
Visit of a Village

In dark nights there are wandering creatures who need food so,everybody protect themself by staying inside.

so,This is the story my grandma told in my childhood.Raina told her friend while burning candle in drakNight.

Her friends were with her in hostel room talking about super natural things .Anna ,Jenna and jeremey was her friends.Raina came out from her room Hey guys what are you doing here we decide to visit my village .Jeremey said yes i was asking but they(while pointing anna and Jenna) were terrified.Because last night you told them scary stories so they don't want to go . Raina said, guys don't be afraid I'm with you don't be afraid .I have to go their to get some answers (Her grandma told her a about a secret room which was in her old house ) .

Anna said,don't you think we should bring Qiyan with us .He is very brave and we will be safe with him .what do you think Raina .

Ammm! ok If you are saying than ok (while rolling her hair and politely smile and looked down) .

As per schedule they have to meet outside the house of Anna .so,Where is the car ? Anna said Qiyan said he will bring it .Here he is Raina said . hop on guys Qiyan said .They gather up and get on the car.

So,Finally they reached Raina village .

Raina said ! here is my house everybody choose your rooms (while clapping)

Jeremey said Raina do you think this is house its a mension.

A loud shout ( Everybody ran towards the way they heard shout) .look its Jenna !What happened ?

Look on the wall .

Don't sleep at Night here..

Its so scary Anna said .