to not play around with the huge tit in his face, about to enter his mouth.

"(You want me to lick your nipple here? In public, with so many people around?)" He looked up to see her seductive smile stretch :"Isn't that the best part? To do it here, when anybody can see but nobody is able to notice and see?" For the first time in his new life, Slathilia felt his dick do more than just twitch, and actually harden a bit. She was making him so horny his body was forcibly maturing.

"Don't worry, the Illusion Spell I've caused isn't a permanent one, but one that I'm supporting. I can empower it to the point we'd be invisible. Nobody will see us, nobody will hear us, and nobody will sense us." She licked her plump lips, before lowering herself to his ears :"But be careful. If you make me feel too good, I might lose focus, then I won't be able to support the Illusion Spell, and we'll be found out~."


He grew hard. He felt it under his scales, the hardness that was pushing against his obsidian scales, making him worry that it was going to break out with force, shattering his impossibly tough scales. But by some miracle, it was contained. He could instinctively feel it, unlike his human form, he could unleash it from its cage.

But as much as he wanted to free his member. Let it enjoy the gorgeous slut, he held back. Greatness needed patience. And he needed the perfect moment where it could be properly attended to when it was released. And for now, he had something else to attend to.

"Hmn! Mmm, fuck..." Hesitating no longer, his mouth latched onto where her nipple was hiding, causing Natasha to bite back a moan. Her face flushed and her breathing picked up, her hand moving to cover her mouth from making any weird sounds.

His tongue, long and bumpy, scraped against her shirt, teasing the hiding beauty. The redhead bit her lip, the unfamiliar sensation already beginning to feel amazing. He lightly nibbled, causing her to twitch. But with the clothes in the way, both of them grew annoyed. Slathilia with how he couldn't properly taste her breast, and Natasha with how she couldn't enjoy the real stimulation.

With the place bustling with people who were completely ignoring them, as if they didn't even exist, Natasha, biting her rosy lip, brought up her black shirt and exposed her bra clad breasts in the crowded place. Her face grew into an even brighter shade of red, all the way to her ears, as she grabbed her black bra and pulled it down, letting the massive balls of flesh and hope bounce around before resting on top of the table and in front of Slathilia.

'Oh, my god...' He thought, his heart beat through the roof.

(A/N: Next chapter, short smut!)

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