This is my entry for the trick or treat Filipino challenge! Hope you enjoy
After school we went home. When our father left to go to work, we went up to Heath's room in the attic. We then snuck out through the window. I then said to Heath "Didn't you hear about the dead bodies?" Heath shook his head and said "Is that why we're going into the forest?" I then nodded my head and said to him "stay close to me. I don't want to lose my best friend and little brother tonight."
Heath nodded at me and we went off the path. I then hear familiar voices. I then whisper "Heath hide behind that bush" Then when he was hidden, I saw my father and he yelled "cease fire that's my daughter. hold fire! Daughter what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in bed! Is it just you out here or is young Heath out here too?"
I nodded and said to my father "It's just me out here no one else." Then my father took me home. Two hours later I go back into the forest and I go to where Heath was hiding. I spot him lying on the ground unconscious and he is also scratched up. I lift him up and carry him to his room. I set him onto the bed. I watch him and then I see one of his scratches disappear. He wakes up and I say "hey, what happened? I saw you had scratches on your arm." Heath replied to my question saying "Something attacked me. I don't know what it was that attacked me though. My back was turned. I was so scared Panda!"
I hug him and say "Let's go to Nyra's office and let her examine the scratches so she can tell us what it was that attacked you." (I work at the hospital with doctor Nyra.) Sunday morning we left bright and early to go to the hospital. We get to her office and I tell her about last night. Then I say "Nyra. Do you know what scratched my brother, Heath?" The doctor then examined the scratch. She then told us about lycanthropes. Then she said "You Heath have been scratched by an alpha meaning you have become a werewolf."
I then asked her how she knew all this. Nyra shrugged at me and said "I've studied the supernatural for a long time before becoming a doctor." Then we left. The next day we went to archery practice. I hit the target many times while Heath had a hard time aiming at the target. Heath then ran out. I then chased after him. We stopped in his room. I say in a soothing voice "What's wrong Heath? I am here for you Heath!" Heath looks at me and says to me "Leave me alone. I don't want to hurt you Panda so please leave me alone!"
I look into his eyes and tell him "No. I am not leaving you I don't care if you scratch me. You're still my little brother and I refuse to think you're a monster." I slowly walk towards him. He scratches me then jumps out of the window. Then two days later, He went to his girlfriend's house.(Her name is Flame.) Two hours later he calls me and says "her brother is the werewolf hunter. Can you please come?" I come up with a plan to get inside of the house. I say to Heath "Tell mother to order pizza. I'll be there soon!" I then hung up on him.
I then sneak into Pizza Hut and get a uniform I then sneak into the kitchen and steal a pizza box with a cheese pizza inside. Then I go back to our house sneak in through the attic window and put on the uniform. Then I grab the pizza and ride my bike to Flame's house. I knock on the door Flame's mother opens the door. Heath exclaims "Panda! I did not know you were working today. Flame this is my older sister." I shake hands with Flame's mother. She says "come in and stay for dinner!" I then go inside. After dinner Flame's brother goes upstairs.
I go upstairs, that's when I get trapped. Trapped in a fire. I start to get surrounded but then I run down to where Flame's mother is. I carry her to a window. I set her down and break the window, Then I throw her into a pond. I turn around and go upstairs to make sure no one else is inside the house. But then my vision starts to blur, but I hear Heath's voice. Then my vision darkened. When I wake up, I am in the forest. Heath is watching over me. Heath then says to me "Panda, you died and came back. You became what looked like a dark colored werewolf. You jumped out of a window."
I remember what I read about what Heath saw happening. Then I put two and two together. "I'm now a hellhound! A hellhound is similar to a werewolf only to become one you have to die peacefully in a fire. I know I did not die peacefully, so how am I a hellhound wait you scratched me remember. So that means you changed me." I say to Heath. Thinking back to the fire. I was upstairs, surrounded by fire, I was with her mom when I blacked out… "WAIT!!! Is she okay???" I asked, he replied with a nod, and said "You saved her when you became a hellhound. She is in the hospital, you know, the one that you work at? You left her in front of the place, before you umm ran into the forest...