
The Start

"There are 8 deadly reapers under Elanor clan. 3 of them are ladies and 5 are men. We were able to identify them but still now no one saw them in bare face. When they have a transaction or they kill they have a mask . And we can't be able to make the students in elite school as carrier of drugs in easy way. "


"Simply they were scattered. Each reaper has a designated school to protect. It looks like Elanor already knows what will happen."

"Then we have to kill them one by one. So that we can enter the school. How about their names?"

"Their names are hidden under the moon."


"The only information I got was their underground names."


"They are well knowned killer. The twins. Phobos and Demos. Phobos is a lady and Demos is a guy. They are known in a playful killing. First time they killed a victim when they were 7 Phobos deceive the target and Demos playfully kill the target like he doesn't care. "

"Triton he is known as the direction the first time he fly a chopper when he was 6 and drive with Elanor to a transaction in 7 years old and they can't chased by other clan who want to kill them."

"The hacker Oberon he tried to hack the U.S. navy and air force system in the age of 6 and well known hacker in the under world in the age of 10."

"Rhea she is known as the thief in transaction. She can get things even information by her own. She was assigned by Elanor in the age of 11 in a transaction."

"Luna the killer. Well all of them are killer but Luna protect Elanor with a bow and arrow in age 4. Se is the youngest killer in under world. And know in silent killing. She attack silently."

"Charon. Elanor assigned him in the age of 8 to kill the target in a transaction with a sniper. He's good in all types of guns."

"Ganymede a guy. There is not much information about him. But surprisingly as a reaper he has not been killed since then."

They are all interesting.

"They are trained reapers since they were born. All of them except Ganymede killed a target at a young age. Mercy is not in their vocabulary. And so hard to find. Even some organization seek for their identity for years. Some clans also want to transact money just for their identity. Interesting. But we will be on top after we get that from them and drag the Elanor clan down. Where place do you want to start? "

"We're going to a mountain."

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.