
Luna's restlessness

 It was a beautiful night, the evening blue seemed adorned with millions of stars. The moonlight looks bright, beautiful, and charming. But the beauty of this night did not captivate the heart and made the unrest in Luna's heart fade. The nineteen-year-old beautiful girl remained within her courtyard and a blank look in her eyes. He lamented his fate to be betrothed to someone he had never met before. Luna is the only daughter of Mr. Laurent and Mrs. Debora, they live in a village called Wilts village. His parents were one of the most respected and noble people in the village. This story takes place several decades ago in a country in Europe.

"Luna, what are you doing in the room?" his mother shouted.

However, no reply was heard from the princess's room.

"Luna," the mother called again.

Mrs. Deborah immediately opened the door to her beloved daughter's room and found her daughter looking gloomy out the window.

"Honey, what are you thinking? Is there anything bothering you?" the mother asked.

"Of course ma'am, I'm still very young and don't know love. But I'm required to marry someone I don't know," Luna answered.

"Honey, forgive us. This marriage was determined by your grandfather shortly after your birth," Mrs. Deborah said.

"Can't Mom and Dad help me by canceling this wedding?" Luna aloud asked.

Sorry dear, maybe you think this is not fair. But we can refuse as well as the extended family of your father will not approve of the annulment of your marriage. This is a tradition and we have to keep our promise," the mother said.

Luna could only take a deep breath and squeeze the clothes she was wearing.

"Mother, am I not your biological child? Luna is not the child of another relative or family right? Then why should you be afraid to cancel this marriage?" Luna urged again.

One day you will get an answer to your question. Sorry dear, I can't do anything yet," her mother said.

The middle-aged woman then left Luna's room with a sad face. He couldn't bear to see the scars on Luna's face. As a mother, she understands the turmoil in her daughter's heart and this is certainly not fair to Luna. She tries to convey her daughter's feelings to her husband.

"Husband, your little daughter is worried and she looks confused," said Mrs. Debora when she met her husband in the living room.

"What made him feel that way?" Mr. Laurent asked.

"Of course, the marriage that has been promised by your father to Mr. Christ's family."

"Besides, are there any other problems?" the husband again asked.

Mrs. Deborah just shook her head without saying a word. Then she left her husband who was sitting on a chair while enjoying a cup of coffee that was served in front of him.

After the coffee he was enjoying was finished, Mr. Laurent followed his favorite daughter.

"Luna," the father called.

"Yes," Luna answered.

"May I come in?" Mr. Laurent asked.

"Please father," Luna shouted.

Mr. Laurent opened the door to his daughter's room.

"Father's favorite daughter, why do you often lock yourself in this room?" the father asked.

The long-haired girl just shook her head and lowered her head.

"Is it your marriage to Marck that bothered you?" the father asked.

"Father and mother must have known, right? Because I was gloomy and locked myself away? But why do you keep letting this happen?" Luna asked.

"Honey, this is a tradition that our family has lived, I make sure the man is from a good family," the father said.

Luna was silent, talking was useless because there was still no solution to solve the problem.

"Luna, Marck is the man of your grandfather's choice. He comes from a rich and noble family, their family is also respected in the city," the father said againd.

"Dad, I don't want to get married yet. I still want to enjoy my youth," Luna said.

"Honey, you can spend young time with your husband," the father said, while holding her daughter's shoulder.

To avoid arguing with his daughter, Mr. Laurent immediately left the room.

Luna tries to find a way to thwart the marriage she doesn't want.

This time he tried to ask Alice, his close friend, for help. He wanted his friend to find information about the Marck family in the town of Baren.

By riding his favorite horse which he named Charlie to Alice's house.

Knock knock knock sounded at Alice's house.

"Luna, are you visiting at this time of night? It's too bad," Alice said.

"Yes Alice, I need your help," Luna said breathlessly.

"What help? Let's go in first," said Luna.

The two of them walked slowly towards the living room at Alice's house.

"Al, you want to help me find info about Marck," Luna asked.

"How is it Luna?" she asked.

"Here I give you a piece of paper containing the address where Marck lives in Baren city," said Luna, handing a piece of paper.

"Honestly, I still hesitate to do it myself," Alice said.

"Help me this time Alice, I beg you," pleaded Luna.

Seeing the sincere request of her best friend, Alice was powerless to refuse.

"What should I do there?" she asked.

"You find out about the Marck family because I have a bad feeling about their family," said Luna.

"Then?" she asked.

"That's all Al," Luna said.

"Okay, I'll help you. When should I leave for the city?" she asked.

"Tomorrow morning, can you do it?" Luna said.

"All right," Alice agreed.

Luna also gave a bag of money and some gold bars for Alice. He knows to go to the city the money he has is not enough. Alice is Luna's friend from childhood whose life is very simple. Both of his parents work as vegetable and fruit farmers.

"This is for your provisions while in town," said Luna, handing her the bag she was carrying.

Alice raised her right hand to accept the bag Luna had given her. Actually, in Alice's heart, it was hard to accept the bag, if she had enough money she would not want to accept the bag Luna gave her considering that Luna had been very good to her and her family.

"I make sure this provision is enough for your trip and your life while there," Luna said.

"Okay Lun, but this isn't putting my life in danger right?" she asked.

"I'm sure not, you just need to find out from people around you," Luna said.

"Okay, I'm leaving tomorrow morning," Alice said.

Finally, Luna could breathe a sigh of relief because her best friend wanted to help her.

"Okay Lun, you go home because it's late. I'm afraid Charlie can't see the road," Alice said.

"Okay Al, I'm going home. Are your father and mother here?" Luna said.

"They're resting," his friend replied.

Hearing the answer from her best friend, Luna rushed home. He returned to ride his favorite horse to his house. 

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